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Welcome to was started over 10 years ago by US Navy and Vietnam Veteran Murry Broach.In his Memory this site is lovingly dedicated.  


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Good Morning,

My name is Allison Jessup and I live in Western Ky. I am currently trying to find out how many veterans are aware that they may qualify for in home health care. This obviously doesn't apply to everyone, but what I am finding is that there are lots of veterans out there with medical conditions that have them homebound and one step from a nursing home. How can I get information to these families who wish to keep their veteran out of said nursing home that there are veteran programs that will provide in home skilled nursing care and in home respite relief (for the person who takes care of them), that the veteran administration will pay for. I feel like so many veterans are unaware that they have these options. Any information will help. Thanks guys for the info in advance but most of all thank you for your service for keeping me and my kiddos safe and protecting a country that I love.