Good morning! My name is Kaitlyn, and I'm a student at College of the Ozarks in Branson, Missouri. I'm currently enrolled in a Vietnam history course where we examine, in depth, the war in Vietnam and it's impact both abroad and here at home. One of our assignments is to interview a Vietnam veteran over their experiences during their service. Anyone can reply!
Also: I know that we, as a nation, failed to give you the recognition you all deserved when you returned home. I would like to personally thank you all for your service. Sincerely.
(you can answer any or all)
Tour of Duty
1. How old were you when you served in Vietnam?
2. Were you drafted or did you enlist?
3. Tell me about your boot camp/training experience?
4. Did you feel prepared for what you were about to face?
5. What are some of the most memorable experiences/places/battles you encountered?
6. Were you a POW? Did you know anyone that was a POW?
7. What sort of little details stick out in your mind the most?
8. How did you keep in touch with your family?
9. What was a typical day like?
10. Did you have any special "good luck" rituals?
11. What did you and others do to lighten the mood?
12. Did you have any idea the impact the war was having here at home?
13. Did you serve with any African American soldiers? What kind of reactions did African American soldiers receive?
14. Did you know how much of an issue Civil Rights was becoming in the United States?
15. When you returned home, what kind of reception did you receive?
16. When you returned home, how had things changed?
These are just some guideline questions. Please feel free to add any information you feel needs to be mentioned. Tell me your story.