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Welcome to was started over 10 years ago by US Navy and Vietnam Veteran Murry Broach.In his Memory this site is lovingly dedicated.  


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Doing OK in general, allthough currently being "under the weather". Not online nearly as much as I once used to be. Until today, I had not even looked at my computer for 14 days straight. Certainly different from how things were in "the early days" of the board.........

Read your post further down.... Regarding "searches". Well, here is the thing about that part. For the last few years, I have responded to some posts requesting assistance, but after that, I received no respons at all. Nothing. Not even a "got the info", or further answers to some additional detail I needed to get a better chance to retain a better and more narrowed down searchresult. I mean, what is with that??? So, after a few years of That, I have to confess I just "gave it up" so to say. On few and far between occations nowdays, some friends (Veterans) I have come to know over the years on various boards, contacts me with some request they have seen "somewhere online" (often unit-groups on FB), and then I of course do respond. (As late as of this very day actually, I responded to such a message, from a friend of the 199th LIB "Redcatcher"). But that is pretty much the extent of my "person-searches" nowdays. Still keeping all my topographical maps saved, from NVN, SVN, Korean peninsula, Afghanistan and Iraq (with bordering areas). Every now and then, I share them with Veterans online. Same also goes with info from an indeed extensive so called "After Action Report"-websource. So I have not given up that "maps and info"-part though.

When we first met in person, when I visited you and Jinks and young mr M, my daughter was yet only a few months from to be born. Yesterday, she "graduaded" from our version of "Highschool" (eq. of US 10th grade), and is this upcoming August to begin her 3 year long period at what over here is called "gymnasium", which is eq. to the 11th to 13th grade US highschool. Imagen that! Time certainly seems to have moved fast, when looking in the rear mirror......

Otherwise, things are more or less "same o'l same o'l" privatly. Buying and consuming whisky like a fish, and still "dip" under my lip, (unless I am eating or sleeping that is).

I hope all and everyone and Everything is well on yours and Jinks end. T G C!
