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2008 Veterans Budget I think it was written by Laural and Hardy because its a JOKE!

Interesting items on this Budget.

Provides an increase in Copays and Prescriptions and to increase enrollment fees from $250 to $750, In which, Nicholson in his recent press release Totally Failed to Mention. Why not, I already smell a RAT and his initials are GWB!!

Now keep in mind that $750 enrollment fee and the Copay and drug increases is in the Budget as an "EXPECTED" collection, So when Congress Denies that increase as they have done in the past,, the Budget will be behind that much from the get Go. Then the VA will have to Shave off of Hospital Construction, or Research or some other department to make up the difference. And the same old song and dance of going before Congress and BEGGING for funding because of PI$$ poor planning!

The guys that are really getting SCREWED here is the Estimated 263,000 Iraqi and Afghan. Vets. The increases proposed in my opinion amount to nothing less than taking from one group of Vets to pay another Group.

This Idiot Nicholson finishes his press release with the following Statement:
"This landmark budget will allow us to expand the three core missions of the VA -- those being to provide world-class health care; broad, fair and timely benefits; and dignified burials in shrine-like settings for our nation's veterans," Nicholson said. Screw the Hospitals! Build more Cemeteries!

You be the Judge! I have written my lists of Vet Groups to start writing there Congressmen and Senators to express their feelings on it.

As far as Nicholson is concerned, he's nothing more than a Bush Lap Dog with his head so far up Bushes A$$ that he will never see Daylight not to mention Reality!
