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Welcome to was started over 10 years ago by US Navy and Vietnam Veteran Murry Broach.In his Memory this site is lovingly dedicated.  


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Picture of RA, someone mentioned him the other day

1999 Revisited

RA was a very good man and Friend

Back in 1999 he told me that I needed to build an Art site. He told me that all the board members would enjoy it and it was something that I needed to do. The problem was I knew absolutely nothing about it and had no clue. He said no problem I'll be happy to show you how. He Organized an HTML template and signed me up for one of those Geocities sites.

I had the template, I had the site but still had no clue on how to do it. I probably emailed him for help 50 times the first week. He answered my questions but made it plane and clear that it was my site and he wasn't going to construct it for me. I spent many a night pulling my hair out and getting pissed off but after about of two months of try and try again I finally got the basics down. In an email he simply said "See I told you, you could do it"! Thus, the first Artsite was born in 1999 "jinks_234". Out of that site came "The Night Owl" and many tributes and Memorials and other things for the members of this board.

So, in a since I really owe it all to RA. I miss RA and he's one of the reasons along with Murry that I took on the task of the rebirth of Don't know if I can do as fine of a job running it as he did But I'll give it 110%. Anyway, If I screw up along the way IM sure you guys will let me know and I fully expect you to do so.

RAs Sprit will always be in


"The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the blood of our ancestors." (The Vets Board)

Chief Plenty Coups (Crow)

Good job from Murry,RA now Jinky.


Re: Picture of RA, someone mentioned him the other day

JUinks my friend,i think that you can and will do one heck of a job with the board.