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3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Please mark your calendars for Monday, December 4th, from 6:30 to 8 (or until we are asked to leave!) for our 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors. This is an event I have planned with my church friends the past few years. Last year, Missy and Caper, and Yvonne, Amy and Sally were there to help Moli entertain the residents.

There will be caroling, storytelling, trivia questions, and everyone brings some treats. We start off in the living room/reception area where there is a piano, and then move on to the Alzheimers unit. Amy and Sally even brought their guitar.

I was hoping that this year we could perhaps have a segment involving our pets, so if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

I will post updates closer to the date, but please mark your calendars now for this very special event!!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Moorea visits Remington Club every Monday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., but maybe she can swing by The Arbors on the way to meow a verse of "Jingle Bells" with her doggy freinds. We'll try our best.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Thanks, Nancy. It'll be nice to see a good friend that night, but I totally understand if you can't make it.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Well, keep reminding all of us as it gets closer and I'll see what's up. I'd like t attend if at all possible.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Great, Robin!! It would be wonderful if you were there with both Cody and Dana. The residents will love all of you!!

I was wondering if we could add a Hannukah song that we could all sing, or do something in recognition of the holiday. Do you think you could help us out with that? It would be a great addition!!


Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

There's a couple of very easy ones that the folks would know if they are Jewish. Remind me to get them to you as time gets closer.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Do you have piano music too? I could have our pianist practice the songs in advance.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Oh my. I just picked myself up from rolling on the ground . No, I'm afraid I don't have any piano music to it, but I know it's out there somewhere. I'll poke around a bit and see....

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

I sort of know the Dradel song, but doing have the sheet music.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Great idea Kathy. It will get us all in the mood for the Holiday Season and keep us out of the malls. If Nancy and Moorea come, we can reinact for the residents "The cat who stole Christmas" with all the dogs in Who Ville and Moorea stealing all the dogs treats.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Yes, with dogs around, Moorea will be a good character actor for the Grinch!
And Moorea's growling at the dogs could be interpreted as singing - sort of . . .

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Edith & Daffany plan to join the carolers at the Arbors.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Yeah. Kathy, did you see you'll have more carolers with you.

Re: Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Yes, I saw Nancy's message. Yippee!!! Thank you, Edith & Daffney!!!

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Kathy, I've been looking every where for some music sheets with Chanukah songs. Sorry, no luck. I know there's lots out there as we always sang them. Maybe with your computer savvy, you'll be able to find a couple of them online.

Re: Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Thanks for checking, Robin. I will check the internet when I get back from Orange County. I bought a book on Hannukah at Borders which I intend to read at the Arbors. It'll be perfect as a lead in if I find a song!!

Thanks again.

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Heck, if you find any, let ME know

Re: Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Tonight, 7 teams participated in the 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors program. Besides the regular Arbors' teams of Sally, Amy and Yvonne, Berry and Rosemary, Ritzy, Sizzle and Mary, and Moli and I, Caper and Missy, Daphnie and Edith, and Harley and Donna were there to help put the residents in the holiday spirit! We all sang "Jingle Bells" to the accompaniment of Amy on the guitar.

Members of my church and the community also participated.

It really was a lot of fun, and I appreciate all of the teams who participated to make the evening such a success.

The only bad thing is that I wasn't able to get a group shot because I was the emcee, so if anyone else was able to take some pictures, please send them to me.

Thank you again!!!

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Sounds like everyone had a ton of fun. It's so generous of you to coordinate this event, Kathy. Thank you so very much.

A huge thank you to all who participated. I hope there are some great photos to share.

Re: Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

It's the best event I participate in all year!! I don't think there are many pictures because everyone was having too much fun singing!!

I will forward a picture of our Arbors dogs that we are using for a card to give to the residents. They are all so cute!!

Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

You worked so hard on this, Kathy. I'm glad all your efforts paid off. I'm sure the residents were blessed by our LOAL teams and the members of your church. What an awesome gift you gave to The Arbors in addition to your failthful visits each week.

Re: Re: 3rd Annual Caroling at the Arbors

Thanks, Nancy. Know of a good job anywhere???