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San Diego Love on A Leash: Forum
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Thank you and goodbye from Linda Bibbs and "Sasha"

Dear Robin, Nancy, Kathy and Missy
Thank you for the lovely goodbye you gave me and for the beautiful engraved star paperweight. It will occupy a special place in my china cabinet.
4 weeks ago on a friday afternoon I received a call from a pharmacy recruiter that was to change my life. In a couple of weeks I will be starting as the managing pharmacist of the outpatient pharmacy of the Sonora Regional Medical Center, up by Yosemite. It is truly paradise up there. But the most important thing is that I will be near by 85 y.o. dad who just put my mom into an Alzheimers Facility after 5 years of taking care of her alone and 63 years of marriage. It's a tough time for him and my brothers and I want to make his life better. I will be bringing him up to go fishing with me. It will be a totally new world. Everything has happened so fast I really have not had time to process everything, but I will truly miss everyone in LOAL and the people at Casa de las Campanas. I wish you all the very best. Thanks again for everything. Sincerely, Linda Bibbs and "Sasha"

Re: Thank you and goodbye from Linda Bibbs and "Sasha"

Dear Linda,
We miss you a lot! However, we applaud your reasons for moving to be closer to your parents. I believe this time with your Dad will be very precious to both of you.
The Sonora Regional Medical Center is blessed to have you and your talents.
Please give Sasha & her sibling a petting from us.
God bless you,
Nancy, Mike, and Moorea