Wocki's Acorn-Forum
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Add my link?

Can you add my page to your links section?


Re: Add my link?

I'll add it as soon as it get's. Hopefully it gets more alive in the next weeks. It would be nice if you could also add my link at your site.


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Replying to:

Can you add my page to your links section?


Re: Re: Add my link?

I've added it, check it out at http://www.diskimage.co.uk/

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Replying to:

I'll add it as soon as it get's. Hopefully it gets more alive in the next weeks. It would be nice if you could also add my link at your site.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Can you add my page to your links section?


Added your link

Your link is added on my site under Links->Acorn-Emulation. Can you please name my link on your site "Wocki's Acorn-Site" and not Wocki's Acorn-Forum". Thank you.

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Replying to:

I've added it, check it out at http://www.diskimage.co.uk/

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Replying to:

I'll add it as soon as it get's. Hopefully it gets more alive in the next weeks. It would be nice if you could also add my link at your site.


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Replying to:

Can you add my page to your links section?
