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blast from the past

After pottering about in the attic I came across my old Acorn A3010 and software collection. Intrigued by this I decided set it

up. Not sure what would happen after 9 years in storage, flicked the switch the, power light came on

and hey it worked. After playing round for about 5 mins I started to remember just how good this dam thing was. Everything

is just so easy, simple and quick to use. Being a professional developer for over 9 years, using windows/Linux I still consider the design architecture

of the computer and OS to be one of the best ever.

Next step, I have a load of floppy disks that could do with copying onto hard disk.

After looking round on ebay I noticed an A3020 going cheap, won it for 12.00 with hard disk bargain!!

The only problem is now is that I have this 9 year gap of advancements in RISC OS and with it have last track of how

to do some of the simple stuff.

Hopefully some of you out there may be able to answer some questions I have.

1, I have 2Mb of RAM in my A3020 is it possible to upgrade to more memory?

2, Is it possible to upgrade the OS to a later version of RISC OS?

3, Is it possible to network the A3020 to a PC running windows/Linux?

if so how and what do I need?

Thanks in advance


Re: blast from the past

You're right, the computer and the system is one of the best ever. That's why I made this site To your questions:

1. you can upgrade up to 4 MB, but you need special ram modules

2. I think for the A3020 it is not possible to upgrade, only newer ones (but I'm not sure about that).

3. never tried but heard about it, should work.



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Replying to:

After pottering about in the attic I came across my old Acorn A3010 and software collection. Intrigued by this I decided set it

up. Not sure what would happen after 9 years in storage, flicked the switch the, power light came on

and hey it worked. After playing round for about 5 mins I started to remember just how good this dam thing was. Everything

is just so easy, simple and quick to use. Being a professional developer for over 9 years, using windows/Linux I still consider the design architecture

of the computer and OS to be one of the best ever.

Next step, I have a load of floppy disks that could do with copying onto hard disk.

After looking round on ebay I noticed an A3020 going cheap, won it for 12.00 with hard disk bargain!!

The only problem is now is that I have this 9 year gap of advancements in RISC OS and with it have last track of how

to do some of the simple stuff.

Hopefully some of you out there may be able to answer some questions I have.

1, I have 2Mb of RAM in my A3020 is it possible to upgrade to more memory?

2, Is it possible to upgrade the OS to a later version of RISC OS?

3, Is it possible to network the A3020 to a PC running windows/Linux?

if so how and what do I need?

Thanks in advance


Re: blast from the past

hurray for the acorn.revivalteam. I came across this site over the weekend and it revived my interest.

To tell the truth I was getting a bit fed up with iconbar and all its latest machines. You see I still have an A3010 next to me and it's all ready to lay dormant. I have the VA5000 but rarely use it, and a ZipDrive to link both machines together. That's how I pass larger files or quantities from one to the other.

Re: Re: blast from the past

Thanx for your comment! Do you use any special tools to import files via zip-drive to your PC (to keep the types)?

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Replying to:

hurray for the acorn.revivalteam. I came across this site over the weekend and it revived my interest.

To tell the truth I was getting a bit fed up with iconbar and all its latest machines. You see I still have an A3010 next to me and it's all ready to lay dormant. I have the VA5000 but rarely use it, and a ZipDrive to link both machines together. That's how I pass larger files or quantities from one to the other.

Re: Re: Re: blast from the past

On the ZipDiscs I can use ADFS or DOSS for the A3010.

On the PC and AV5000, I can only use DOSS.

If I wont to move a single file from A3010 to PC and AV5000.

I just copy it to disc then take it off on to the PC.

Directories can be done as well, but make sure you don't have two files in it that sound the same. Apps are no good as sprite files tend to over write themselves.

Then use as you wish. Long name files will be shortened,

Apps Directories, I use PackDir then unpack it in AV5000.

Spark files from the Internet (PC), just copy it to disc.

Use as normal on A3010.

I use an app called PowerTec on the A3010, and IomigaZip on the PC. You must load the Zip on PC when starting first, as this will stay on the machine all the time when switching.

PowerTec may wont restarting every time you use it. (Quicker than the PC). Refresh windows if changes are made on the ZipDrive.

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Replying to:

Thanx for your comment! Do you use any special tools to import files via zip-drive to your PC (to keep the types)?

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Replying to:

hurray for the acorn.revivalteam. I came across this site over the weekend and it revived my interest.

To tell the truth I was getting a bit fed up with iconbar and all its latest machines. You see I still have an A3010 next to me and it's all ready to lay dormant. I have the VA5000 but rarely use it, and a ZipDrive to link both machines together. That's how I pass larger files or quantities from one to the other.