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Red Squirrel

Hi people, I'm having trouble unserstanding how to get red squirrel to work, I'm new to the Acorn emulator. I've downloaded some Risc OS 3.1 Roms from http://www.tagew.co.uk/riscos3.zip I put them in the Romsets/Riscos311 folder in red squirrel and it doesn't work it says:

Error: File ':0.!boot' not found

Can anyone please help me?


Re: Red Squirrel

yep, type in 'desktop'

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Replying to:

Hi people, I'm having trouble unserstanding how to get red squirrel to work, I'm new to the Acorn emulator. I've downloaded some Risc OS 3.1 Roms from http://www.tagew.co.uk/riscos3.zip I put them in the Romsets/Riscos311 folder in red squirrel and it doesn't work it says:

Error: File ':0.!boot' not found

Can anyone please help me?


Re: Red Squirrel

Also, you can click on the acorn with the middle button and select Auto Boot. Then drag this to the harddisk. This should make desktop boot automatically if it isn't anyway.