Hi people, I'm having trouble unserstanding how to get red squirrel to work, I'm new to the Acorn emulator. I've downloaded some Risc OS 3.1 Roms from http://www.tagew.co.uk/riscos3.zip I put them in the Romsets/Riscos311 folder in red squirrel and it doesn't work it says:
Hi people, I'm having trouble unserstanding how to get red squirrel to work, I'm new to the Acorn emulator. I've downloaded some Risc OS 3.1 Roms from http://www.tagew.co.uk/riscos3.zip I put them in the Romsets/Riscos311 folder in red squirrel and it doesn't work it says:
Also, you can click on the acorn with the middle button and select Auto Boot. Then drag this to the harddisk. This should make desktop boot automatically if it isn't anyway.