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Desperatly Seeking - Wimp Game

Hello Everyone,

I am new to the emulation scene and have just got my Acorn Emulator up and running. It brings back so meny memories.

I would be very grateful if someone could send me the image/adf file for 'The Wimp Game'. I used to love this game so much.

I would not be breaking any copyright laws as I did purchase this game as part of the Real McCoy 3 bundle. The only problem is it was meny years ago and I cannot find it.

Please e-mail this to me at andrewfarman@hotmail.com.

Meny Thanks

Re: Desperatly Seeking - Wimp Game

I do not own Wimp Game but I'm planning on buying the adventure games collection from APDL which the Wimp Game is included.

As soon as I'll get it (if I don't change my mind) I'll e-mail you. :)