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Power Steering reservoir cap required

A customer is looking for a power steering reservoir cap (short type pot, pic below) on a Cummings engined RML, osd of the rim is 38.3mm.

Can anyone help?

Also, im looking for an RF sump gasket, i have one but its ripped.


Re: Power Steering reservoir cap required

Do you have a friendly DAF dealer nearby? The LEYLAND Freighter 1617 (I think I have the right reg for one as D 688 ELF) used the same PAS reservoir if I recall as did the Bedford TL with PAS. There are two types of dipstick one has a proper stick about 3" long and the other has short length of chain with a tag type marker attached. Neither should be too difficult to modify to the other style. Otherwise it's scrapyards looking for these types of vehicles. Rush Green Motors aren't too far from you. I think the Cummins C RML has the longer solid type.