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Fibreglass Repair

Is anyone able to recommend a Fibreglass Repair company?

My upper deck's emergency exit has a large hole on the inside of it from a previous owner and that i'm finally getting around to resolving that as well as replacing the rubbers.

My bus number (if any): RMF2771

Re: Fibreglass Repair

While on a visit to Hanwell pooped in last week to meet an ex colleague in Brentford. He was an ex LT glassfibre specialist and his son now works for Brentford Fibreglass - formerly Strand Glassfibre.

This shop has almost every type of fibreglass products and sundries imaginable. and several very knowledgable associates.
So repairs from Gell Coat to strengthening are their stock in trade and will know of a good specialist craftsman or supply the right materials for the job.
Located at
Market Square, Brentford.

Should be easy enough to google as I don't know the number off my head.