Thank you for visiting the Routemaster Owner and Operator's Forum (ROOF). Please feel free to use this forum for the mature discussion of any issues of interest and relevance to Routemaster owners. Please do not use this board to publicise your feelings about individuals, National or Local Government or TFL policy. Owners of other London bus types in service during the 1950s, 60s and 70s are also welcome to contribute to this forum.

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bb code

All the previously available facilities for messages are still working and you can see what they are and how they work by clicking the underlined bb code just after - Enter Message: - when you Post to the Forum.

The most useful enable you to make website links clickable and allow you to display images from elsewhere on the Internet.

Make sure you use square brackets, not curved or curly.

But coloured text, bold, underlining and italics can also be shown.

My bus number (if any): RM238, GS17

Re: bb code

Thanks Chris. I had already looked at that but I couldn’t work out which was for pictures. I’ll do a trial with it later. Your instruction on your website was very helpful.

Re: bb code

Thank you David, I've exhumed the following from the old rmoof website!

Putting pictures and web links on the ROOF forum


You can insert pictures in postings on the ROOF forum provided the image is already published somewhere on the internet. You need to insert the following text

{img}url of your picture{/img} but use square brackets!

where “url of your picture” is the full internet address of your picture. Please make sure your picture is no more than 640 pixels wide.

Web links

You can insert a web link using the following text

{url}{/url} but use square brackets!

where “” is the full internet address of your link.

Make sure you type in the square brackets, img or url and forward slash exactly as shown above. Good luck!

My bus number (if any): RM238, GS17