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Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

I am always amazed when the Democrats talk about Trump's temporary travel ban for certain countries. They talk about a Muslim ban - when it is not mentioned in the EO. Also, strange that they focus on Muslims since this ban also includes Christians and other religious groups within those countries - but the press will not acknowledge this since they support Democrats.

Also, when discussing sanctuary cities - the Democrats and press talk about how the Trump policy is against immigrants! They don't distinguish between legal versus illegal immigrants or between illegal versus illegal criminal immigrants. They consider no difference between criminal and non-criminal illegal immigrants! They want to protect both category of illegal immigrants! Wow - talk about delusion and lack of common sense! But this is where the Democratic party is today - protect criminal illegal immigrants!

This should confirm to everyone how corrupt and insane the Democrats and the free press is in this country!

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?


Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Cheer up. Hillary "It's Our Turn" Clinton is back on the trail with a speech yesterday supporting sanctuary cities. No
doubt to the delight of her supporters.

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

The Town Crier
Cheer up. Hillary "It's Our Turn" Clinton is back on the trail with a speech yesterday supporting sanctuary cities. No
doubt to the delight of her supporters.

She is now a loser - and that will be her badge she wears which will remain with her forever - she was a given to win the Presidency - she had all Democrats and the press in her favor - but she was a flawed candidate - corrupt, a liar, and a deceitful. Bring her back and we will not hesitate to remind the public again how dishonest a person she was and is. The Democrats need here like they need an anvil around their neck!

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

How can we miss you when you WON'T GO AWAY! Same with you Obummer

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?


Makes sense to me, Old feller

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

All the stuff you Trumpies are spouting came straight from Putin. As Intelligence experts who have reviewed the evidence are saying at the Senate Hearing, Trump reads and repeats RUSSIAN Propaganda! He doesn't get his info from the US. He gets it from Soviet gray internet sites. Keep yakking and puffing yourselves up. You all are so uninformed and of limited abilities that you just repeat Russian propaganda. Trump is a traitor. If you think the Russians are so great, you should go there. Take Trump with you.

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Putin''s mouthpiece
All the stuff you Trumpies are spouting came straight from Putin. As Intelligence experts who have reviewed the evidence are saying at the Senate Hearing, Trump reads and repeats RUSSIAN Propaganda! He doesn't get his info from the US. He gets it from Soviet gray internet sites. Keep yakking and puffing yourselves up. You all are so uninformed and of limited abilities that you just repeat Russian propaganda. Trump is a traitor. If you think the Russians are so great, you should go there. Take Trump with you.

You sir, and I assume you're a sir by your arrogant tone, are a moron.
Did you hear that on CNN?

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Bandit (more like Smokey): Actually, I got it from the senate hearings, Comey and McMaster. Ever heard of CSPAN? You are projecting. You get your info from Fox and Breitbart, etc. outlets that trumpet (pun intended) Russian propaganda for the likes of the gullible voters like you who are just like Trump, pompous, childish, selfish and incapable of logic. You probably believe that idiot Spicer and Nunes. You couldn't pass a grade school civics quiz. Neither could Trump. But go ahead, ignore the investigation and keep trying to insulting people with fancy words like "moron." Meanwhile Trump and family, Bannon, Manafort, Flynn and the rest are robbing us blind and setting us back 50 years. He is Putin's pawn. And you are still falling for it despite evidence to the contrary from people who have been in Intelligence and the armed forces for a lifetime.

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Putin''s mouthpiece
Bandit (more like Smokey): Actually, I got it from the senate hearings, Comey and McMaster. Ever heard of CSPAN? You are projecting. You get your info from Fox and Breitbart, etc. outlets that trumpet (pun intended) Russian propaganda for the likes of the gullible voters like you who are just like Trump, pompous, childish, selfish and incapable of logic. You probably believe that idiot Spicer and Nunes. You couldn't pass a grade school civics quiz. Neither could Trump. But go ahead, ignore the investigation and keep trying to insulting people with fancy words like "moron." Meanwhile Trump and family, Bannon, Manafort, Flynn and the rest are robbing us blind and setting us back 50 years. He is Putin's pawn. And you are still falling for it despite evidence to the contrary from people who have been in Intelligence and the armed forces for a lifetime.

This guy is an idiot - too much watching the liberal press - which keeps its readers dumb and stupid! I guess when Hillary and the Obama admin did the reset with Russia that was o.k.. I guess when Hillary approved the selling of 20% of the uranium deposits to a Russia company - that was o.k.; I guess when Russia invaded Crimea and Obama did nothing - that was o.k.; when Podesta got $100's of thousands of dollars for his work with Russian companies - that was o.k. You liberals are dumb and stupid and your leaders Schumer and Pelosi show us how stupid they are every day!

Pelosi still thinks Bush is president and Schumer told us back in 2006 that no party should filibuster a Supreme Court justice pic no matter what party is in the White House. Again, stupid Schumer forgot that there is video tape of him saying this - hypocrisy reigns in liberal America!

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Hey Snowflake The Evidence Thats Coming Out Is That Obama Did Have Something To Do With The Wiretaps....You Will See...

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Wicked idiot. He's probably ignoring all the info coming out now that Obama most likely did spy on Trump. Either the left will ignore it or not care. Which is worse?

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Wicked idiot. He's probably ignoring all the info coming out now that Obama most likely did spy on Trump. Either the left will ignore it or not care. Which is worse?

This information should not be shocking since Obama had politicized the justice department and all the intelligence agencies. It will soon come out that the Obama administration spied on the Republicans and all his enemies. Then we will all know that we had a lawless President for 8 years!

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Just keep drinking that Kool Aid Trumpies!! Think the Wall Street Journal is too liberal for you? You have no idea what is going on. Better yet, go invest in some Trump properties. Oh wait, you're not a billionaire or have hundreds of millions? HA. Then you are just one the stupid ordinary people who think Trump is their savior. You are incapable of critical thinking because your big fat egos are getting in the way of seeing the truth. You refuse to be wrong so you deny everything independent people are telling you. You are the ones talking about what beautiful amazing clothes the emperor has on when really he has no clothes!

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Putin''s mouthpiece
Just keep drinking that Kool Aid Trumpies!! Think the Wall Street Journal is too liberal for you? You have no idea what is going on. Better yet, go invest in some Trump properties. Oh wait, you're not a billionaire or have hundreds of millions? HA. Then you are just one the stupid ordinary people who think Trump is their savior. You are incapable of critical thinking because your big fat egos are getting in the way of seeing the truth. You refuse to be wrong so you deny everything independent people are telling you. You are the ones talking about what beautiful amazing clothes the emperor has on when really he has no clothes!

Wow....the above dribble is just too much to read! Just to increase your knowledge a tad bit - since you all live in the alternative universe of liberalism....the silent majority of working class got trump elected - not the elite press or the delusional liberals who want to protect the criminal illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities - you liberals are truly sick people!

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Dribble? Really? Are you sure you don't mean drivel? [:-|]

Re: Knock, Knock, Can We Come In ?

Dribble? Really? Are you sure you don't mean drivel? [:-|]

Yes....dribble or drivel - take your pick!

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