Melrose Cares: Open Community Dialogue

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Re: Melrose Gets What it Deserves

Apparently the message board is doing the job it's supposed to be doing. That's the freedom of speech.

Re: Melrose Gets What it Deserves

This is the first time that I've heard of someone wanting to pay property taxes on the price that they would list their home for. The Market goes up and down so its not a stable figure. For example, the housing market went down nationally 6% in December, for no apparent reason. Property taxes can't move around like that and make sense. It's customary to tax on the assessed value because although the number may lag behind, it needs to be stable. It can go the other way too. You can sell for less than your assessed value but the buyer isn't going to pay lower taxes. Think about all those $1interfamily transfers.

To use a site like Zillow or Redfin? These are estimates that a commercial site is giving in order to further their business aims.

If you want to send city hall the amount of money you'd pay if your home was assessed what you would list it for, if it's more that your normal taxes, they should happily oblige you.

Re: Melrose Gets What it Deserves

The reason you don't see many administration supporters posting here is because every time they do try to pass on the administration's propaganda, they are totally and thoroughly debunked with facts they can't dispute.

The administration is scared to death of this site, both now, and in it's prior incarnation. Why else do you think Dolan banned access to it, a practice that continues to this day?

This is the only place where voters can get even a portion of the truth. They certainly can't get it from city officials, who continue to mislead, obfuscate, and outright lie about all things fiscal. Melrose is a house of cards. The sooner that house of cards collapses, the sooner we can get a mulligan and fix the mess we've allowed to happen.

Re: Melrose Gets What it Deserves

I think it’s April 2 2019.
It’s all smoke and mirrors so just put on the mask and breathe deep into the illusion.
Wake up and vote No!

Re: Melrose Gets What it Deserves

It is big dark secret, just the way they want it.

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