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Trustworthy Medeiros

Monica Medeiros is the only mature, fair-minded voice among the mayoral candidates. The rest all play politics, constantly. Though Alderman Medeiros has an R next to her name, she has never approached local governance as a partisan matter and in fact has always represented what she believes to be in the best interests of all Melrose residents. Though my family would never vote for a Republican under normal circumstances, things in Melrose are topsy-turvy and inside-out, where the Dem politicians in fact behave like the Trumpians and vice versa. (We were sad to see the departure of Don Conn and already regret the loss of Scott Forbes for similar reasons; they were and are fair-minded, common-sense representatives with integrity and genuine caring for their community, unlike the "raise the finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing" game-playing, fact-averse pols that are the norm for the local Dem party.)

Sure, taking one issue from the recent "forum," it is trendy to say that Melrose needs more liquor options (but don't suggest package stores because those are "so Malden"). Medeiros gave a thoughtful answer when asked about this--that she would need to open up the matter for the community, not just an imperious mayor, to decide; this is an excellent answer and completely in opposition to all the rest eager to capture the "let's have brew pubs in Melrose" crowd. (Note: I'm not opposed to brew pubs or craft beer in Melrose!) We should all appreciate Ms. Medeiros' well-considered respect for the general good of the community, and her wisely restrained view of executive power.

The Melrose Dems, on the other side, were gung-ho about their former and present chief executive, and have conveniently overlooked, and in fact cheered many years of chronic abuse and consolidation of power, even when it was obvious that the executive branch was clearly in error, and in fact out of control. Dolan's sycophantic approval of and yielding to Taymore re OCR (and so many other serious matters) and Infurna's heinous conduct regarding the Brazil Street disaster are two of the most striking examples where the Dem Machine (now metastasized into OneMelrose) should be deeply mortified. Instead, the OneMachine displays only the crassest arrogance (except for the occasional flares of pretend conscience by MZ or the simpering "unfortunate" characterizations of MB, and the total lack of any conscience for failed conduct by JLB and her former beloved boss, GI).

Monica Medeiros has proven herself to be trustworthy over many years of service to Melrose. The rest are all lightweight, fickle politicians who have proven that they absolutely cannot be trusted. She's not afraid to tackle the hard issues or speak unpopular truths. She's tough but a kind and honest public servant who has earned our trust and respect.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Great post i agree with it all.this democrat will be voting for her.i do not care about the R next to her name its about the person for me and she is fair and will listen to both sides.with me its time for a change in this city and with paul its the same crap we had with Dolan..

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I am convinced also, and will be another Dem for Monica.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Just think . Melrose may have its first duly-elected Mayor (Sue Kelleher came close). As Jerry Seinfeld would say, "Not that there's anything wrong with that".

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

In her comments to the newspaper after her 2nd place finish Monica said "I am very enthusiastic about the task at hand to be able to have this opportunity for myself and really all woman," she said. "Melrose is such a forward-thinking city and we've never elected a woman in all these years," Medeiros said. "I know that weight is on my shoulders and I'm not going to let people down." Really? Monica let all women in Melrose down when she refused to support the Commission for Women and in her negative campaigning on every debit exclusion and override that came up during her tenure in Melrose...effectively telling all students and teachers, male or female, that they were not worth the investment.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

My post should have read...."first duly-elected FEMALE Mayor"

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

one melrose shows up with another stupid statement.That did not take long the override was a sham and you no it.2.5 million dollars just happens to be found by the morons at city hall 2 weeks after the melrose all the people who moved here and want to change the world go back to cambridge.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

mike Delise
one melrose shows up with another stupid statement.That did not take long the override was a sham and you no it.2.5 million dollars just happens to be found by the morons at city hall 2 weeks after the melrose all the people who moved here and want to change the world go back to cambridge.
What statement? Onemelrose doesn’t exist as a group and hasn’t for months.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

ya ok

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

OneMelrose (contradiction in terms) morphed into whatever one wants to call the MelroseFakeDemMachine, the monolithic Mommy group that started out as the overwrought group who didn't get their first choice of kindergarten for their little geniuses about nine years ago. They were instrumental in hiring Taymore (3 of them on the search committee railroaded by Driscoll and Thorp, with VanCampen's incompetent and law-breaking "help"--that cost the taxpayers a lot in fighting the successful actions brought by citizens against their illegal actions--setting up the sham processes all geared towards exerting the will of that ignorant and pig-headed bunch). That mob morphed into the political arm of Melrose Mean Girls (and boys) that now parades around pretending to care about social justice issues when in fact they actually behave like Trumpettes in expensive yoga pants or gym shorts instead of MAGA hats. As the override campaign demonstrated, this is now a well-organized cabal with a lot of disposable cash and zero tolerance for alternate views. They disdain facts or critical thinking, as demonstrated by their fanatical and unthinking support of the school committee and administration. So even if they are technically disbanded according to election law, make no mistake that they are still a highly metastasized organization with tendrils into every aspect of the current Melrose governing and business (as in Chamber) structures.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros


Would you venture a guess which sides of each of the contested at-large and ward aldermanic races that group favors or fears?

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

When you're right, you're right. Metastasized is the perfect word for it. They are a cancerous growth.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Thats great another liberal running melrose and you want to know why this city is so screwed up....go monica

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

She refused to leave anyone behind and stood up to city hall during the override and demanded truth.. my vote is her because SHE CARED ABOUT OUR FAMILY.. one that faced the loss of a home because the override was going to finically cripple us!

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Vote for women I am a Dem.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

that was 6 years ago. what else you got? so boring

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

It's a valid question. Read her comments on the subject at the time. 6 years is irrelevant. Not that it will be a legitimate choice for her to make. She is going to lose by 20%

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

"legitimate choice"?. some need to put the thesaurus away, some need to buy one.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

you can be a democrat and vote for trump as i did.I am a democrat not a liberal.I am against abortion thats my rite as a democrat.lots of democrats voted for trump and will again.No way i could vote for that idiot hillary.she is a disgrace and her little sister warren is even worse.I am a democrat and proud to be one.but i know i could never vote for the liberal agenda its crazy what these nuts talk about.I am a democrat that will vote for monica not paul and his friends that are into killing babies except in rape cases or incest or health of the mother.after that no excuse to many ways to not get pregnant.THIS DEMOCRAT VOTING FOR MONICA....

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Personally, I don't care whether she supports Trump or not. That has about as much to do with running the city as Boris Johnson and Brexit.
What I like is that she seems the more fiscally conservative of the two. Brodeur, as state rep, supported bolstering public union bargaining positions. Don't know whether he gets it that as Mayor, he will be in a naturally adversarial relationship with them.
Also, I hope liberal Dems get the joke that if Warren wins the stock market will likely tank 20% minimum. Who cares? Public unions and taxpayers should. Where do you think pension funds are invested? That's right, the market. Already stretched, the City will then have a choice: weaker pension funding ratios or higher taxes. Which way do you think Mr. Brodeur would go?

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I believe PAUL Brodeur there tonight and i was not impressed.Has he forgotten about running for mayor?I was at a public meeting he talked about things that might help melrose funding repairs to the arts.Maybe Paul has to remember just showing up all public events will not you elected as mayor.IT like at picture in the paper.Meeting 6 13 2019.The Poses every candidate has to prove themselves. We have a lot of poser.Have big shoes to fill.The question becomes.WHOS going to work at it hard?

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I am a lifelong Democrat, but, even though one would think that a pet rock should be able to beat the current buffoon, I don't see any of the current crop of potential candidates as 'electable'. Scary!

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Monica Medeiros is the only mature, fair-minded voice.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Did I read this right?
In her comments to the newspaper after her 2nd place finish Monica said "I am very enthusiastic about the task at hand to be able to have this opportunity for myself and really all woman," she said. "Melrose is such a forward-thinking city and we've never elected a woman in all these years," Medeiros said. "I know that weight is on my shoulders and I'm not going to let people down." Really? Monica let all women in Melrose down when she refused to support the Commission for Women and in her negative campaigning on every debit exclusion and override that came up during her tenure in Melrose...effectively telling all students and teachers, male or female, that they were not worth the investment.
It is clear you were not paying attention as to WHY Monica was upset with the democrats in town trying to ram through two successive overrides without proper public participation. Its the same problem that has plagued the City for the last 15 years: A complete lack of transparency by city politicians and employees and complete arrogance and downright anger by political hanger-ons ( aka, The One Melrose Crowd) towards others who may have good ideas, alternative opinions or simply insist on transparency before they vote for a multi-million dollar override. Sadly, it will take many years before these wack-jobs leave town and we are able to re-establish the sharing of thoughts and ideas without attacks. So there it is; the primary reason for breakdown of democracy in Melrose.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

"It is clear you were not paying attention as to WHY Monica was upset with the democrats in town trying to ram through two successive overrides without proper public participation. Its the same problem that has plagued the City for the last 15 years: A complete lack of transparency by city politicians and employees and complete arrogance and downright anger by political hanger-ons ( aka, The One Melrose Crowd) towards others who may have good ideas, alternative opinions or simply insist on transparency before they vote for a multi-million dollar override. Sadly, it will take many years before these wack-jobs leave town and we are able to re-establish the sharing of thoughts and ideas without attacks. So there it is; the primary reason for breakdown of democracy in Melrose."

Thank you for this correct post!

Many of the self-righteous and arrogant "OneMelrose" types will slink out of town, or will have their kids placed in schools outside of the district, the moment the realize (if they care enough to notice) that their geniuses (because they all tend to be the types who think their kids are "gifted") aren't up to snuff in their academic work (and/or that they have been poorly coached and won't be winning any sports scholarships, as they had expected). They will never have the humility to recognize the connection between their unthinking, often fanatical support of the school administration/school committee and their own childrens' subpar achievement results. They will never take any personal responsibility for their own lack of courage, let alone critical thinking. They just won't connect the dots because they either have no integrity and/or they are too self-absorbed to care. But at some point a lot of these parents have quietly moved their kids (those that can) or even moved out of Melrose entirely. In fact at least one of the OPs (I think several) of that so-called "Melrose Community" page left Melrose exactly for these reasons, but they continue to stay on as OPs and have the arrogance to continue telling the rest of us what we should think and do. There are others whose children have graduated from MHS, done okay (nothing exceptional), and are now living with enormous debt (or rather, their poor children are) because there was little to zero financial aid offered. Many others are dealing with the fact that their kids truly aren't doing so well, many not getting past even the first semester of college, and many more not be getting decent jobs even if they did manage to graduate, because they looked at college as MHS II, majoring in beer (vodka/vaping) and parties. But these parents will still not step up and realize their own deep culpability in their children's under-achieving lives.

Just watch how vehemently these spoiled, willfully ignorant parents jump on Paul's bandwagon, while they self-righteously MeanGirl his opposition, with zero willingness to understand exactly what a fine representative of all of us Monica Medeiros has been and what an empty suit PB has always been simultaneously.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

In spite of their protestations that this one or that one "doesn't care about the kids", what is being blatantly obvious here is that for them, it is NOT about the kids, and never has been. It's all about them. It always has been and always will be. As long as they can tell themselves how wonderful they are, they'll be satisfied, no matter what the actual empirical results are. Unfortunately, it's the rest of us that are stuck with the cost of propping up their egos.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Monica Medeiros is the only mature, fair-minded voice.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

ED, Bush is still alive, it's pretty rude to call him "passed" already!

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I’ve heard of people being pro-choice but it takes a sick f#&k to be pro abortion.

What? By definition they are one and the same.

"The United States abortion-rights movement (also known as the United States pro-choice movement) is a sociopolitical movement in the United States supporting the view that a woman should have the legal right to an elective abortion, meaning the right to terminate her pregnancy."

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Just curious. What is the philosophy behind identical posts under different topics?

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Reading your post, I do indeed believe that you’d be voting for trump, if you get the chance, and as I said, that’s scary!
Do you read/listen to/watch the news??? Or do you think it’s all “fake”?

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

ED, Bush is still alive, it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s pretty rude to call him \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"passed\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" already!
Hey, get it right Bush Sr. died last year so get the facts. The place I live Melrose, Ma Must Vote For Monica. She will not have her hand in the will be sorry if you vote for the man.

The statement is about hate and the facts. You go Monica, you will be the first women for Melrose, we need you for our mayor...Mayor Monica.

What else is next for this group of haters???

My neighbors on Melrose st. are both selling their house because Melrose is a different city then before. School problems never solved only becoming worse.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

‘correct’, get YOUR facts straight! ‘ED’ (who has since rightly removed his post, because it was ridiculous) was referring to a recent story regarding Ellen and George W., who is very much alive, and called him a passed President.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I am going to assume he meant "past". This entire discussion is ridiculous. Honest to God.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Words matter.
We all know what happens when we “”assume”.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Everyone on this site knows you took ED's down because it had the HATE word to you. Starts with a T and end
in a p. People are not believing you Geezer.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Yeah, like I have the ‘power’ to remove posts on here!
My comment to ED was a polite way of saying “Hey, buffoon, when you don’t know the difference between passed and past, I immediately discount everything else that you have to say”.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Monica Medeiros is the only mature, fair-minded voice.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Monica is not a true politician like we are seeing on the DEMS side. Geezer is teaching posters how to be a bully. The cause and effect the DEMS are causing around the world is to weaken our president. The effect is what is happening today with Turkey so start RESPECTING our country.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Yeah, like I have the ‘power’ to remove posts on here!
My comment to ED was a polite way of saying “Hey, buffoon, when you don’t know the difference between passed and past, I immediately discount everything else that you have to say”.
Like not knowing how to say nuclear and saying nucular instead. Prior poster is right. This entire discussion is ridiculous.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

You are so right hate is not the answer. Move to a liberal city or town if you are not for Monica.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Yet I’m sure you noticed that FOX news started saying “nucular”, so the President would sound ‘less stupid’.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

....and when did expecting people to use proper English become bullying? Probably when you started accepting it when someone wanted to “axe” you a question!

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

Of course I will vote for Monica, I support our Great President and so does Monica! Monica knows that a President Trump is making America great! She voted for him and supports him, and ALL my Republican friends in Melrose do to! We will win this November, and Monica will make Melrose great again!

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I'm sure no one would purposely sabotage their own candidate with a post like that, so you must be with the Brodeur camp!

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I will vote for Monica.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

PB is an empty suit, or rather a pretentious HAT (the one he likes to skulk around in to impress everyone). He's anything but impressive. He has always been a no-heavy-lifter, basically useless. But he's extremely entitled and feels he's owed this mayorship. He does not deserve it! He has actually accomplished about zero for Melrose, despite his many years on the public payroll. He's looked at as merely a lightweight at the State House, always playing the game trying to be smooth.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

How would you describe his opponent. Deserving? Qualified? Come on Man. The next utility bill she pays will be her first.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I'm sure no one would purposely sabotage their own candidate with a post like that, so you must be with the Brodeur camp!
Are you suggesting that our local Republican candidates would be sabotaging their election by admitting their support for Trump? So should they lie about supporting Trump just to get votes? Why not ask Monica who she supports in the 2020 elections? Why are the local Republicans suddenly downplaying their love for Trump, and scrubbing their Facebook profiles, when we all know they are all in KAGAs? It’s dishonest and deceitful to embrace radical, alt right politics, but pretend you don’t when running for public office.

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

I’m not “suggesting” it at all, I’m saying it!
And of course it’s dishonest, but is a necessity, no one is going to admit that they support this boob!

Re: Trustworthy Medeiros

PB thinks he has this race in the bag and he is arrogantly mailing it in.

News flash to PB if you drive around the city Monica signs outnumber PB signs 2 to 1. Nostradamus smells an upset coming.

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