Frank you sound like a fascinating fellow hence I pose this question.Who would you rather share a Starbucks Refreshers Rasberry Pomegrante with Mayor De Blasio,Mayor Ted Wheeler,Mayor Jenny Durkin, or one of our local Kooks?
All the obstacles this president had to over come and still fighting for America. Biden will raise taxes health care for all, what car you drive and so much more. The market will crash under Biden.
An interesting query, but firstly I must admit to having NO IDEA what that Starbucks` libation is, or even what the interior of a Starbucks looks like.
I'd say that those three Mayors have enough on their hands without me bothering them (though obviously NY would be of more interest to me than "out west"), and relative to local "Kooks", are you limiting me to 'pols', or locals who you consider might be one slice short of a ham sandwich, similar to myself?