Does anyone have insight about the new city clerk? The current one was doing a good job yet she had to reapply for the position and then she and another finalist dropped out of the running before the vote. Why?
Does anyone have insight about the new city clerk? The current one was doing a good job yet she had to reapply for the position and then she and another finalist dropped out of the running before the vote. Why?
You won't believe it - but just before the City Councilors were going to vote - the other two candidates dropped out of the race - so the only candidate standing was Kristin Foote - convenient! You might think that this smells suspicious - and you would be perfectly correct in thinking this! Obviously Mayor Brodeur and key City Councilors had something to do with this - but don't expect the truth from them. We call this process, "Small City Politics" at its worse.
Sure, the process of getting a new City Clerk was doomed to be as much of a bagjob as everything else here. That being said, the former was anything but competent, let alone conscientious or fair or principled. She was a nasty gossip who botched things up routinely (just check the number of legitimate complaints filed with the Mass. Public Records Division or the Attorney General's Office if you want verification!). Now of course many of those complaints were at least as much due to the vile and corrupt politicians running this crooked burb, but as the City Clerk there was a legal mandate to follow the laws. Instead of learning and adhering to those laws, she flaunted them. Also, instead of doing her job properly she could often be found gabbing and gossiping nastily with numerous of her City Hall BFF nasties. And unlike her very principled, totally dedicated predecessor, she was not a dedicated, hard-working public servant (in the old days long after hours one could often see a solitary light on in that first floor office and could be certain that M-R O'S was still there working hard on behalf of all of us). Once again, it's a story of institutionalized unprofessionalism and cronyism in our quaint nasty Rose.
You bring up an interesting point, Resident. I went and looked at the pending open meeting law complaints for the Melrose City Council and found none (there is one against the school committee and one against the board of health, but I don’t think those are related to the City Clerk). So, care to back up your claim?
The former City Clerk was eminently qualified and performed her job under the dual extreme circumstances of a global pandemic and the most popular election cycle in history. The way she was treated by this City Council is shameful. Personal vendettas executed using the power of office; and done to a member of our community. There are many in City Council and the Mayor’s office who should be held to account next election for the way they have treated this person.
And that’s The Truth. Don’t listen to Resident’s maniacal and unsupported ravings.
The former City Clerk was eminently qualified and performed her job under the dual extreme circumstances of a global pandemic and the most popular election cycle in history. The way she was treated by this City Council is shameful. Personal vendettas executed using the power of office; and done to a member of our community. There are many in City Council and the Mayor’s office who should be held to account next election for the way they have treated this person.
And that’s The Truth. Don’t listen to Resident’s maniacal and unsupported ravings.
Not surprised. It will get buried and the people who orchestrated her removal will get away without many citizens knowing the truth.