City Council to Decide Tuesday, April 20th to Allow Sale & Consumption of Alcohol on City Parks
The City Council at their Tuesday, April 2oth meeting at 7:45PM will vote on Order 2021-104, which will delete the Ordinance section 172-2, which does not allow sale or consumption of alcohol on Parkland in Melrose.
I need your help in defeating this order otherwise, the city will be allowed to have organizations to sell or consume alcohol on parkland in Melrose - this would include any parks such as Melrose Common, Bowden Park, Mount Hood, or any of the 20 parks in Melrose. The Mayor is recommending this to help economic development in the city - but at the cost of safety for all residents and families who live near these parks. The city has not recommended any mitigation procedures or preventive measures to address any potential drunkenness or public safety issues. If this order goes through, the one-day liquor licenses to organizations wishing to have activities at the parks whereby they could sell or consume alcohol, would require that parks be shutdown for other activities that day - preventing families and children from using them. This is disgraceful and the order should be voted down by all councilors.
Please contact the City Council by email at, and tell them you are against this order and that alcohol should not be sold or consumed on any city park where children and families frequent.
Re: City Council to Decide Tuesday, April 20th to Allow Sale & Consumption of Alcohol on City Parks
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, that's different! I thought you were just trying to be an, well you know. My error!
The whole purpose of this message board is to offer your opinion and comments on the issues of the day, Geezer. Why the heck is that so hard to understand! It is an OPINION BOARD! I think that you need to go back to your meds, Geezer, or maybe dementia is setting in.
Re: City Council to Decide Tuesday, April 20th to Allow Sale & Consumption of Alcohol on City Parks
As someone who has lost a parent to dementia, I am thoroughly disgusted that you would choose to use that as a flippant comment to insult either me, or anyone. Regardless of how much we may disagree on ANY issue, you should be ashamed of yourself for using such a crippling disability as a put-down.
Re: City Council to Decide Tuesday, April 20th to Allow Sale & Consumption of Alcohol on City Parks
As someone who has lost a parent to dementia, I am thoroughly disgusted that you would choose to use that as a flippant comment to insult either me, or anyone. Regardless of how much we may disagree on ANY issue, you should be ashamed of yourself for using such a crippling disability as a put-down.
Then let me rephrase my comment - I think that you need to get some rest, Geezer. This is just a suggestion and not meant as an insult.
Re: City Council to Decide Tuesday, April 20th to Allow Sale & Consumption of Alcohol on City Parks
Myron Dittmer
The City Council at their Tuesday, April 2oth meeting at 7:45PM will vote on Order 2021-104, which will delete the Ordinance section 172-2, which does not allow sale or consumption of alcohol on Parkland in Melrose.
I need your help in defeating this order otherwise, the city will be allowed to have organizations to sell or consume alcohol on parkland in Melrose - this would include any parks such as Melrose Common, Bowden Park, Mount Hood, or any of the 20 parks in Melrose. The Mayor is recommending this to help economic development in the city - but at the cost of safety for all residents and families who live near these parks. The city has not recommended any mitigation procedures or preventive measures to address any potential drunkenness or public safety issues. If this order goes through, the one-day liquor licenses to organizations wishing to have activities at the parks whereby they could sell or consume alcohol, would require that parks be shutdown for other activities that day - preventing families and children from using them. This is disgraceful and the order should be voted down by all councilors.
Please contact the City Council by email at, and tell them you are against this order and that alcohol should not be sold or consumed on any city park where children and families frequent.
Thank you.
In the City Council meeting held on Tuesday evening, the Council vote unanimously to send back Order-2021-104, to the sub-committee for legal and legislation for further consideration. So - for the time being, nothing will change and GMC will NOT be able to initiate the use of beverage carts to sell alcohol on the fairways at Mount Hood nor will the city allow the sale and consumption of alcohol on parkland.
But this is not the end of Mayor Brodeur or GMC efforts to make an already out of control situation even worse in spreading the consumption of alcohol to community parks such as Melrose Common, Mount Hood, Bowden Park, as well as other city parks. They will try again and again as they have in previous years.
If you are concerned, as I am, that allowing the sale and consumption of alcohol on city parkland is a bad idea, make you opinions know to your all City Councilors by sending your comments to:
Re: City Council to Decide Tuesday, April 20th to Allow Sale & Consumption of Alcohol on City Parks
John, your insulting and patronizing commentary indicates your lack of character, and it devalues any message you might be intending. Telling someone they need rest is just as denigrating as accusing them of having dementia.
Sadly, this is how too much of Melrose communicates, and it indicates what a poor public discourse exists here. Very disheartening! But then it does start at the top, with the 2nd Floor of City Hall, where patronizing, denigrating, untransparent, etc. define the way this and the previous two administrations conduct our city's business.
Re: City Council to Decide Tuesday, April 20th to Allow Sale & Consumption of Alcohol on City Parks
"Sweet! Can they sell beers at the Little League games?"
Only to the players, who should be required to finish their beverage before playing. It would make play much more interesting. At least they won't be driving home.