She's a Revere resident now. Her children should be off-limits to political commentary. Maybe she was not the best mother, or maybe she was Mother Mary. That is none of our business, and caring people should understand that how one's children turn out isn't necessarily a given even with saintly parents. Some common decency would be in order when it comes to judging her for her kid's bad conduct.
That being said, KC was always a carpet-bagger social-climber and still is. She was once heard saying that she's the next Teddy K! Yup she has plenty of cajones.
She has accomplished a few decent things in recent years by standing next to the decent hard-workers in Congress (yes, there are some!) whom she's trying to imitate. But she was never authentic, starting when she was on the Melrose School Committee, when she was actually terrible. But anyone who thinks she really cares about Melrose is sadly mistaken. She's no Teddy, nor is she a Senator Lewis despite joining him for his sit-in. She's no Elizabeth Warren, despite trying to look like her for a while (before she glommed onto Pelosi and became her Chosen One). She is voting mostly in accordance with decent values and against the monstrous goons in the GOP, so it's a no-brainer that she is gonna get my vote, even though I think she's a phony overall.