Lucifer says it right. The so-called planners and engineers have made a royal mess out of traffic flows. Traffic signage and timing of lights is ridiculous. Permitting of developments that do nothing to benefit our community have made the traffic and parking even more of a mess than they were a decade ago. (Who's getting the payoffs? another "godfather" of some city official? Who is checking into conflicts of interest by those pushing these developments? Meaningful checks and balances, let alone law-abiding open meetings are a complete joke here, even more so in the past five years.)
And beyond that, Melrose drivers (who have tended to be awful for a long time) have become not just rude, but rageful and dangerous. Just try to pull out of a Main Street parking space, blinker on, waiting respectfully... NO ONE these days (generally) will be polite and allow you to merge into the line of traffic. This is especially bad in Melrose when considering our neighboring towns on all sides, where there is a greater chance of a polite nod allowing entrance into the flow of traffic. If you're a POC, you can most certainly expect to be treated badly (in spite of all the fake kumbaya orgs here). Believe me, I drive enough through all of them that I have had the experience to be able to chronicle/generalize. Too many Melrosians are not such a nice bunch when they are behind the wheel, and this is a sad thing to say, though true. Most of the road menaces here are driving expensive, recent vehicles, so this is not the downtrodden being grumpy on their way to or from unpleasant employment. From many observances, these are highly privileged brats, albeit 30-50 year-olds who just don't have any space (or decent upbringing, apparently) to care how their conduct impacts others. Sure, have a nice day. Melrose, Open to all.... my hind-end!
It's called back to school. Within Melrose, it has less to do with light cycles but more to do with always increasing traffic/trucks passing through with distracted and aggressive drivers.
It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s called back to school. Within Melrose, it has less to do with light cycles but more to do with always increasing traffic/trucks passing through with distracted and aggressive drivers.
It’s called congestion in a small city of lights, railroad crossings and schools caused by excessive building turning it into a Cambridge, Somerville extension and ruining the charm.
Hello my friends I live in Reading but work in Melrose and it's a disaster both Main Streets. I would not pay the price for these two places to live it is abnormal. I have my home up for sale because it's the same public school no matter where you live the government and union has control on what is being taught to our children. Need to get the union and PTA out of the schools cause they favor the kids they know and if they are intelligent!!! If you don't know now in our country is ten million more undocumented immigrants. Woburn hotel just got taken over by the government to put immigrants. I can not believe I voted for this lunatic person.
Lebanon Street was backed up this afternoon from Grove St towards the cemetery like I’ve never seen. It’s getting worse by the day and no one in charge cares.