It appears that Ms. Grigoraitis has closed the gap in the "all important" yard sign competition,
Has Ms. Medeiros Solano publicly denounced the 'indictee' yet?
No Republican who has not emphatically and overtly disassociated from #45 has any chance of being elected in Melrose. There was only a couple of precincts where he got roughly 1/3 of the vote in 2020, before the insurrection and what he has done since. Given demographic turnover in the interim (deaths of voters, move-outs, move-ins, new voters reaching age 18), that 1/3 has likely gone down, perhaps notably. The MA GOP did itself no favors doubling down on core messages that may play well in some other places, but not well even among formerly longtime GOP-voting/leaning voters in eastern MA. For people tired of one-party governance, well, this is your opportunity to feel solidarity with Democrat-voting/leaning voters in municipalities all over the South, inner Midwest and Mountain West. One should also remember that the former longtime one-party GOP rule in Melrose was full of incompetence too (mentioning the cemetery, btw, scandals in that terrain were a long-half-lived residue of that time).
The insurrection was determined by even the politicized FBI to not be an insurrection. But sure you be concerned about how someone had their country in primo shape and was brokering peace deals in the Middle East before the plandemic and not about how someone is getting more jail time for simply walking through the Capitol than hardened criminals. And yes, there was some violence that day but who’s to say who really caused it many people received years in jail for simply being there. In a place that was aways opened to the public. And if you’re okay with jailing political enemies while your own side gets away with massive destruction of property, both private and public, assault and battery and more, then good on you. Because when the democrats are done dividing they’re going to conquer, everyone.
I also hope you’re housing an illegal family like the good Governor asked you to.
Yes, seriously.
You're free to believe what you want to believe. If you also believe enough Melrosians today share those beliefs to sway election results here, well, you have a great dealer.
Democrats lie. A vote for democrats is a vote for higher crime and illegals given empty apt space at Oak Grove instead of hard-working Americans who can’t afford rent. Middle-class, public servants like police and fire are not their priority. New stations won’t be built, unless they can raise your taxes 20%. Any land that is left will be used for large apartment buildings. More likely to get done, all the crosswalks in the city painted in rainbow colors.
Whatever you say, it does not appear that enough Melrosians would and will vote for anyone who hasn't overtly and completely dissociated from #45. If you want to know why Melrose changed from red to blue, look at Dick Cheney's wars and then #45 along with a state GOP party leader that didn't care about recovering lost ground and let a very popular GOP governor retire. So many own goals.
PS: the Dobbs decision by the SCOTUS last year combined with what the GOP is trying to do in the states where it has supermajority control also will likely have the effect of reinforcing this trend.
You know the city’s so far gone you see in the paper a former middle school principal supporting the extreme liberal in the race. Knowing the mentality of teens and the current crime wave sweeping the country how can anyone support soft on crime politics. And as a prominent member of the Catholic Church he is supporting those who support late term abortion.
This mayoral race is between 3 Woman.
This board has been largely silent for some time. All have been very quiet moms and dads people.
Calling candidate Sam an "extreme liberal" is laughable. She's a self-serving fake Dem, one who will mouth whatever words the Festa cabal tells her to puppet, which is more of the RD/PB status quo, with a blond fake smile that doesn't conceal her aggressive self-serving history. The other fake Dem, J, is just more RD/PB rehashed, tiresome, mouthing only the scripted status quo we've all heard far too much of, and oh by the way, what about all those missing millions that she and every other council member and school committee member had a responsibility to know about and in fact to have prevented, had they been doing their due diligence.
Door #3, MMS, is an authentic public servant. Agree or disagree with her national politics, but her local service is proven and extensive, and it's not at all based on partisan politics, as is appropriate for local governance. She's the real deal and one who represents honest public service, not self-serving BS. Some of the Mom cabal are trying to smear her with incorrect NRA ratings (she actually got a poor rating because she believes in the reasonable Massachusetts gun laws). They are trying to scarlet-letter her for being a Republican, without taking into account that, like Baker, she does not support the "strawberry hair" monster. She has earned our trust and deserves the job. Her office on Main Street will be one that any of us, from any party, could walk into and have a real discussion about our concerns. She'll listen and she'll do the work.
All democrats are fake. All are self-serving. Take the gazebo restoration. It’s small, how could anyone believe it would cost 95k to restore. “Some” democrat was going to hire a friend. It would probably cost $30 thousand, being generous, then the hirer and the friend split the rest. Nice little outgoing package. Thank God there are people in the community paying attention. We need someone who will stand up for fiscal responsibility without overburdening the taxpayers.
I’m voting for Monica .
What foolishness.
It's a Mayoral race, and the previous poster has already resorted to ad hominem. Although I have not yet decided, that doesn't speak well for the supported candidate!
Couldn't agree more with Geezer's remarks. That being said, Monica Medeiros Solano is nothing like some of the horrible people supporting her. (Then again, there are some pretty awful people on the other side as well!) She has 16 years of serving Melrose (instead of self-serving like most of the other candidates running for Melrose offices) that show she always had the city's best interests at heart, was always honest and courageous, and was the single person during her final tenure on the aldermanic board that stood up to the creeps like the city auditor when he refused to turn over public documents about the water and sewer monies. She continued to help Melrose citizens even when she worked in other municipalities. She has never conducted herself in a partisan manner when she has been our elected representative, because as any fool knows, city/town governance isn't supposed to be party-based! As someone who abhors the GOP, I support Ms. Medeiros Solano and feel that she is the only one of the three candidates who is trustworthy.
25% turnout, ridiculous!
If that’s STILL a reference to the big lie, you should be ashamed/humiliated!
If you're going to make foolish comments like that (or any comments), please at least be courteous enough to use your own name/nickname!
Geezer, fake "geezer" (aka "Mom" and a whole lot of other imposter names) is now blocked.
Well that hardly seems fair. What have I done?
Oops, I misread that, you were addressing me, not including me as one who was blocked. Thanks!!
We are in the midst of an important election and no one here is discussing. We need a change. A change back to a time when adults were in charge.
Are people aware of what goes on in the schools? The kids rule. Staff is told to allow children to “express themselves” and just let them scream “f*ck ***” if they want to. To get down to their level when talking to them. A principal was kicked in the face today while down at the tantrum taking child’s level and there was no punishment. There is very little punishment ever for kids with behavioral issues and the rest of the student body suffers for it. The HS principal is afraid of students. Hiring weak leadership and the “use your indoor voice”, “how does that make you feel”, and everyone gets a trophy, experiment should be over. It’s not working. Kids need to know who’s in charge, they need boundaries and that there are consequences.
And another thing. There seems to be a disproportionately large number of trans kids in this small school system compared to larger cities. Could they all have been “born this way”? Or is it because they are now being told at a young age by parents and teachers alike that they can choose their gender and at a very young age when they can’t fully grasp what it means. This weirdly coincides with the influx of social justice warriors in recent years. Does a grade school child really capable of picking pronouns? Do they really understand what it means? Or are the parents the ones getting upset over misgendering? Giving the parents a cause worth fighting for. Kids have more than enough to worry about and should not have to worry about using non preferred pronouns. It’s okay to scream **** *** but don’t you dare call your classmate the wrong pronoun. Priorities are messed up. It’s not moving forward if society is in chaos.
No offense, but what a crock! Does the “sos” stand for the comment being a “sack of ****”?
To SOS: Your points about needing change are correct.
However, since you have couched legitimate concerns alongside open bigotry towards LGTBQ students and their parents, you have sadly invalidated yourself with anyone who isn't a bigot. Of course Melrose (and the world) is rife with bigotry, now the genie out of the bottle since so many popular populist politicians are getting away with their hateful words and acts.
But sure, you are correct. Voting for Monica, absolutely. And voting against all of the incumbents, since all of them have been party to the disgraceful mess the city finds itself in after so many years with Dolan, Infurna, Brodeur and their cronies getting away with hiding all of their incompetence and outright corruption. The latest count involved at least $3 million in the reported deficit of the schools (a hole that Brodeur plugged with pandemic funds minus any public process, funds that were meant for other purposes), and then untold other millions in their "structural deficit." A full forensic audit (and not by the complicit firm that has done all of the other superficial "audits") is mandatory, and Monica is the only one who'll insist on it.
The schools are in more of their extreme downward spiral, with the very bottom of the pool having been hired over the last two decades, administratively and teachers. Anyone who thinks Cyndy Paymore was a good thing for Melrose is a huge problem (yeah, that's you, "OneMelrose"!); she set the stage for the ugliest things happening now, including hiring the worst of the worst (the business managers who had no business managing anything, teachers who were/are incompetent--and driving away the good ones!, administrators who couldn't get hired anyplace else and who cost taxpayers many millons--with the full complicity of an awful and incompetent school committee, and on and on). Joe Casey was a disaster, too (Robbie & Infurnal loved him and they together managed to cover up all sorts of sins--with Driscoll, Thorpe, Casatelli, Constantine, Eddie the Felon, Lizb the "real scientist", forever simpering McA, Obremskish the incompetent, and on and on). The words used towards the school committee by the many protesting teachers who spoke during public comment regarding the lack of a teachers' contract included "disgusting," "shameful," "inexcusable," and worse. They are still all true.
We need the intelligence and caring voices of Monica, Mike Lyle, Chris Sullivan, and a few of the others who may or may not work out, but aren't part of the status quo, and as such, merit consideration. Even if some of the incumbents aren't fully awful, they have sat by and allowed so much that was harmful to occur, partly by default and partly by their direct votes, and mostly by their willingness to go along to get along, which is the Melrose way, after all.
Wishing Monica and the challengers the best of luck tomorrow!
Someone explain how it is bigoted to believe there are two genders when we all learned this in elementary school. I agree with sos. It seems that it is fashionable to some at least to have a transgender child.
What does the gender issue have to do with the Mayoral election??
I came here to talk about the proposed police station but want to address the gender issue. I don’t care what someone wants to pretend to be but voting in politicians who think liberal delusions are top priority is dangerous.
As for the proposed new police station, I’m not in favor of that location. Is there really enough room for personal and dept cars? They say a centralized location is not needed because police patrol. How often do any of you see police on patrol? Unless it’s Main st the only time I see a police car in neighborhoods is on a call. I’ve had a ring camera for an over two years that I check every night. It only goes off 1 or 2 times all night when a car goes by. Sometimes it captures a coyote or fox which is the reason I check. I don’t live far from Main St but not once since installation has it caught a police car patrolling.
One cannot be surprised by the Mayoral result, since there was never a clear (if any!) disassociation from "the indicted one"!
Yes. An utter tragedy that Monica supported a candidate who gave up his life because he cares about his country. Indictments would not be going on if he was not running again. Plenty of evidence of a stolen election. Those of you with eyes wide shut have no business condemning people who don’t. You’ve been fooled. If you thought Monica could do a great job as mayor but didn’t vote for her because she didn’t condemn “the indicted one” then simply put, you’re pathetic.
Amazing that you could squeeze so much hogwash into a single post!
First order of business for the ultra left wing Melrose government will be changing the name of ninth grade students from freshmen to freshpeople.
Suck on that one Melrose.
Brilliant Holmes! Thanks for the idea!
A new police station will be built but they didn’t care enough to have a former long-time police chief overseeing it. Too conservative for new Cambridge I guess. Conservatives are no longer represented in Melrose.
With that thought I also don’t agree with the location of the new station. Is that really a two acre lot. Does not look like it. Besides that a more central location makes sense. Why not rebuild at the current sight? Or the Bebee school?