Hey mom and rock. I think you're forgetting a very significant section of school personnel who assist, care, listen, and devote themselves to your children as they would their own, The Paraprofessionals. The school system couldn't survive without them. THANK YOU TO ALL THE CARING PARAS WHO WORKED WITH MY CHILDREN THROUGHOUT THE YEARS!!!
Agree with the above comment on paraprofessionals. My grandchild would not have progressed to the high level they are now if not for the different paraprofessionals throughout his life, not just educationally but through love, trust and patience. Kudos to all you paras who do not average $20,000 as stated by C. Taymore on the last MSC meeting. They start at a little over $14,000 and after 15 years level off at $19,000+. CT either lied about their salaries or doesn't know nor care. Haven't we read on the agendas they are negotiating a contract which leads me to believe she's being dishonest...but then maybe she's not as bright as originally thought.
Paras do not make 20k. I believe 15K is after many many years of service. Paras do more in the classroom than they ever have with no additional compensation. I am not sure if same pay for special needs para or para with degree but all are underpaid for the work they are expected to do in and out of classroom