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SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Couldn't believe what I heard. KT actually mouthed the words that the School Committee "regretted" violating the law (she paraphrased it to be some sort of mild euphemism, but still....). Jerry had them by the short hairs apparently or they would never have admitted anything, being the arrogant SOBs that they are. Now I'm curious what they were talking about in that Executive Session. With all the things they violate all the time, starting with the principles of common decency, this was amazing because it certainly means that there was much more going on that they didn't admit to. It must have killed them to have to concede this. Wonder how many thousands the taxpayers have to pay in lawyer fees before the SC would agree to do this.

No on Overrides, Bonds, administrative raises or anything else for these jerks.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

You just have to know that for anything they admit there are a slew of violations they hide. What a rude mockery that committee makes of what's supposed to be a public process, "of the people, for the people...." (not--more like of Driscoll/Thorp/Dolan/Taymore/Casatelli/Constantine/Dugan and for the gullible and/or politically connected). It gets worse and worse watching them. Now that they are bringing in their camp followers of brainwashed elementary/middle school parents to cheerlead during this sham of a budget process, it's even more embarrassing. Don't see too many MHS cheerleaders since they finally can't pretend anymore knowing just how ugly and dysfunctional it all is for their kids for whom it's now too late to hope for anything better. (Did you see that charade of dumb at last week's pretend meeting when guidance and English heads got up there to spout the party line and embarrass themselves/MHS talking about SATs and how they don't have any plan to help the students?) All the other communities who see this stuff on the same cable channels get to see what a bad joke or local governance is. The committee members dishonor their oath and bring harm to the city we love.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Last night on the WGBH, Greater Boston TV show, the new Secretary of Education for Massachusetts cited test scores and improvements in the Lawrence Public Schools. He stated that 30% of the "Central Administration" budget had been cut and that same money has been poured into the classrooms, materials and teacher training. He said the results/data is proof that this approach works. He also stated that more $ is not the answer to all of education's problems but how the money is spent and managed makes the difference. School systems need to evaluate their approaches and can't expect a never ending cash flow when budgets are poorly managed and when there is very little accountability. Food for thought, Melrose.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Couldn't believe what I heard. KT actually mouthed the words that the School Committee "regretted" violating the law (she paraphrased it to be some sort of mild euphemism, but still....). Jerry had them by the short hairs apparently or they would never have admitted anything, being the arrogant SOBs that they are. Now I'm curious what they were talking about in that Executive Session. With all the things they violate all the time, starting with the principles of common decency, this was amazing because it certainly means that there was much more going on that they didn't admit to. It must have killed them to have to concede this. Wonder how many thousands the taxpayers have to pay in lawyer fees before the SC would agree to do this.

No on Overrides, Bonds, administrative raises or anything else for these jerks.
Couldn't believe what I heard. KT actually mouthed the words that the School Committee "regretted" violating the law

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

[/quote]Couldn't believe what I heard. KT actually mouthed the words that the School Committee "regretted" violating the law [/quote]

They only "regretted" having been caught![:|]

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

lost in space
Couldn't believe what I heard. KT actually mouthed the words that the School Committee "regretted" violating the law [/quote]

They only "regretted" having been caught![:|][/quote]You just have to know that for anything they admit there are a slew of violations they hide. What a rude mockery that committee makes of what's supposed to be a public process.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Master Bates joining in with the rest of the whiners doing nothing other than what his name implies. The mockery is this crowd and their feeble attempts at undermining the SC on an anonymous blog. Nothing but a bunch of circle jerkers.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

"undermining the SC"

No, they do that perfectly well all by themselves with their routine foolishness and dependable malevolence.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

The SC stinks, the SC violates open meeting laws, the Super is a tyrant and is rude, the chair of the SC is mean to people, on and on it goes, for what? Two, three years now?

Lets state it plainly...the SC as a whole disagrees with how CKK would like to see the system run and with her mouthpiece GM spreading noise pollution at every meeting for as long as anyone can remember...and it drives 1/2 dozen people on this messaging board crazy.

Who cares. You losers have a great opportunity to make change happen at the next election. We already know 6 people on the school committee have no use for your opinions and ideas. Lets see if you can get the public to agree with you in a wide open election.

The public spoke at the last election when GM finished dead last, and the election before when PW finished dead last...but you clowns still think you are right. Give it another shot in November.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Here it is, the city solicitor laying out the "error" in no uncertain terms made by Thorp (who normally just bullies her way through any conflict and this time had to admit she was wrong), and how the SC would need to "remediate" the breaking of the law. Keep in mind this is an "error" these same people have purposely made and been cited for before. Kind of amazing that they "admit" their "error." Yeah, this is such a "thoughtful," "mindful," and "reflective" committee all right. Interesting to listen to the budget bloviating right afterwards, and Conway blathering about the middle school trying to wipe away the known awareness of the disasters he is causing there. Thoughtful is not the word any intelligent person would use to describe what these hacks are.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Mr. Blah doesn't seem to get it. Taxpayers who fund our schools and vote for representatives to school committee to protect the students' and taxpayers' interests simply want the rule of law followed so that their representatives to school committee like CKK can actually represent their interests without illegal interference. When the superintendent and school committee members try to illegally thwart basic transparency, the Open Meeting Laws, Public Records Laws and public participation with petty little rules inserted into "guiding documents" such as the bogus School Committee Norms, they attack us all; not just CKK and G Mroz. RD, KT and the Superintendent need to understand that discourse and differing opinions are a fact of life in a Democracy; that is what makes it a Democracy. If they don't like how a school committee is required to operate in a Democracy then perhaps they can sit on a school committee under Mr. Putin's regime. Either follow the laws or get out of the taxpayers' way.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

What a rude mockery that committee makes of what's supposed to be a public process.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

We all have a differing opinions .

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Blah This
Mr. Blah doesn't seem to get it. Taxpayers who fund our schools and vote for representatives to school committee to protect the students' and taxpayers' interests simply want the rule of law followed so that their representatives to school committee like CKK can actually represent their interests without illegal interference. When the superintendent and school committee members try to illegally thwart basic transparency, the Open Meeting Laws, Public Records Laws and public participation with petty little rules inserted into "guiding documents" such as the bogus School Committee Norms, they attack us all; not just CKK and G Mroz. RD, KT and the Superintendent need to understand that discourse and differing opinions are a fact of life in a Democracy; that is what makes it a Democracy. If they don't like how a school committee is required to operate in a Democracy then perhaps they can sit on a school committee under Mr. Putin's regime. Either follow the laws or get out of the taxpayers' way.

Oh my God. We're back to the Open Meeting crap!

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Yes Old Guy, because it is important for people to know what is going on in their City, never mind that they have a lawful right to know how their elected representatives are behaving and how they spend their hard earned tax dollars.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Wiser guy sounds a lot like Mr. TK. And I agree with Old Guy...not again.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Blah This
Mr. Blah doesn't seem to get it. Taxpayers who fund our schools and vote for representatives to school committee to protect the students' and taxpayers' interests simply want the rule of law followed so that their representatives to school committee like CKK can actually represent their interests without illegal interference. When the superintendent and school committee members try to illegally thwart basic transparency, the Open Meeting Laws, Public Records Laws and public participation with petty little rules inserted into "guiding documents" such as the bogus School Committee Norms, they attack us all; not just CKK and G Mroz. RD, KT and the Superintendent need to understand that discourse and differing opinions are a fact of life in a Democracy; that is what makes it a Democracy. If they don't like how a school committee is required to operate in a Democracy then perhaps they can sit on a school committee under Mr. Putin's regime. Either follow the laws or get out of the taxpayers' way.

"Blah" and "complaints again" are just more from the same King Robbie channel at City Hall (Mikey et al), trying to rabble-rouse with their Vuvus and get their haters on. They have their panties in knots because this time they were caught with them down and fully wrapped around the 6 SC bullies and their bullyboss super (and her crack legal team, one of whom, ironically, is that same city solicitor, who has drafted so many faulty pieces about the same topic). Obviously the mea-culpa must be killing them, but they know they've done the same things multiple times before (and even been cited for them), so now it's "admit" and "regret" or face some possible real consequences now that there's a new AG who actually means business (and isn't connected to their protectors Kathie and Martha).

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Here is my sugestion for the next school committee meeting scheduled for April 14th when Chairwoman Thorp is being "forced" to do her "mea-culpa" - everyone in the audience stand up and applaud - this would highlight the highly unusual occurrence of such an apology - in a very public way!

And if you carefully watch her facial expression during her mea-culpa, you will notice her great distain for having to perform this demeaning act - quite befitting a disgraced public servant.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Lets see how many people "everyone" is. I'm guessing the first row won't be filled.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

I agree with MFD
Lets see how many people "everyone" is. I'm guessing the first row won't be filled.

Doesn't matter if you are present - do it from home! We'll "feel" the support in the hall!

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

I agree with MFD
Lets see how many people "everyone" is. I'm guessing the first row won't be filled.

Agreed: Now that KT, RD and the rest of the School Committee (with the exception of CKK) has effectively neutralized any public participation by moving it to 10 PM after all business is done and all votes have been taken, the taxpayer's attendance is now irrelevant. Might as well watch it on television. I for one, find entertainment value in seeing KT snarl at G Mroz and CKK whenever they say anything at all.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

I agree with MFD
Lets see how many people "everyone" is. I'm guessing the first row won't be filled.

Doesn't matter if you are present - do it from home! We'll "feel" the support in the hall!

LOL!!! We'll "feel" the support in the hall. LOL!!! Too bad you can't send your feelings in to the ballot box!!! LOL!!! This is just too funny.

Really. You just can't make this stuff up.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

you got to be kidding
I agree with MFD
Lets see how many people "everyone" is. I'm guessing the first row won't be filled.

Doesn't matter if you are present - do it from home! We'll "feel" the support in the hall!

LOL!!! We'll "feel" the support in the hall. LOL!!! Too bad you can't send your feelings in to the ballot box!!! LOL!!! This is just too funny.

Really. You just can't make this stuff up.

That's right, you can't make this stuff up. Where else in Massachusetts does the school committee chair yell at citizens when their "5 minutes" is up, even when the public comment period isn't over yet? Where else in Massachusetts does the Superintendent of schools swear at a citizen who points out she made a multi-million dollar mistake on a budget report?

Where else in Massachusetts does the school committee chair intentionally violate the state's Open Meeting Law? Where else in Massachusetts does the School Committee chair intentionally deny requested school district documents to sitting school committee members? I would be laughing out loud too if this wasn't such a sad and embarrassing fiasco for our City.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Not kidding
you got to be kidding
I agree with MFD
Lets see how many people "everyone" is. I'm guessing the first row won't be filled.

Doesn't matter if you are present - do it from home! We'll "feel" the support in the hall!

LOL!!! We'll "feel" the support in the hall. LOL!!! Too bad you can't send your feelings in to the ballot box!!! LOL!!! This is just too funny.

Really. You just can't make this stuff up.

That's right, you can't make this stuff up. Where else in Massachusetts does the school committee chair yell at citizens when their "5 minutes" is up, even when the public comment period isn't over yet? Where else in Massachusetts does the Superintendent of schools swear at a citizen who points out she made a multi-million dollar mistake on a budget report?

Where else in Massachusetts does the school committee chair intentionally violate the state's Open Meeting Law? Where else in Massachusetts does the School Committee chair intentionally deny requested school district documents to sitting school committee members? I would be laughing out loud too if this wasn't such a sad and embarrassing fiasco for our City.
Taxpayers who fund our schools and vote for representatives to school committee to protect the students' and taxpayers' interests simply want the rule of law followed so that their representatives to school committee can actually represent their interests without illegal interference. When the superintendent and school committee members try to illegally thwart basic transparency, the Open Meeting Laws, Public Records Laws and public participation with petty little rules inserted into "guiding documents"

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

you got to be kidding
I agree with MFD
Lets see how many people "everyone" is. I'm guessing the first row won't be filled.

Doesn't matter if you are present - do it from home! We'll "feel" the support in the hall!

LOL!!! We'll "feel" the support in the hall. LOL!!! Too bad you can't send your feelings in to the ballot box!!! LOL!!! This is just too funny.

Really. You just can't make this stuff up.

Looks like Myron's been watching too many episodes of Star Trek. He's going to start teleporting his, um, Army of supporters.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Yes Spock, I'm sure MFD and his "three friends" are responsible for the 620 views on this topic alone in only four days. It may not be an army but people are certainly getting the message. Now, go back and report to RD like a good foot soldier...

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

By Jon Palmer @JonPalmerBDC Staff | 04.02.15 | 5:55 PM

Concord residents may soon have the power to kick town officials out of office.

Resident Lee Ann Kay introduced a recall article, which will be voted on April 12 at the Concord Town Meeting. Kay moved to Concord over 25 years ago and has been participating in Town Meetings ever since.

She said there isn’t any town official in particular she wants to oust—but she said “there have been questions about accountability in the past,” and the petitioners want the same recall ability that exists in other communities in the state. In fact, they modeled their proposal after similar, recent legislation in the towns of Lancaster, Middlefield, Wales, and Northfield.

“I and the petitioners thought that this would be a good means to increase accountability here in the town of Concord,” Kay told

If the provision passes at Town Meeting, the Concord Board of Selectmen will submit it to the state legislature, which will then decide whether or not to approve it.

Stephen Ng, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, told the board unanimously agreed not to take a position on the article.

“It’s legislation that will affect our positions, so we didn’t want to influence the public one way or another,” he said. “We thought it wasn’t our place to take a position on proposals that would affect us.”

If the provision passes, here’s how the recall process would work:

• First, 100 signatures from registered voters in favor of recalling a specific official would need to be collected.

• The town clerk would then print up official recall petition sheets, asking selectmen to demand a recall and the election of a successor.

• Petitioners would then have 30 days to collect signatures from 10 percent of registered voters in Concord (that’s roughly 1,300 people by 2013 stats).

• If those signatures are collected in time, selectmen would schedule a recall vote within the next 60 to 90 days.

• The ballot would have two questions: One, whether the sitting official should be removed, and two, which new candidate should take their place.

Ng pointed out that the Town Governance Study Committee, a group commissioned in spring 2013 to review Concord’s Town Charter, recommended that the town not adopt a recall process. Their final report, released in August 2014, noted that a series of ethics and transparency laws already in place offer ways to hold officials accountable for their actions—and deemed the three-year cycle that local elections run on frequent enough.

Kay said that the petitioners reached the opposite conclusion after viewing the report. She said measures for removing elected officials are needed for those who might willfully disobey ethics laws, or to remove and replace an incapacitated office holder. Kay said—and Ng confirmed—that there are currently no means within the Town Charter to remove an elected official before the end of their term.

“The petitioners and I believe that the Town Governance Study Committee have had their say,” she said. “Now it’s time for the citizens to review the evidence for or against and make their decision at Town Meeting.”

In Concord, every registered voter in town has a say at Town Meeting.

Though Ng and the board remain neutral on the recall article, he praised the Town Meeting process and Kay’s efforts.

“I think what’s great is that the petitioner is using Town Meeting the way it should be—she has a concern, and she feels that this article addresses this perceived need, and it’s pure democracy at work,” Ng said. “Whether the town feels they need this just in case, that’s something they can decide, and we’ll put it on the books if they want to have it.”

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Who cares if a the Town of Concord has some crazy lady trying to force a recall vote. That's what you get with Town government, Stoneham is trying a similar move...and then we have the great Town of Wakefield. That's what you get at town meetings. A bunch of ignorant rubes thinking they are smarter than the City employees. If you have something relevant to say about how City governments are run I'm sure you will find a way to post it.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

Really. Heaven forbid that taxpayers should have any input at all into the running of their own government, since they're all stupid, and the only smart ones are the ones in office. Do you were latex gloves when you play with yourself?

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

"Taxpayers who fund our schools and vote for representatives to school committee to protect the students' and taxpayers' interests simply want the rule of law followed so that their representatives to school committee can actually represent their interests without illegal interference. When the superintendent and school committee members try to illegally thwart basic transparency, the Open Meeting Laws, Public Records Laws and public participation with petty little rules inserted into "guiding documents""

"Guiding" what precisely?
With all their officiousness about process, this bunch on the Committee is shamefully and obviously working against the greater good, not serving the public as they were elected to do. They behave with comprehensive contempt for the public, catering only to their special interests (those parents who agree with their narrow "vision," if one could even call it that).

It's not just their total refusal to honor our right to know what's going on with our own school system that is so heinous. They just have no respect for the fact that they are using our money to pay for their political agenda, not for what is clearly in the best interest of students and the community.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

School committee club are quite afraid of transparency.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

"They just have no respect"

There it is in a nutshell.

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

That our city officials and school administrative staff begin to realize that our students are our first priority and that we ALL have a commitment and stake in their success - and not just them .

Re: SC Actually Admits Violating Open Meeting Laws

This school committee is not interested in what parents or the general public have to say. They know what's best. I have had first hand experience with this "superior" attitude. Does not surprise me that they circumvent the law or flat out ignore the law.