How can this School Committee look itself in the mirror??!!! Ten minutes allotted for the "Public Budget Hearing"! And Public Comment at 9:40 p.m. AFTER they've deliberated and voted on a number of things. It's outrageous and shows their true intent.
4/28/2015 7:00 PM
Aldermanic Chamber
City Hall, 1st Floor 562 Main Street Melrose, MA 02176
Agenda Agenda Packet
1. Call to Order/Pledge
1. Roll Call
2. Public Budget Hearing - 7:00 PM
3. Report of the Student Representatives - 7:10 PM
4. Announcements - Superintendent of Schools - 7:15 PM
1. Superintendent's Update
a. Superintendent's Updates 4.28.15
5. Consent Agenda - 7:20 PM
1. Minutes of Mar 31, 2015 7:00 PM
2. Minutes of Apr 7, 2015 7:00 PM
3. Warrants
a. 04-28-2015 WARRANTS
6. Subcommittees (Committee of the Whole) - 7:25 PM
A. Educational Programs and Personnel - Donald Constantine/Jessica Dugan
1. MS and HS Code of Conduct (20 minutes)
a. Code of Conduct memo
2. K-5 Reading Curriculum Materials (20 minutes)
a. ImplementNewELAK-5CurriculumMemo
3. PD - FY16 and Summer Institute (20 minutes)
a. Summer 2015 Professional Development Offerings April 12
b. Program Evaluation of Professional Development (PPS-CURRDIR_V320's conflicted copy 2015-03-27)
c. Professional Development Plan FY2016 for School Committee
B. Policy and Planning - Jessica Dugan/Margaret Driscoll
1. Policy Discussion
Policy JC: Elementary School Assignment and Class Size Policy (10 minutes)
a. JC.Elem Class Assgnmt and Size.4.14
C. Finance and Facilities - Margaret Driscoll/Christine Casatelli
1. Budget:
NEASC (10 minutes)
a. NEASC memo
SPED Transportation (10 minutes)
a. FY16 SPED Transportation Cost
Chartwells Update/Meal Fees (10 minutes)
a. Foodservice Report Melrose FY2016 projection
2. Budgets for Discussion and Budget Process for May 5 (15 minutes)
a. FY2016 Budget Presentation Information
b. FY2016 School Budget – Balanced Budget Draft 1 4-23-2015
3. Approval of SEEM Rental Rate for FY16 (5 minutes)
a. Seem Rental Memo to SC FY16
4. Budget Questions (15 minutes)
7. Public Comment - 9:40 PM
8. Announcements - School Committee Chair - 9:55 PM
9. Adjourn
The Melrose School Committee is dysfunctional, unprofessional and does whatever they please. They have ruined the schools and are harming our kids. I plan on going to the "stress" session being held soon. The kids are stressed, the parents are stressed, teachers are stressed and taxpayer budgets are stressed. What is broken cannot be unbroken. To heal the system and all stakeholders being impacted requires dramatic changes. The mismanagement by District Administrators and the completely "crazy process" the SC has set up for themselves to spend public dollars shows the level of absurdity which now exists. The truth always comes out. It is only a matter of time
Sit down and be quiet old man! What you think doesn't count anymore under the current administration and school committee's dictatorship. KT and RD and friends have effectively muzzled you and all Melrose citizens at school committee meetings over the last couple of years. Quite frankly, you were getting in their way of them spending the taxpayer's hard earned money. Now, you get to pay your taxes but don't get to comment on how they should be spent, much like pre-1776 under British rule.
That was worth putting on the reading glasses! Thanks!
"And this lousy thing, along with a 10 p.m. "Public Comment" (AFTER deliberation and votes) are what Driscoll crafted as the new chair of Finance and Facilities to fulfill what she deems as "Public Engagement"--both of which are obviously huge failures. "
It's cynical that they thought they could get away with this and it's ridiculous that they actually did. The "process" is now almost done, and it will march straight into another done deal vote. Mr. 26% has found himself a fine way of maneuvering just about anything he wants to a vote. What he hasn't effectively done behind the facade, though, is fix what was wrong, most of which has gotten significantly worse while most weren't paying attention. Sure, lots of stuff has gotten bought, and some of the infrastructure improvements had to be done and were. Good. But that doesn't tell the bigger picture. There is a smoldering mess underneath it all and it has its own timetable and agenda. He knows this, which is why he's always looking over his shoulder and twitching. Just because he is now adept at manipulating a political machine and a naive public doesn't mean that he's a real leader. That would require integrity and caring about something beyond getting reelected and excessively padding salaries of himself and top bosses. This is a mess and it will come apart. The only question is when.
Gee. Maybe someone else should run and throw the current people out. Just a thought.
So why don't all you critics go to a meeting and be heard in public?
You're one of those parrots (like most on the SC) who have to start everything with "so" because you never developed your thought process very well.
No, there is no reason to schlepp into that dreary chamber and wait until 10 p.m. just to be rudely dismissed in the many ways that that group does, whether in deed or form. That "process" is a sham, and they know this full well. There is no reason to play-act in their gross charade.
There are currently at least 5 topics and well over 100 posts relating to public participation or open meeting law issues. Over the past 3 years of the public participation and OML garbage appearing on this site there are really only 5 people involved. The 1 or 2 regular public participation haunts...I mean participants...and the 2 people who have actually filed OML complaints, and 1 school committee member who supports their cause. What we have here is the same small group of OCD lunatics continually harping on the same issues, week after week, post after post. The interesting thing is that had 2 people not shown up to every SC meeting over the last 3 years and basically wasted the SC's time, public participation would have never changed. This crowd has removed the ability for a normal parent to go to a SC meeting and comment. You clowns (all 5 of you) need to find another obsession...or actually run for office...oops, 2 did and got crushed...maybe the rest of the anonymous clowns on this board can grow a pair of stones and run. The Big Clown, MFD, can be the ring leader. You guys can all pile into MFD's clown car and hold a big rally on the lawn in front of City Hall.
"There are currently at least 5 topics and well over 100 posts relating to public participation or open meeting law issues. "
Who exactly are you accusing of being OCD?
Knowing exactly who this is trying to slam those asking for accountability, the answer for why there is so much focus on the topic of government transparency (and the lack thereof, not only in Melrose, but in the entire state--one of the four worst in the country, according to the Globe articles last month) is easy. This topic matters (or should). That it doesn't matter, or rather, that hiding the public's business is what actually matters to those currently in power is why there needs to be outcry here. The public is slow, but it doesn't like having its basic rights curtailed, as has been done by this school committee and mayor. You ("PP Universe"/aka all kinds of monikers here) are obviously one of those who thinks this is just a bad joke.
But the "joke" is now on you and the objects of your obsession and protection. Funny you didn't have anything to say about Kristin Thorp's admission of breaking the Open Meeting Laws. The tides are finally turning and you are getting more "clownish" with your postings, obviously more threatened now that your dirty agendas are being exposed. You just keep it up with your bizarre postings, though. It lets the rest of us know how increasingly insecure you are.
In response to the foolish post by "Public Participation Universe: Had the school committee clowns, KT and RD listened to the community, they wouldn't be in the huge mess they made for themselves and by default, the citizens of Melrose. They have embarrassed us all with repeated OML violations and now, a Federal Investigation by the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights, never mind the weekly embarrassment of our community on MMTV. How embarrassing for the people of this town to know that the officials they voted for and placed their trust in have forgotten who they represent. Also, just a reminder that G Mroz made quite a good showing in the School Committee elections, considering he accepted no contributions and had no previous political exposure whatsoever in this town. Meanwhile, the sitting School Committee's poor record speaks for itself, with only one soul (CKK) questioning the outrageous decision making going on there and actually representing the townspeople. Yes, the RD lackeys who got onto the school committee have certainly made a fine mess over the last several years. 30:05
Powerful budget statement of Mrs. K following business manager refusing to answer explicit questions about legal settlements
I wish my School Committee would get a backbone and tell The Superintendent and K Thorpe to knock it off. CKK is the only standing up to the bullying here.
The majority of the SC demonstrates staggering ignorance that goes right along with their appalling arrogance. Chris' incoherent rant Tuesday night was a perfect example of her colossal ignorance, as is almost anything Kristin ("lovelovelovethis"), Margaret ("hearing angels"), or Facebook Don says. Jessica has some intelligence but her arrogance and zealousness have limited her ability to understand how ignorant she has become in buying into (and selling) the edunonsense that her hero Cyndy espouses. (She and M are so clearly trying to get a job in the district, and both sound/look increasingly crazed.) Mr. 26%, the self-proclaimed "education expert" knows absolutely nothing about education except what he thinks will get him his next raise and reelection (and he believes he was a Gifted and Talented student who was never recognized as such!). Fools all. And dangerous. They have caused great harm already and want to do much more. They are quite willing to bully anyone who crosses them, also, as can be seen during virtually any meeting, as they feel cloaked and empowered by their regressive and foolish rules.
You misunderstand. SC members who have permitted the Super and the SC chair K Thorpe to withhold requested school related information from our elected School Committee representative in order to execute their fiduciary responsibilities on behalf of the citizens of Melrose have violated the public trust.