Heard that the SC is holding a special meeting tonight in the Aldermanic chamber to review the moves needed to accommodate the 5.3 million dollar Resource Area Construction to start soon. Evidently the lack of adequate input by stakeholders on the movement of programs, staff, and classes is causing a rift with internal staff and external groups so Dictator SuperintendentTaymore needs to better explain herself.
Does anyone realize, other than just a handfull of people, that communication and transparency are not Ms. Taymore's strengths - but rather her obvious weaknesses?
I guess her view on this is, "What do expect for just $171,000!"
You mean, $179,000+
What's the difference between 171K and 179k?? After jamming the override down our throats there will be even more tax payer money for the school committee to give away to underperforming administrators during a deep summer SC meeting while no one is watching.
Can't believe what I am hearing live on the school committee tonight. The Super, Don C and K Thorpe making excuses for why the Horace Mann School is now reduced to a level three school and why it is not the principal's fault. If I didn't know any better, it sounds like they are trying to pave the way for signing yet another underperforming administrator to another three year contract. ( Apparently, the Superintendent's new three year contract is a done deal). This School Committee is just making me sick to my stomach.
This is nothing new.It is what it is. This School Committee is just making me sick to my stomach. SC is holding a special meeting tonight in the Aldermanic chamber to review the moves needed to accommodate the 5.3 million dollar Resource Area Construction to start soon. Evidently the lack of adequate input by stakeholders on the movement of programs, staff, and classes is causing a rift with internal staff and external groups so Dictator SuperintendentTaymore needs to better explain herself. This is nothing new.
This is an unusual situation where the local press is delinquent in covering the issues that are important. Week after week we see fluff pieces written and directed by the Mayor's office substituting for real journalism in the Free Press and Melrose Weekly. Meanwhile, there is a full blown Federal Civil Rights investigation of the School Department going on, exposed only after a good citizen alerted the AG's office of the SC chair's attempted cover-up, an OML violation under State law. That's two blockbuster stories not being covered. By the press not covering these issues, crooked government officials feel emboldened to violate the public's trust. That was supposed to be the beauty of Freedom of the Press and the First Amendment. It was meant as deterrent against corruption of government officials. Unfortunately, the Melrose Weekly and Free Press are not brave enough to do their job. There should be outrage that means something about whatever has led to such a serious matter, and that is quite clearly being actively hidden by school officials and their boss, the Melrose School Committee. Where is the moral compass of this community?These people need to be handed their walking papers!Just how much of a bill is this district likely going to be footing as this continues to unfold? Is this the real reason behind the freight train known as the done-deal Override that the mayor is assuming will take care of all?It isn't just an "embarrassment.Special School Committee Meeting Tonight at 7PM
Heard that the SC is holding a special meeting tonight in the Aldermanic chamber to review the moves needed to accommodate the 5.3 million dollar Resource Area Construction to start soon. Evidently the lack of adequate input by stakeholders on the movement of programs, staff, and classes is causing a rift with internal staff and external groups so Dictator SuperintendentTaymore needs to better explain herself.
Does anyone realize, other than just a handfull of people, that communication and transparency are not Ms. Taymore's strengths - but rather her obvious weaknesses?
The school committee should be discussing and correcting the problems and firing all the people responsible for this embarrassment. But they aren't having executive sessions to discuss - they just have secret meetings to get around those open meeting violations.
What's wrong with the HM Parents? Why are they putting up with 2 disasterous Principals in a row?
The PTO and MEF spent too much time and money on the PLAYGROUND instead of focusing on the leadership problems and the actual education happening in the building. If anyone on the Superintendent search committee did their due diligence in Malden, Taymore/paymore would never have been hired.
The Mayor's office . focusing on the leadership problems and the actual education happening in the building. You all should call.The Mayor"s office.
May be we need a new Mayor.The Mayor does not know what leadership looks like. He would never admit to the problems .His time will not be good for the schools.This is not good.So It appears he's willing to throw anyone under the bus to save face.
As any halfway alert individual after 5 minutes of looking could see if eyes and a Google window are open, it isn't the "subgroups." It's poor teachers and poor administration. There are many, many school districts all over the country with many more students in various high-needs categories than anyplace in Melrose that are doing well, and in many places, very well. Melrose Public Schools just does not know what it's doing, and the students keep paying the price, year after year. Melrose parents (now spearheaded by the MEF pretentious ignoramuses) keep looking the other way and letting grossly incompetent and lazy administrators make excuses year after year here. HM is RD's kids' school, and yet he has always made very pronounced excuses for the failed administrations over which he has had direct oversight; instead of making sure they were fired, he praises them with his gushing "Exemplary" ratings. Until parents and community bring it back home to where the blame really sits, with the mayor, the school committee, and the parents/voting citizens, nothing will change. Nor will giving the schools more money, because money is not why JS and MEC were allowed to be administrators and ruin a once quite good school, or why CT, MA, PWL are allowed to be supers/asst supers, or why JP is allowed five more minutes as an obviously and grossly incompetent biz mgr.... It goes on and on, and it goes right back to who's allowed it all to keep going and metastasize (because it truly is malignant). All those glowing pieces in the local rags praising this sow's ear just point to how thoroughly messed-up the community has allowed it all to become. Time to wake up and step up, or keep gazing at the sow's ear and thinking of new ways to spin it.
Just reviewed the SC special meeting on cable - did you all notice how Ms. Thorp tried to shutdown CKK discussion with Ms. Taymore concerning the scheduling conflicts with music groups as a result of the planned high school renovations? This is why this person needs to be booted off the SC. She has cnosistently displayed a total lack of transparency, openesss, and willingness to engage the public on critical matters affecting the academic future of our children. And the other members who voted for her as Chair should be rejected and kicked out of office.
Schoolyard bullies is what defines the school committee and the top brass of the administration.
Yes, I saw that gross behavior, not just of KT, but of CT as well, who is a baldfaced liar. I know something about that "scheduling" issue, and CT was absolutely lying. She also does not understand the first thing about it, or the arts, for that matter. Neither does that travesty of a new chair that CT hired--a total charlatan who is doing direct and significant harm, even in such a short while.
JD has to go, too, and being a coward, she'll go when her bully pals and BFF CT are booted. But nothing good will happen if no one good steps up to run for office, hideous though that prospect now seems visualizing sitting in that chamber with any of the current lot (except one).
CT's days as super are numbered most likely, regardless of her extended contract. The thugs will scapegoat her just as they did with the last two, the minute the big stuff that is brewing starts to hit the fan and the rest start worrying about reelection and/or their precious override campaign which will hit the crapper fast at that point.
The SC members up for re-election are already worried that they are going down (just like Margolis on the BOA) and the Override supporters are nervous as well they should be......the business manager couldn't account for 7 equal amounts that he "moved around" in the revolving account. He told CKK that he would investigate how the money was used and get back to her. I noticed that his hands were trembling during the meeting after that exchange. CKK deserves the JFK Library "Profiles in Courage" Award for her perseverance, fortitude and being respectful to others who show no class or political skill.
I agree that CKK is our hero for standing up to those "thugs" on the SC....and yes - they are "thugs"! And shame on Jessica Dugan for going along with this gang.
The current principal is fully responsible for the HM school's Level 3 status. Put on your seatbelts, Melrose citizens (and look in the mirror if you want to know who's ultimately responsible for the mess). Superintendent Cyndy Taymore .Will it come a time when it will by the time to terminate are superintendent. Or relieve.Superintendent's new three year contract.
It is clear that the cuurent SC (exception being CKK) do not want to do any "heavy lifting" to improve student outcomes- they prefer rhetoric to action. They instead initiate subcommittees, subgroups, advisary committees, surveys, plans and dashboards, fancy slide presentations - anything - other than "roll-up your sleeves" and do the hard work to make the necessary changes to improve student outcomes. Opaqueness replaces transparency - exclusiveness replaces inclusiveness - restrictive "free speech" replaces open public dialogue. This is what our curent SC has been reduced to - thanks to Chairman, Kristin Thorp, with the support of other son the committee.
I am baffled by the parents in this city. Yesterday, I was with two parents who have students at HM. These are people that I like personally, people who seem to have a solid interest in education, and people who seem to care deeply for their children. Yet, even though they both talked about teachers at the HM who "don't care" and teachers who they feel are "working against the system", they seem unwilling to even imagine they can do anything about the problems. They feel that the principal is not working in the best interest of the students, and that there are teachers at every grade level who are a real "problem", yet they just let it go. These are educated people who are apparently content to sit back and let their kids have bad year after bad year, and do nothing. I just don't get it.
"When people fear being bullied and watch others around them silenced by numerous tactics, they give up and shut up. They are afraid of conflict and the ramifications of taking a stand. It is understandable but sad. What is the saddest point in your post is the fact that these parents "seem unwilling to even imagine they can do anything about the problems". The fact that they feel hopeless is very disturbing. I would venture to guess that the teachers who "don't care", are "working against the system" and who are viewed as "problems" are burnt out. The teachers are feeling hopeless, too. The Melrose SC and MPS Administrators are dysfunctional, unprofessional and abuse power and laws. The Mayor and City government have let them go unchecked and show no leadership, vision or courage to demand change or be role models themselves. The Mayor is the primary person who should be held accountable. We need to have term limits, new candidates and vote against incumbents who "go along to get along". Time to give the bully brigade their marching orders."
Agree completely. It is baffling that parents here are so willing to let their children be victims of the system, year after year. It is confounding that the institutionalized bullying is allowed to continue. Politicians are known to do this kind of thing historically everywhere, but usually there is some resistance in the populace. Parents and teachers are justified in fearing retaliation because it is how this city operates, from the top down. There is no kindly Milano at the top (for all his flaws, he was inherently kind). One need only watch one School Committee meeting to see all six of the majority take any and every opportunity to try and bully the only one standing tall against them, which she does very well and always with dignity. This conduct has continued for six years now, and yet the public has sat by for the most part and allowed it to go on instead of sending a clear message that it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. There are no checks and balances, first because the public hasn't demanded them, and second, because the public has allowed the current politicians starting with the mayor to totally dismantle what few checks and balances used to be in place. Policies and procedures are just a foil now, and not even followed, and many have been rewritten to provide cover to bad administrative conduct, while the public has slept.
So parents have a reasonable fear that stepping up means they are likely to be abused (unless they are the suck-ups that are being manipulated by pols and the MEF crowd who are set up like wind-up toys to gush about things and "ask" the "talking points" questions for the staged performances). That being said, there is power in numbers. A group of parents coming forward demanding real answers to real questions has real power that cannot be minimized or marginalized, even by this group of master-manipulators. When parents decide their children matter enough for them to step beyond the pleasant gossip sessions and move into meaningful advocacy, then perhaps there can be real change and a restoration of the balance of power. Parents, students, teachers, the community/taxpayers are effectively disenfranchised the way it stands right now, by virtue of their own yielding to this broken system. It can change, but only if change is demanded by those who are supposed to hold the power!
Thank God someone is finally speaking out about what has been going on over at the Horace Mann over the last three years. I have three friends who have been the victims of this principal and that is just within my circle of friends.
This retaliatory strategy of the HM principal is so common place, the mothers have coined a name for it: Being "on escort". Curious how only parents of SPED children who complain about their child's IEP or about a misbehaving teacher always seem to be the victims. You would think that the city solicitor would have advised the district to cease this illegal behavior by school administrators with the school district in the midst of a Federal Civil Rights investigation but as it turns out, he is also complicit in these activities. As an HM parent, I can tell you there are actively parents "on escort" and also forbidden from volunteering at the schools for the trivial reason of advocating for their child's educational needs.
And they want us to give the schools more money in the override so that they can continue to treat concerned parents as "outcasts"? No way - Jose! We need leadership changes up and down the chain of command starting with our dictorial superintendent!
There is no way I want more of my taxes being used by the city solicitor and superintendent to illegally retaliate against my friends and neighbors. CKK has been fighting this battle on school committee, questioning the gobs of legal fees being accrued, but K Thorpe and the Super won't turn over the invoices as requested.