According to the Melrose Free Press ( 5/21/15), Rep. Paul Brodeur has proposed two bills in the House of Representatives that would require carbon monoxide detectors "in all structures using fossil-burning equipment or has enclosed parking." The second bill would require schools and churches with fossil fuel-burning equipment to retrofit their fire alarm systems to include carbon monoxide alarms. A taxpayer-financed Carbon Monoxide Trust Fund of $7.5 million will be established to cover the cost of retrofitting. Restaurants would also be required to install carbon monoxide detectors.
The Department of Fire Services and the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) will be "required to determine the best practices for school districts." No doubt periodic inspections will be required.
As usual with such legislation, no cost-benefit analysis was included.
Rep Brodeur seems to believe that this is more important than fighting corruption and waste up at Beacon Hill and finding more efficient ways of spending our hard-earned money while he feeds at the public trough.
Let me make it easy for you, Paul. The only place carbon monxide detectors need to be placed is in the House chambers - where all the hot air, gas, and noxious fumes are produced in the state - and when they all go off - you will all realize its time to leave!
Nice going Paul - are you bored this summer? Nothing to do? If this group of incompetents ever attempted to do a cost-benefit analysis -they would find finally figure out that they all need to be fired! Especially DeLeo - their boss!
Poor Paul, the victim of flatulant gas. Always cojoined at the Mayor's right cheek, while Morty is cojoined at the Mayoral left cheek, and their brains are mere dingleberries![Turban]
Just noticed that the Mass. Office of Campaign and Political Finance shows a $500 contribution to Rep. Brodeur
on 12/26/14 from the Professional Firefighters PAC - double any of the other contributors in '14 and the largest
allowable by a PAC in Mass. Interesting.
Sounds like the $1000 dollar contributions made to Dolan in recent years by the owner of D&R paving and his wife. And take a guess how many contracts the City has awarded to D&R over the years?