June 9's SC meeting should be an eye opener. The art teacher who spoke during public comment and was brutally shut down by Thorpe had refused to comply with the Fine Arts Chair's suggestion to separate students of color. This is the true reason for the termination of this educated/dedicated teacher. The Arts Chair even went so far as to place this comment in this teacher's written evaluation. How stupid can the chair be to put her racist beliefs in writing. Pretty stupid. Yet again MPS kept the wrong person protecting the guilty while the victims suffer. Firing the art teacher while there is an open investigation by the OCR on this very complaint is retaliatory and illegal. The complaint was filed AFTER the receipt of the written evaluation but PRIOR to the termination of this teacher with the OCR.
Sadly, this is 100% accurate. Looks like we have another lawsuit on our hands. What in the world is wrong with these people?
and this all points to why no one should be giving those people another dime!
They protect people who are ignorant, arrogant, even racist, give them raises and extended contracts, meanwhile we are losing the dedicated, talented teachers who have proven themselves in this district over and over again. These ignorant monsters are abusing power at every turn, writing evaluations of some of the district's best and most proven faculty members, harassing them until they have no choice but to leave if they are to protect what's left of their health, even if they have no other job or are going to a lower-paying one (as a very notable faculty member is doing!). They are hiding all kinds of legal actions against the district, from faculty, from SPED parents, even from the federal government, and it's all costing us hugely and will for many years to come. The administration has surrounded itself with lawyers who have told them they don't have to tell anyone about any potentially litigious matters until they reach a certain stage or court docket, which is garbage since the legal jeopardy to the city and the cost of representation mounts all the while. They have cloaked themselves in rules and "norms" that say they can keep it all secret, just like the state government does, and which is also just dead wrong. Sooner or later it is all catching up to them (just as all the illegal stuff at the state level eventually results in indictments). But kids and teachers and taxpayers are getting hurt meanwhile. What a stinking mess! And they really think they can swindle us into voting for an Override!
Great. Another lawsuit coming against the badministration. That means more legal fees to defend the school administration that doesn't deserve to be defended, and most likely a hush-hush settlement paid to the victim(s) out of one of the SPED account, where they've been hiding all their secret settlement expense and legal fees. All on the taxpayer dime. But don't worry, we'll just pass another override. Also, congrats to the school committee for once again approving the $48,000 "bucket of money" for the "six-figure" administrators' raises this year, over and above what is required by their contracts. Where else can you get raises every year for progressively poorer student outcomes year over year? Carrie K was the only one to vote no. It's good to see at least one School committee member "gets it".
I am fairly new to Melrose. I moved here because I loved how quaint it seemed, and because several people I knew had told me what a great place it is. I also met one of the MEF moms early on, and I think she thought that my husband and I would be big donors to the MEF, so she was very nice to us. Obviously, we moved here thinking the schools would be better than adequate for our kids. We don't have oodles of money, but we would gladly support the schools for innovative initiatives. Not long after I met the MEF moms, I said something critical of the schools in their presence- really just an observation about what seemed to be mismanagement. That was it. I was ostracized by these women. That is fine with me, as they were not my favorite people to begin with. But, their extreme reaction to my observation made me start to ask more questions about the schools, and boy, did I not like what I found.
The most recent school committee meeting represents so much that is wrong with our schools here. (Yes, whether or not the MEF moms choose to acknowledge me, I still consider these to be my schools too. I have kids here, and I pay taxes, and I am involved. I may be on the outs with those in power, but they are still my schools too). Besides the anger displayed toward the art teacher, the immediate shutting down of her comments, and the fact they are letting her go, I was astounded by how unmoved the whole group seemed by the student comments. These high school students chose to speak in public from their hearts. This is not an easy task, and I thought they did it with poise and thoughtfulness. I also thought they made some excellent points, and they had clearly thought carefully about an issue that impacts them greatly. The dismissive, "next!" after each one was telling. It made me sad to think that this is the district I chose.
Now, after reading this board, I know that the comments may well include people telling me to move or go back whence I came, but that is not what I want to do. I want to stay. I don't want to put my kids in private school or move. I like a lot about Melrose, but can't I still have an opinion about the schools? I want to be part of the solution, but I have no idea how to begin. I am not afraid of the MEF moms, though they would clearly like to intimidate everyone outside of the inner circle. However, I think they stand in the way of progress, which is antithetical to their stated goals. How can I make any headway toward improvement? Is this even fixable?
Unfortunately, you found out what many many of us already knew. This is their MO - they roll up in the welcome wagon to any new arrival, for the sole purpose of recruiting another member to their little cabal, and heaven forbid you should even think a critical thought. If and when you do, you are immediately ostracized and are considered a "troublemaker" and a "Melrose hater". It isn't just the MEF witches - it's the entire school administration that behaves that way. You can be sure that one of the MEF witches has already given your name to the administration, who is just waiting for you to act up, so they can stomp all over you.
This is systemic in Melrose, at it starts at the very top. That's who sets the tone. For years people have been trying to warn us that this was coming, and for years nobody listened. This is the end result.
I'm very sorry you were misled, and I hope you have the gumption to speak out publicly and with your ballot when the time comes - and it is coming. Judging from the last SC meeting, notwithstanding the disgusting actions of the chair, I think they may have picked on the wrong person this time. As much as I realize it's going to cost me money, I hope she sues the living daylights out of them. Override that.
Am I reading this correctly? The Arts department chair told another arts teacher to separate children by race? So the teacher refused and the administration's response is to fire that teacher? This can't be right! What a bunch of numbskulls! That teacher has one of the best unlawful termination of employment suits I've ever heard about! What about the children that were separated by race? Everyone of those children (white, black etc) has a potential civil rights suit!
This is the most arrogant asinine administrative response to date. Maybe the MEF mom's need to start thinking about raising money for the school department's defense fund.[:-?]
To the "New Parent" poster above who has been ostracized by the MEF mean girl mom group: Please don't lose heart! There are many good and decent people in Melrose. You will find your peeps eventually and they, unlike MEF/Mean Moms, will be worthy of your friendship. As to what is going on with the school system and politically in Melrose, I urge you to tell other new residents about this board and to urge them to vote out the current mayor and school committee members (other than CKK) and to vote NO ON the override. That is the only way change will be effected. The mayor and his minions are pretty much long term Melrose residents who have gotten things to go their way by their "good ol' Melrose' contacts over many years. Well, the times are changing. The good ol' gang sees the writing on the wall, and they are getting desperate enough to use any tactic, legal or illegal, to hold on to their old vision of Melrose. The decent people of Melrose (in other words those who are not small minded and looking to the city for their income) welcome you.
Quote: What?
To the "New Parent" poster above who has been ostracized by the MEF mean girl mom group: Please don't lose heart! There are many good and decent people in Melrose. You will find your peeps eventually and they, unlike MEF/Mean Moms, will be worthy of your friendship. As to what is going on with the school system and politically in Melrose, I urge you to tell other new residents about this board and to urge them to vote out the current mayor and school committee members (other than CKK) and to vote NO ON the override. That is the only way change will be effected. The mayor and his minions are pretty much long term Melrose residents who have gotten things to go their way by their "good ol' Melrose' contacts over many years. Well, the times are changing. The good ol' gang sees the writing on the wall, and they are getting desperate enough to use any tactic, legal or illegal, to hold on to their old vision of Melrose. The decent people of Melrose (in other words those who are not small minded and looking to the city for their income) welcome you.
Yes, very well stated. However, someone needs to run against the mayor and BOA, too or it all bites the dust.
I whole heartedly agree. Dolan needs to separate himself from all of this and do the right thing. If Taymore continues down this path her legacy will be that of one who covers up discriminatory behavior therefore making her worse than the offender. I would like to see her and the mayor say enough is enough. We will not tolerate this type of behavior from anyone.
" I would like to see her and the mayor say enough is enough."
Both are originators of the problem. If they demonstrate zero tolerance, they would have to fire themselves. CT would have to fire some of her own hires, which she hasn't demonstrated the common sense or humility to do.
To Think: you are right. What was I thinking.
The OCR is investigating an alleged civil rights violation by a teacher that happened 15 months ago. The school district moved that teacher to a different school. Said teacher is now retiring.
When my parent retired as a school teacher, in a different state, annual retirement was determined on the average salary of the last three years of service. If similar is true in Massachusetts, I am not happy about my tax dollars paying for above-referenced teacher's retirement. I think that teacher's retirement package IS my contribution to dollars needed by the school district.
Why isn't the media all over this and the other complaints against MPS?
The media might very well be greatly interested in alleged civil rights violations at MPS, but someone has to alert the media of what is happening. The media would want to name or quote the informer for legitimacy. Even if the person chose to remain anonymous, that would eventually be impossible. I suspect a person with a child in the school system would be scared to speak out?
The local media is worthless, for the most part. They will only publish anything "negative" or "controversial" after it's already been in circulation and not likely to blowback on the wishes of the realtors and pols directing Melrose "news" traffic, or has so much steam already that it doesn't matter.
Melrose deserves to be covered by the big guns for its rampant and dark problems, and that will eventually happen. Some of the problems are just too big to cover up.
Two more school days and the plantation owning racist will be thrust out of MPS on a forced retirement. Good riddens El Presidente.
Good to know. About time!!!!
ONE more school day, well actually 4 school hours, and the MEA president will be gone. "Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty. Free at last." She served all too many years as an 8th grade history teacher then this past year at mhs 9-12. Oh and btw, this is the teacher who the complaint was filed and on-going investigation from the office of civil rights. Yes you heard it right. The president of the teachers union is the one that a "complaint against an educator" was filed.
wish is that our city officials and school administrative staff begin to realize that our students are our first priority and that we ALL have a commitment and stake in their success - and not just them.
This is an unusual situation where the local press is delinquent in covering the issues that are important. Week after week we see fluff pieces written and directed by the Mayor's office substituting for real journalism in the Free Press and Melrose Weekly. Meanwhile, there is a full blown Federal Civil Rights investigation of the School Department going on, exposed only after a good citizen alerted the AG's office of the SC chair's attempted cover-up, an OML violation under State law. That's two blockbuster stories not being covered. By the press not covering these issues, crooked government officials feel emboldened to violate the public's trust. That was supposed to be the beauty of Freedom of the Press and the First Amendment. It was meant as deterrent against corruption of government officials. Unfortunately, the Melrose Weekly and Free Press are not brave enough to do their job. There should be outrage that means something about whatever has led to such a serious matter, and that is quite clearly being actively hidden by school officials and their boss, the Melrose School Committee. Where is the moral compass of this community?These people need to be handed their walking papers!Just how much of a bill is this district likely going to be footing as this continues to unfold? Is this the real reason behind the freight train known as the done-deal Override that the mayor is assuming will take care of all?It isn't just an "embarrassment.
There's more to it than that. It goes back several years between them. This is just the latest incident.