Sunday Boston Globe Article on Melrose Override - Globe North Section
Did anyone see the article in today's Sunday Globe - Globe North section on the Melrose Override? They quoted among others, Jennifer McAndrews, chairwoman of "Yes for Melrose", on how this added money is needed for investments for parks and playgrounds - does this woman know that profits from Mount Hood Golfing pays for all our parks because of the change in the law which now allows money from golfing to be used for all our parks?
She also said that now we can invest in seniors and veterans, repair of our infrastructure – yet a majority of the money spent on roads comes from state & federal monies – also does she know that Melrose is getting money for additional veteran’s services from our agreements with surrounding communities after the merger of these veterans’ offices? - and for a new roof for the library - where the heck did this need come from?!
Is this woman "out to lunch" or just plain lying? The Mayor told us that the override was critical to address the needs for more teachers and school staff as well as safety issues by hiring more police - of course the crime rate in Melrose has decreased substantially over the past 5 years based on recent statistics- now this group and the Mayor turn around and says it is for all these other non-critical items!
It sure sounds like the typical Mayor Dolan "Bait and Switch" game again - doesn't it?
Finally, the schools ended the current year with a surplus of over $600,000! Has anyone bothered to ask them why they can’t use this money to hire all the school staff needed which is enough money to do so? Where is the local press in challenging them with the facts?
If anyone votes for this override – they seriously need to seek medical help because only an insane person would vote for this override!
Re: Sunday Boston Globe Article on Melrose Override - Globe North Section
Is this woman "out to lunch" or just plain lying?
The Mayor told us that the override was critical to address the needs for more teachers and school staff as well as safety issues by hiring more police - of course the crime rate in Melrose has decreased substantially over the past 5 years based on recent statistics- now this group and the Mayor turn around and say it is for all these other non-critical items! It sure sounds like the typical Mayor Dolan "Bait and Switch" game again - doesn't it?
Yup. The bull$hit is getting so deep now I need to break out my waders.
Finally, the schools ended the current year with a surplus of over $600,000! Has anyone bothered to ask them why they can’t use this money to hire all the school staff needed which is enough money to do so? Where is the local press in challenging them with the facts?
You're joking, right? The local press??????
If anyone votes for this override – they seriously need to seek medical help because only an insane person would vote for this override!
That's true, but Melrose seems to have a greater percentage of morons than any other location in the Western Hemisphere, led by the most egregious bunch of charlatans I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.
Re: Sunday Boston Globe Article on Melrose Override - Globe North Section
If I am reading the article correctly from the Weekly News it looks like Lewis wrote an article stating State funds are again available for Kindergarten Grants. Is this correct ? So Melrose will get chapter 70 funding again? Thank you
Re: Sunday Boston Globe Article on Melrose Override - Globe North Section
The district was never in danger of losing its Chapter 70 funding, though it is set at an artificially low level that doesn't meet the actual needs of the various districts. There's nothing new about that. Every district is complaining that its Chapt. 70 funding is disproportionately low to the actual need. Don't believe Robbie's pleas about the "taking away of the ARRA funds," either, another ruse that so many of the dummies have bought, hook, line and sinker. The Kindergarten grants were restored by the legislature and then struck down by the governor and then vetoed back in. CT can't beef about that anymore in her fake override "want" list, which was never why she and Rob wanted the money anyhow (though the gullible ones seem to have eaten it up).
Re: Sunday Boston Globe Article on Melrose Override - Globe North Section
Curiously, there always seems to be $100,000 or so just hanging around in the deep summer so the school committee can grant Superintendent Cyndy Taymore her request for bonuses above and beyond contract requirements for her and her crack expert team of administrators who have become experts at hiding public documents and the truth from Melrose taxpayers as well as our only real school committee member, Carrie Kourkomelis. And of course there always seems to be plenty of money hanging around to pay the thousands of dollars for the School Administration's "legal defense fund" on the taxpayer's dime. Wake up Melrose. These people are stealing from us.[:-|]
Re: Sunday Boston Globe Article on Melrose Override - Globe North Section
Hello Melrosians how are you all doing tonight, let's make this quick. Is the superintendent telling us the truth? Is the mayor telling us the truth, why do I ask the question? It's very simple, are we losing any funding for anything? it seems to be a mix communications here, let's tie the federal investigation into this all. Let's tie why we can't get the whole truth on why public records cannot be released. How come we have different people speaking different languages about this override? It seems to be a different story from each individual. Now our superintendent and our mayor, should get their act together. Yes you may disagree with what I'm saying but if you have a surplus why do you need a override? You seem to be hiding the truth, the question becomes, does Melrosians really know what kind of school system they do want. And what kind of school systems they do not want. And can the folks in this community really afford an override? I'm being short with this tonight, I hope you all read this for what it is, that's all. Can you afford an extra lets say $260 forever, some will say yes, others will say no. So thank you Melrosians, had to shine in on this, MFD asked a good question. I have all the respect in the world for him, I met him. I know I'm personally going to vote no. PS Just look at your water bill, that says it all, no one in this community is stupid, they have no presented a reason why they need this override. We're not talking about layoffs or anything else. They're just hoping that we pay this override train, and just say yes. Vote with your wallet and say no. Thank you all and enjoy the rest of the summer.