Free Press Headline promotes Paymore. What a great job she does!!!!!!.... Threatre of the Absurd equals No on The Override.....!
I didn't know Brigid was still writing for the Free Press....
Frankly - I think that Brigid is the puppeteer at city hall!
Absurd and dangerous. These small-time small-minded bullies have succeeded in harming a lot of children and their education system, with the full support of a willfully ignorant citizenry. We taxpayers have been funding this operation with the insufficiently questioned raiding of our tax dollars via the schools, the water/sewer bills, the trash tax, and any number of other outright abuses that have had no appropriate checks and balances from an informed public. The Kremlin would have loved Melrose, with its fleet of eager propaganda consumers and propagators.
Hopefully the Melrose Freedom Fighters will prevail against this RD era of power abuses. Sadly it seems to require that things sink farther and farther downwards so that they are obvious enough even for the sycophants to grasp. How much lower does it have to go? Hopefully enough damage has been done and enough Melrosians are now determined to take back their community starting with our school system.
That starts with a demand for the actual news, not this fake stuff constructed by the mayor and superintendent that has passed for it.
Thank you, Melrose Messages for providing the only reliable source of uncensored news, harsh and unpleasant though it often (of late) is.
school choice mess
bad mcas results
federal investigation
withholding records
improper meetings
good teachers forced out
sbusive teachers protected
asbestos in the high school
The Spin Machine is gearing up again for the beginning of school to keep naive new parents feeling secure. The spinmeisters know to solicit feel-good articles in the paper to deflect attention from all the incompetence and bad acts.
There is no school choice. They assign you. They wouldn't let my kids go to the school 850 feet from my front door.They sent my kids to the farthest school across town. They don't seem to care how they hurt families.
Mrs. Taymore is just polishing up her Google profile for her next job. She knows she has to take the fall for all the bad things happening here. The mayor and school committee is only glad to help so she'll go away without outing them.
Mr. Casey did the exact same thing when he had to leave. Superintendents are smart people - they know to frame a positive Google profile to get the next higher paying job. After all, that's how they bamboozle the mayor and school committee to get hired in the first place.
The spin isn't just the schools. The mayor's office leads the effort. Never watched a school committee meeting without six of them saying how wonderful everything is. The super is expected to spin everything by the likes of Dolan, Thorp, Driscoll, Casatelli.
Spin is the sole school/city strategy. Don't do something right - spin it. Don't tell the truth - spin it. Don't admit failure - spin it. Just keep spinning everything so the mayor and super can collect their salaries and so school committee stay in office and aldermen remain in office until they get free health insurance for life.
The newest SC candidates are all about pandering to the kindergarten population, and making those disgruntled K parents who didn't get their "School Choice" (the fraud perpetrated by the SC and realtors) feel better about Melrose. These 2 new candidates are putting forward a big effort to "fix" the kindergarten selection process, lots of verbiage, lots of feel-good, linked to all the typical ones--MGrover, JMcAndrew--and now getting the patronage nod from the administration so that all can appear to be working together to solve the Problem.
K Parents: Beware! These are not your friends. They will not tell you the real deal. They are all about promoting their own agenda and securing their political aims, AT YOUR CHILDREN'S EXPENSE! Some of them know full well just how fraudulent the Message is, but are promoting it anyway, because they are only about their political agenda and not about the children, even their own (who are suffering right under their collective noses and being ignored).
This is a deeply broken school system. Those who are pandering and selling the PR do not have children's best interests at heart.
There are way more terrible things that the public hasn't yet learned about this school administration. There is real malfeasance, legal incompetence, actionable bad deeds in more directions than could be listed. It is a $hitstorm the city is trying frantically to keep under wraps, with the full cooperation of its apathetic citizenry. Maybe not so much anymore, though....
I'll say she was Caught. But so is the School Committee, the mayor, the city solicitor, and the mid-level administrators and teacher in question.
Now watch them all eat their own as they try to scapegoat and shut it down.
The Override thing is just a great big red herring to keep us away from the really big issues that will affect our wallets, the ones that have already been consuming school and city budget dollars (and probably for a long time).
Here are the exact words of Kristin Thorp chair of our School Committee when I asked to re-open the performance evaluation of Cyndy Taymore since we all just found out this past week that the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department found the Melrose school system violated a student's civil rights
Kristin Thorp: "Thank you for your mail. I am not planning to reopen the evaluation. As you saw in the article, very little is known at this time about the finding and the proposed remedy, and it would be very premature to respond at this time. I believe that the evaluations are representative of the member's opinions of the work that has been done, and that is still needed to be done." Translation: I need to protect Taymore as long as I can - since we hired her.
Please remember folks that Thorp has many intimate conversations with Taymore about this event and the school committee has gone into numerous "executive sessions" at their meetings discussing the details of this pending litigation - so Thorp knows a lot about what transpired.
When I challenged her about the veracity of her statement above and the need to hold Taymore accountable in her current performance evaluation, Thorp played dumb and made the following statement: "The entire committee thinks this is important, as do the Superintendent, administrative team and the staff. I do not know yet what time or cost will be involved, as we have not yet heard what the outcome will be. I do not know which people, or for what, they should be held accountable, because again I do not know the actual findings or the proposed remedy, as they are not yet available.I am sure that the committee will discuss the matter with the Superintendent in whatever way is legal and appropriate, when the time comes. At this time there is nothing for us to discuss that would yield a useful outcome." Translation: I am in big trouble and I intend to play stupid for as long as I can!
Meanwhile the city has spent $10's of thousands of dollars already on this case and more money will be needed for the upcoming litigation. Also, unknown to most residents of Melrose, additional civil rights have been filed against the school department and when these cases are made public - the whole school "house of cards" will collapse and then we will finally find out the devious and deceptive nature of our school committee and senior school administration. The Mayor will then have a lot to answer for in the upcoming November elections.
The mayor has nothing to answer for in the November elections. His reelection is assured.
Quite the contrary - the Mayor has much to answer for! His direct interference in the last teacher/union and school contract negotiations was unlawful - including his pubic lies about the fact that the contract only included a 1% annual raise for teachers when we all found out after it was signed that it was actually an 8% raise! Also his complicit cover-up of the recent student civil rights violation by the school department including other similar violations that will soon be disclosed.
Yes you are right about this.
Taymore's unsavory side was well known in Malden. No one should be surprised about all the lawsuits and civil rights complaints that go un-investigated, and of course the cover-ups and retaliation, leading to the current debacle with the Office of Civil rights. Carrie Kourkoumelis tried to warn the other buffoons on school committee about her past history to no avail. As usual, Carrie did her homework, and the other Committee members did not. Take a look at the juvenile-like superintendent evaluations put forth by Dolan, Thorp, Driscoll, Constantine, Casatelli, and Dugan and you will get my drift. amateur hour. They all seem to be more concerned with propping up their original poor decision to hire her against CKK's advice. Each glowing evaluation looks more foolish than the year before as the district slides further into despair.
Please - you give the committee too much credit by calling them buffoons! Idiots and scoundrels would be better (except for CKK).
There is a full fledged panic happening now on the 2d floor at City Hall. Our very own education expert is frantically seeking a scapegoat in an effort to avoid taking any responsibility. It will not be Taymore and Company - that would be tantamount to admitting his mistakes. Meanwhile, he gets more and more complicit.
See that flashing red light, Rob? That's your career dissipation light in alert mode. If you had even a shred of integrity, you'd have been out in front of this a long time ago. Who's the "hater" now?
When you have a bloated head the size of a watermelon, with numerous sycophants surrounding you, and the ego of a megalomaniac - what do you expect? The only thing missing on the Mayor are kingly garbs! Hail to the King!
Maybe he should go after his crack legal team, get some legal malpractice action going (collect on some settlements there big enough to cover the mess that will continue to unfold for a long time now). He could try and get some cover by claiming he was just obeying his attorneys.... just sayin'
Will he ever win back real credibility? Nope. Anyone with half a brain figured out the real story about this guy and won't be duped again, hopefully.
His best bet is to look for a city manager position somewhere if he has burned all his state govt bridges (which with his arrogance he probably has). Maybe he has a career in radio!
You would think we were the Lexington School system reading Margaret Driscoll's dribble on her Blog " Taking Notes in Melrose". But not one "note" on the defining issue of the last two years: How to get a handle on lying cheating scoundrels in the superintendent's office, city solicitor's office and school committee who believe it is okay to ignore civil rights complaints, and instead illegally retaliate against the complainants (all in violation of Federal Civil Rights Laws). Also, not one "note" repeated Open Meeting Law violations and Public Records Law violations. Meanwhile, Margaret has been babbling on about all the cute little initiatives being taken on while our school administrators sink further into a moral and ethical fire pit and student outcomes fall even further while top administrators become distracted covering up their civil rights violations messes. No one reading her blog would be aware the Melrose School System has been in complete disarray since 2012.[:|]
You can leave a comment on her blog..I have done that countless times - she hates it but she has to be open to comments otherwise it will show her up to be a hypocrite. Go back and leave a "friendly comment".
I think these acts by Superintendent Taymore, Mayor/SC member (really the one who makes the decisions on SC with Taymore), the lawyer, as well as all of the actively collusive SC members (like Thorpe, Driscoll, Cassatelli, Dugan and Constatine) should be liable personally and individually for lawsuits arising out of the OCR findings. Their acts were knowing and intentional. The taxpayers never authorized them to act in a discriminatory manner. If our city lawyer were actually working for the city of Melrose and its citizens, he should have immediately moved to distance the city from the actions of these people. If civil lawsuits are brought, the city lawyer should be screaming about why the city shouldn't be on the hook. Maybe the insurer's attorney will actually have a brain and cut loose all of these officials who acted intentionally. They probably haven't even notified their insurer.
Perhaps the city's lawyer hasn't reviewed the Massachusetts Rules of Professional and Ethical Conduct for attorneys in a while?
How smart do you think this guy is? Now you tell him he needs to read the law books again!