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Thank god my kid goes private. I couldn't imagine him coming home talking about this nonsense. Sexting scandals, racism, plummeting MCAS scores, and a middle/high school littered with long term substitutes.

Re: Private

Let's not overlook rampant cheating brought about by chaos in administrative "philosophy" (hard to call it that when it's actually total incompetence and contemptuous attitudes). Then the over-compensating grade deflation/inflation extremes and the totally punitive culture, turning secondary education especially into a penal colony for many, with increasingly harsh treatment of students while the misbehaving staff gets free rein. (Elementary isn't much better!) The few remaining good teachers are harassed and demeaned and prevented from focusing on the needs of the students. The district is a trainwreck educationally while it is a green pasture for the gross opportunist (proven incompetent) carpetbaggers that now characterize much of the staff.

And this community just reelected Margaret and the angels singing in her sick head! Go figure! I guess it wasn't enough to watch this vindictive woman practically living in the mayor's and superintendent's offices, forcing her will to micromanage (totally inappropriately) every practice, policy, and procedure.

The accumulation and subsequent abuse of power by these crazed types mismanaging everything is at the root of why things have gotten so bad. Glad the override went down but the community apparently isn't sophisticated enough to understand the deeper problems, and now it has just further empowered the most lethal characters so that they can ruin whatever good is left.

Re: Private

Don Bling
Thank god my kid goes private. I couldn't imagine him coming home talking about this nonsense. Sexting scandals, racism, plummeting MCAS scores, and a middle/high school littered with long term substitutes.

Are you saying there is now a sexting scandal at MHS?

Re: Private

Middle School.
Ask Brent C about it. He broke a broom trying to sweep it.

Re: Private

And a whole lot of them drinking somewhere near the water in Boston. The cops showed up and many took off running. My child was one of them. Luckily my child spilled all that happened because they were concerned about a very intoxicated friend who was left behind and couldn't get a hold off. Didn't know if they were taken by the cops or took off and was out wondering alone on the city streets. Thankfully they made it home after their phone had died. FYI I was told this is a common thing for the kids of Melrose to do. For some reason the waterfront is an attractive place for them to drink. All ages were there. Freshman to seniors, athletes and honor students. Even a couple of eigth graders. I will be giving a resounding no when my child tells me they're going into Boston to "walk around" I know there will be those of you saying that's typical high school behavior and every generation does it. Doesn't mean we have to condone it and make it easy for them.

Re: Private

Crazy stuff is happening at private schools too..sexing drinking, drugging etc. Look at the happenings revealed in the news recently at the private school in NH.

Re: Private

Yes. But the difference is they actually face/deal with the problems head on. Something I have not seen in my dealings with Melrose public. But to each his own. I know of two 8th graders that currently have 4 long term substitutes in CORE subjects. Two of them are certified. YIKES