Here is Rebecca Mooney's response to my email and my follow up response:
Dear Ms. Wright,
Thank you for your email.
The message I read on the “Real Moms” Facebook page was the first I’d heard of the “Kick a Ginger Day” incident. At that time I had no idea other students were involved, Channel 7 had done a story, that an email had gone out to parents from MVMMS or anything else about it. I was simply reacting as an individual, not on behalf of MAAV, encouraging it to be reported. My experience has been that many students beg their parents not to report bullying, so often they don’t.
As I learned more about the incident, I did feel that MAAV needed to make a statement and take a stand, so posted the following on MAAV’s Facebook page:
MAAV decries the incidence of violence at the Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School last week, where red-headed students were targeted as part of “Kick a Ginger Day.” There is absolutely no excuse for this type of behavior, even if students thought it was a joke, based on an episode of “South Park.” We have offered our assistance to MVMMS and encourage every parent to use this as a “teachable moment” to discuss why these actions are wrong and how we are all responsible for speaking out against it. This article provides information and guidance (link to article).
I have been in touch with MVMMS administrators to offer MAAV’s assistance, and it appears that the bullying policy is being implemented appropriately and that disciplinary action has been taken in regards to the students perpetrating the abuse.
Of course the work of creating safe, respectful schools is an ongoing endeavor, and MAAV will continue to work towards that goal through our many education, peer leadership, and prevention programs.
Rebecca Mooney
Rebecca Mooney, Executive Director
Melrose Alliance Against Violence
Dear Ms. Mooney,
Unfortunately I feel your response to my email and your post on Facebook is offensively tepid and sorely lacks the hallmarks of what a true advocate against violence should be espousing. I get no sense of urgency, no real outrage and no plan to address the school administration directly or to hold them accountable for a policy that does nothing to mete out justice for the victims. If a woman was kicked or punched by her husband or significant other, wouldn’t you tell her to report it to the police? Why is this situation any different? In fact in many respects it’s WORSE because the perpetrators are children!.
You say: “it appears that the bullying policy is being implemented appropriately and that disciplinary action has been taken in regards to the students perpetrating the abuse.
This statement is a complete and utter cop out. What disciplinary action was taken? You don’t even know! It is appalling to me that given the recent civil rights violations levied against the school district that you wouldn’t feel the need to conduct just a little due diligence as to what the district actually did or did not do. Providing a link to what another district does to combat bullying demonstrates a clear lack of concern for the seriousness of this tragedy IN THIS community!
I don’t know what victims you speak with, but the victims that I have represented and their parents have a very different experience of what this school district qualifies as “discipline” with respect to bullying. What happened on “Kick a Ginger Day” was a CRIME as defined by the laws of the Commonwealth! Plain and simple! I hope you are aware that this state has a mandatory reporting requirement that incidents of child abuse noticed by teachers, doctors or nurses be reported to the police. While there is no such legal protection afforded to victims of bullying, organizations representing victims and witnesses in this state offer counseling and guidance for victims and encourage them to take their abusers to court. THAT SHOULD BE YOUR RESPONSE!
If you cannot summon up the professional, moral or legal courage to do more than posting a link on Facebook or using the word “decry”, then perhaps you need to pass the reigns of your organization to someone who will do more than what you have done. Your response is nothing more than a civil alliance with the school district administration’s policy of doing nothing.
Patricia M. Wright
Well said, Patty. Unfortunately, Mooney is showing herself to be just like all the rest- more concerned with her "organization" than what is right. The parents of the victims must not be at the "Run for Women" or the "MAAV Walk", and they must not have donated enough. I wonder how many of the perpetrators' parents did.
Excellent letter, Ms. Wright.
One missing point in all of this, however, is that MAAV could and should be directing commentary and action towards the community that is first, allowing such a poor administration to continue to be employed here, and second, raising children with such backwards and abhorrent attitudes. Simply fobbing this off onto school authorities and trusting that actions are appropriate demonstrates lack of understanding, lack of caring, and willingness to support a political structure that is knowingly and negligently dysfunctional system-wide.
Violent and bigoted attitudes towards anyone "other" don't just spring up overnight. This is a longstanding problem that has only gotten much much worse since this administration gave a pass towards a teacher telling a student to "go back to the plantation" and then furthered the harm by allowing race assemblies without appropriate intervention and management. When white students are allowed to tell black students in Melrose that they are "lucky" and should be grateful to get to go to MHS, without someone immediately intervening and putting a stop to such open racism, the message is cemented. When the same offending 8th-grade teacher was allowed to mock a Muslim girl looking upwards as supposedly "praying to her god" the message was cemented with these impressionable young people. When a MHS administrator called out two students of color in the hallway when they were not supposed to be and told them that since they were black they needed to go see the METCO director (they pointed out that they were Melrose residents), no one sanctioned this administrator for the overtly bigotted conduct (long observed in this individual as a coach as well) and instead cemented the perceptions that such conduct is acceptable. These are just a few of the most obvious deeply disturbing things that have happened in Melrose, just in the past year. But the trends are a long time in the making. The bigotry and bullying by many Melrose parents is easily observable and understood by anyone "other" who has had to suffer through the overt or more insidious harm (like the shunning that occurs as a matter of course). Watch and listen to what happens in PTO meetings or coffee shops or soccer fields or football games or elementary birthday parties for easy examples. The conduct of many around the override was a fertile ground for a lot of very toxic behavior, which the children of this community could and most certainly did observe. Children were turned into political footballs (again) and they knew it.
If RM wanted to say anything that could hit home immediately, she could start with the principles of stopping the hate by not being a Bystander, and that means parents, students, community members, all of whom tend in this culture to turn away from standing up when someone is being bullied in any of the many ways this is done. RM has long known about the poor attitudes and despicable conduct in the community, about the regressive hiring practices that have allowed our city to eliminate rather than increase diversity, about those at the top waging a hate-mongering campaign with their moniker of "hater" on anyone "other," about the systematic marginalizing of any who express different views, about the institutionalized hazing of parents who raise uncomfortable questions. RM and the entire community have had many easy examples of this institutionalized bullying with the creation of backwards and harmful policies for the school committee. RM could have and should have addressed these things point blank, but that would mean addressing those who provide her with a very comfortable job.
RM, MAAV, the HRC, and many others in the political hierarchy here all share the shame in their collective support for an administration that should have been swiftly condemned for irrefutably wrong, illegal, and deeply harmful conduct that they have all known about. Beyond that however, are the parents who are fostering such hateful attitudes. This isn't confined just to Melrose, of course, as anyone watching the news can see. But Melrose has a lot about which it should be deeply ashamed. That it is now gone to the extent of federal civil rights investigations, one of which has already yielded a finding of overt racism on the part of the school district, is more evidence than should be necessary for a community reckoning. The outrage showed itself in many of the letters written to the papers recently and in the landslide vote against the administration's wish for an override. That won't fix the problem, however. The problem requires a community will to take responsibility for itself, and so far Melrose has done a very poor job. How much lower do things have to get before real and systemic action and community dialogue occur?
If you want to have more say in what MAAV does, why don't you just volunteer for them? There are plenty of volunteer opportunities with MAAV and working with them would probably have more impact then writing to them via FaceBook or a message board.
I'd rather kick that dopey Mary Ann!
I think it's extremely odd that you feel the need to print personal correspondence on a public website. Is your job to troll websites and harass public administrators? This is a serious question. What is the point of your constant shi* stirring?
The "point" is to get these so-called public administrators to actually do the job they are supposed to be doing. If they have to be "harassed" into that, so be it. It's called Civics 101.
"Is your job to troll websites and harass public administrators?"
Actually, as a voter and taxpayer, it is an obligation to be informed, so accusing PW of "troll[ing]" websites isn't a legitimate criticism, just a snarky and lame attempt to discredit Ms. W. These are public websites and public officials taking in public dollars, and as such, public input is to be encouraged, except of course by the likes of "Billy" (aka Mike or Rob or Briget or whomever is actually doing the trolling here) who want to shut down every possible avenue of public engagement except those which shower unearned glory on our miserable excuse of an administration.
Voted NO on the override.......!!!
You simpletons need a life/hobby. Go out and actually DO something to help the community. Posting on message boards all day everyday really affect much. Just my opinion. Didn't mean to strike a nerve.
Your attitude speaks volumes. Unfortunately "ignore it and it will go away" is not a viable strategy. In fact, it's typical of too many in Melrose, and is how things got so bad in the first place. One more time - Civics 101.
I don't think he was saying ignore things. I think he was saying that may be you should actually participate, rather than sit behind a computer screen and criticize all day long. Volunteering for MAAV would be a great start, if you are truly concerned about the violence/bullying in the schools. They are a very small organization trying to accomplish big goals and could use as much help as possible.
I admire CKK sticking her neck out to do what is right, meeting after meeting. It's like trying to roll the boulder up the mountain. Most of us give up but so far she keeps going. Quite frankly she deserves more vocal support from the people that agree with her. She shouldn't have to be doing this alone.
And alone she's been doing it for years! Ms. Kourkoumelis has been true to her goals of community service and promoting public transparency with little or no help yet remains faithfully committed to doing so.
Both PW and CKK have had to pay an enormous personal toll for their dedication to high ideals and their integrity. PW had to face all kinds of official and unofficial retaliation but never wavered, always coming out for what's right. CKK has served faithfully for 6 years and was sticking her neck out long before she was ever elected. Not only has she paid a huge personal toll, she had to endure her children being victimized directly by the awful people in the school system who purposely made them targets as a way of trying to intimidate and stifle her entire family's powerful voice. Each one of them stood up to the bullying and harassment with great grace and heads held tall. They are people of great accomplishment, every single one of them, and each possess the humility that comes of personal strength and integrity. The cowardly bullies in the political and social circles here are powerless in their pathetic quest to intimidate or render them smaller. With every new sick effort, whether it's the creation of their McCarthyist Norms and hiring their hit squad of three attorneys and an MASC "consultant" to try and frighten CKK, she has just prevailed with even more grace and honor where they look even more venal. Same with PW. Every effort to shut her down only makes her more determined to help the underdogs they are bullying and abusing.
You are right. They shouldn't have to stand alone to speak up for all of us.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving those of us who actually care should resolve to do better and step up. There really is power in numbers, and besides, it's the only the right thing to do.
Well said! I concur completely - both CKK & PW are gifts that keep on giving! Our city is enriched by their presence.
At Conway's meeting with employees he said he spent all weekend reviewing the camera tapes. One thing he consistently observed were teachers on each floor doing nothing while the attacks occurred. No teachers were spoken to on their lack of intervention nor would they be, just this forum. There in itself lies the problem. The most any student was reprimanded was suspension. No criminal charges filed. He also said that certain children were targeted, not just due to their hair color. Hair color was the excuse for attacking some.
I just sent this to Rebecca Mooney:
Dear Ms. Mooney,
A poster on Melrose Messages just posted this today:
"At Conway's meeting with employees he said he spent all weekend reviewing the camera tapes. One thing he consistently observed were teachers on each floor doing nothing while the attacks occurred. No teachers were spoken to on their lack of intervention nor would they be, just this forum. There in itself lies the problem. The most any student was reprimanded was suspension. No criminal charges filed. He also said that certain children were targeted, not just due to their hair color. Hair color was the excuse for attacking some."
I would like to know if you intend on vetting this post by asking to view the administration's tapes at the Middle School. I find it hard to believe that teachers would stand by and look the other way while children were being kicked. Perhaps you could also look into whether teachers are required to report student on student violence.
These are very dark times in our community. I'm sure with the sway that you hold in this city it would be simple for you to ask to review the tapes and make a professional assessment of how these recent incidents were handled.
Patricia Wright
The most important school system issue is football. Just ignore the other stuff.
Repeats itself.
Filing criminal charges against a student is not to be taken lightly. Could remain on their record for life even it
Under regulations issued for public schools by the Office of Civil Rights, sexual assault and harassment cases must be decided under a preponderance of the evidence standard. That is, you have to use the lowest burden of proof possible without actually presuming guilt.
I think the tapes should be reviewed to ascertain which teachers stood by and did nothing. Suspension is appropriate for the kids. The adults should know better. If I was a middle school parent and knew that a teacher watched my child get kicked and said nothing I'd be livid!
Ms. W's letter is great and hits the issue square on.
Only those with appropriate clearances can see the tapes, however, since student confidentiality is a real thing (unfortunately one that the district administration abuses to cover itself instead of protect the students, but a real concern nonetheless).
FYI, the MEF brigade has sent out its latest Talking Points and is bombarding the School Committee with pro forma letters about starting school 35 minutes later for middle and high school. They obviously couldn't give a rat's bottom about the serious issues, and are instead getting themselves in a stupid tizzy about this kind of thing. Guess they have to busy themselves with some sort of officiousness to cover their shame after their abysmal failure with the override (failure not only in gaining the trust of voters because it was a dog of an override that didn't deserve to succeed, but also a disastrous failure to read the matter correctly and instead buying into the administration's lies and propaganda, including that this was a slam-dunk that would pass).
Anyway, all the superficial busybodies like Maribeth, Cheryl, Betsey, etc. are getting worked up about all kinds of silliness, like rushing in to defend their hero, Robbie, over the chronic nonresponsiveness in fixing cracked pavement outside of senior housing, and the like. So they are way way too busy to be concerned with students being savaged by other students, $2,000 unsupervised and unmediated race assemblies where white students verbally assault black students with inpunity, or minority students abused by racist staff (who are supported fully by administration) and told to sit separately or "go back to the plantation." What a town!
Mooney was quoted as saying, "I have been in touch with MVMMS administrators to offer MAAV’s assistance, and it appears that the bullying policy is being implemented appropriately and that disciplinary action has been taken in regards to the students perpetrating the abuse."
Wow...this is what I call "taking the bull by the horns"! Without further face-to-face meetings with school administrators and doing some in-depth investigation herself, Money simply says that I have talked with them and declared, "nothing to see here folks, move along!" Thank god we have MAAV providing their expertise in dealing with violence in our community!It is truly heartwarming to know that Mooney and her organization decries violence in our schools - the impact of those comforting words will make all the difference to our community.
"I don't follow your statement of self-loathing. Doesn't make any sense?"
It was a deeply personal attack on Ms. Wright, intended to drive home the hate and rage of the poster to cause maximum personal pain by an individual who does not comprehend the meaning of classic projection and freely calls people "haters" while being exactly that. The "leader" of our community has propagated this hateful mentality based in character assassination and freewheeling with the laws as he sees fit (and surrounding himself with those who will prop him up with whatever means are deemed necessary, even if it means abusing or violating the laws). PW has been a favorite punching bag of this actual hater and his minions, who have gone to the extent of trying to prosecute on bogus charges (and being shot down for lack of evidence, among other things). These are facts that can be substantiated, by the way (the false prosecution, the campaign of calling dissenters "haters", the systematic abuse of authorities to harass perceived enemies).
Calling those of us who post or read this board PW's "pinhead online acolytes" is just another way of raging at those of us who opposed RD's foolish and failed override measure. The irony is that this board would never have been necessary nor would it have been taken seriously (as it most certainly is by even the Globe and other mainstream editors who faithfully check it) had RD not abused his authority by actively suppressing the flow of information for the last dozen years.
Thank you "a friend" and "Not a Parent" but pay no mind to the mean ole poster! LOL! I'm always fascinated by posts like this about me. This is someone I've never met, yet "loathes" me for what? Attacking the sacred cows in Melrose? I'll only stand up and take notice when this coward has the chutzpah to put his/her name on a post and tell me to my face. But even then I'm not promising a strong reaction. Maybe just pity.[:-?]
Ms. Wright, I find your comment very very offensive. Sacred cows are no laughing matter. The dear god Bhagavathi will not tolerate such behaviour. The Indian community of Melrose is deeply offended by your offensive words. I will have to send the great Ms. Moody a lengthy email about this discrimination and dishonour and be sure I shall post the correspondence on this internet website forum
Bhagavathi(s) are goddesses not gods nitwit.