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Today's front page article in the FP regarding MVMMS was interesting. In light of how much bullying goes on at the middle school, (often around sexual identity issues) this is positive news. The school is in deep trouble regarding bullying and at least some action has finally begun. Good PR for Conway who hasn't handled things well.

Re: Bullying

This principal, like so many others of late, has been disastrous. He is an arrogant bully himself, like his bosses, so it's no wonder that bullying of many forms is now institutionalized.

Re: Bullying

Watch the 12/8 School Committee meeting if you want to see the biggest bully of all here, as he tries, quite unsuccessfully, to push his weight around CKK, who shut him down with efficiency and grace.

This entire city government, both elected and appointed, is dominated by bullies. It didn't used to be that way. Even if there were the usual mushy, vaguely incompetent officials, as always, there was a kinder environment overall. Now it's a free-for-all for the institutionalized thuggery and backroom deals that qualify for local governance.

Re: Bullying

Here we go again MM whiners are so predictable, if someone does not agree with you call them a bully. Pathetic.

Re: Bullying

Pudwid; What are you talking about?? Have you watched the meeting on MMTV? Have you watched previous meetings on MMTV? He is a bully plain and simple. Keep your comments to yourself until you do your research.[:|]

Re: Bullying

"He is a bully plain and simple. Keep your comments to yourself until you do your research"

Oh no, Self Serving is bullying me call the FBI, let's launch a federal investigation, call the AG's Office!

News Flash it is not bullying it is called disagreeing with another persons opinion. I have attended several of these meetings IN PERSON. I have observed board members, administrators, politicians and members of the public involved in discussions where they agreed and disagreed on multiple topics. I think they call it democracy not bullying. Like I said whoever does not agree with your crowd is a bully you are clearly a victim go get some counseling and apply for SSDI.

Re: Bullying

Clearly this "Pudwid" character is either our tarnished local head of state, as it were, or one of his equally pathetic and troubled minions, someone who has very deep-seated problems and, like Trump, feels it's just fine to lash out at anyone "other," insinuating that they need to go file for SSDI just because they disagree or are somehow different. This is someone who thinks that what is occurring in local governance is "democracy," when in fact what is happening is a debauchery and mockery of democracy. This is someone who wants to portray local processes as legitimate because he says it's so, when in fact they are anything but. This is someone who wants to hide the fact that a pompous little dictator is actually running things (straight into the ground). This is someone who resents the fact that the United States Office of Civil Rights has already determined that the Melrose Public Schools (governed by a school committee on which he sits and tries, unsuccessfully, to dominate) has been found guilty of violating basic civil rights. This is someone who feels entitled to brutalize any and all who made this happen and brought the Big Guns into Melrose to scrutinize all that the administration had presumed they had neatly covered up in April of 2014 (just the most obvious violation, but of course part of a whole debauched system here where anyone "other" is a "hater"). This is someone who is seething that the community hugely rejected a tax override and all that it stood for, a fact that is indisputable but which rankles bitterly and is the newest cause (these types carry a bellyful of seething resentment all the time) for vengeful action by this pathetic wannabe dictator.

Newsflash, Pudwid: Your Third-World Dictatorship is coming apart at the seams. Better quickly find another job before the Big Shoe drops on you and your minions, exposing the many violations you assumed you'd never have to account for.

Re: Bullying

Someone needs to explain to him what "compliance" means, and that he can't redefine it as he sees fit. Hats off to CKK for shutting him right down. Not surprising though, since bullies usually do back right off when you stand up to them. What a schmuck.

Re: Bullying

"Hats off to CKK for shutting him right down."
