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Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

There are some community members joining with a couple of our civic leaders to call for action in returning Melrose to a more civil and decent community, where our elected and paid officials will be held accountable. The recent direct abuses of two of our elected officials--Monica Medeiros and Carrie Kourkoumelis--are a call to action. These officials have worked tirelessly and selflessly for us and now it's time for the community to step up and demand ethical, lawful, and decent treatment by all of our hired and elected officials.
With the finding of overt civil rights violations by the Federal Office of Civil Rights and the multiple instances of hate crimes noted in the media ("Kick a Ginger Day at the Middle School"), it's clear that Melrose has a large and burgeoning problem, one that is complex in nature and one that requires the community at large to step up and take responsibility. With last week's despicable attack against Ms. Medeiros by the city's chief financial officer, calling her "ignorant" and "disgusting" in a public meeting (in reply to professional, impersonal and justified questioning around a large financial request for which there had been a belligerent refusal to provide appropriate transparency), it is past time for this community to demand an end to this abuse of power, one which has been played out many times in the past six years towards Ms. Kourkoumelis on the School Committee as well. These brave representatives have fought hard for us, while the community has sat by and basically done nothing (though we have spoken via our rejection of the administration's unjustified call for a tax override and via the many blank entries on the ballots). We must do more, and soon. Despite the busy-ness of the holidays, it is incumbent on all of us who care to step up immediately. There is power in numbers, and it's high time that we join together and demand decency, transparency, accountability, ethical and lawful conduct from our officials.

Look for organizing materials in the near future. Happy Holidays! Let's hope for a better Melrose in 2016!

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Great. High time! Sign me up!
Will look for some contact info.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Yo dawg whats cracklin'?

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Not much homie Q

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Yeehaw. Let's kick off this initiative towards a more civil and decent community with an anonymous slam against the CFO and tell the citizens they have done nothing with a post on this message board. Great start! Where does one sign up for this? I am sure it will be very effective.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Yes, YeeHaw, it IS effective. In fact, despite Dolan and VanCampen's prior attempts to shut down this site, and thus, free speech (in violation of the First Amendment), it has been immensely effective in calling out the bullies for who they are when they misbehave. Nothing wrong with that. And given that this Administration has received notoriety statewide and beyond for the poor behavior of it's school committee "leadership", school district officials and city hall officials who retaliate against citizens who file complaints about municipal employee misbehavior, this site is the perfect vehicle for calling out these scoundrels without having to be a victim of their institutionalized retaliation machine. God, you gotta love the First Amendment!

From a recent Supreme court ruling:

"Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of government and of the majority. . . . It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights and of the First Amendment in particular: to protect individuals from retaliation . . . at the hand of an intolerant government"

Why exactly do you think Clown Patrol and Vuvu consistently dare posters to show themselves at school committee meetings? You know darn well why!

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Ummm, exactly when Did Dolan and Van Campen attempt to shut down this site? I must have missed that one.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

And we're still alive and kicking! It's the one thing he has ZERO control over and it makes Robbie apoplectic! The personal satisfaction I get from knowing he goes ballistic is 250 dollars a year well spent! LOL!

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Ummm, exactly when Did Dolan and Van Campen attempt to shut down this site? I must have missed that one.

Correction at least twice. Ireton previously operated the Melrose Messages site. Dolan and Van Campen weren't going to let that happen.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Here we go Melrose, finally the Melrose Messages whiners are revving up the political machine. They are forming a "coalition" to "take back Melrose". It is a call to action, be advised organizing materials will be arriving in the near future. YA RIGHT. Here is my list of potential Mayoral candidates from the Melrose Messages posse:

MFD aka The Angry White Guy
Patty "Dead Last" Wright
Monica "The Basement Dweller" Medeiros
Accountability aka "The Rambling Retard"

Those are the early favorites please feel free to add to the list.

I heard Mayor Dolan called an emergency meeting with his political advisors to develop a strategy to defeat these aforementioned formidable candidates.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Retard? Really?

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Duck Budda is priceless. The coalition will be looking for ballot reform as well. They think blanks count, so if they add all of PW's votes, and then subtract all of Dolan's blanks...guess what...she would still get slaughtered. HA HA HA

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Sons of Liberty
Ummm, exactly when Did Dolan and Van Campen attempt to shut down this site? I must have missed that one.

Correction at least twice. Ireton previously operated the Melrose Messages site. Dolan and Van Campen weren't going to let that happen.

Federal court decisions have continually confirmed broad First Amendment rights to record on-duty government officials in public, as it serves a critical First Amendment interest in protecting and promoting free discussion of governmental affairs. A 1st circuit decision Glik v. Cunniff) confirmed the legality of recording public officials, particularly when on duty and acting in the capacity of their official job. "A citizen's right to film and record government officials, including law enforcement officers, in the discharge of their duties in a public space is a basic, vital, and well-established liberty safeguarded by the First Amendment.". Unfortunately, Melrose government officials such Dolan and City Solicitor Van Campen frequently will threaten to press charges or actually press charges simply to intimidate reporters and advocates of government integrity, transparency and accountability by mis-using broadly written state laws and local ordinances.
The charges are almost always dropped or dismissed in court, but by then the victim has paid expensive legal fees. Dolan and Van Campen, on the other hand, have unlimited resources to harass Melrose citizens: The tax payer's pocket book.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

this might clear it up

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Yes, we get. Melrose officials including the superintendent's office have been using these sleazy tactics like this for some time now.
So what's new?.....zzzzzzzz...

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Bottom line is Dolan has been thwarted by the existence of this web site. He lost the override, gets exposed as a liar time and time again, and he has moles in his own administration that regularly post here.

Dolan knows that his support base has eroded over the years. And there are plenty of reasons why no one will run against him, but to assume that he is well liked or has been doing a good job in recent years for this city is dead wrong from the former dead last candidate! LOL!

The City Charter needs to be changed in order for qualified candidates to run. I've researched the legal process and it's not easy. There are two routes to charter changes: Option One does not require approval of the Mayor or the Alderman which is probably the route we need to pursue:

"Option one is election of a home rule charter commission, which leads to what is often referred to as a "home rule charter." A commission of nine members may be elected to "frame a charter" or "revise its present charter" for a city or town upon petition of 15 percent of the municipality's voters. Chapter 43B of the Mass General Laws provides a specific framework, timeline, and set of responsibilities for the charter commission to fulfill. The commission has a maximum of 16 months to produce a preliminary report, and a maximum of 18 months to produce a final report. The statute requires that two public hearings be held. Both the preliminary and final reports must be printed and distributed."

"Option two is the "home rule petition" route, which leads to what is often referred to as a "special act charter." Section 8 of the Home Rule Amendment provides that cities and towns may use a "home rule petition" to achieve change in structure. This "petition" route was the only route available for cities and towns to make structural change prior to passage of the Amendment.

Section 8 does not provide detailed instructions regarding the preparation of a "home rule petition" charter. A mayor or board of selectmen may appoint a study committee, or such committees may be created by a city council or by a vote of a town meeting. Such actions may set a timeline for such committees to report back to the appointing body, but there is no state requirement for a specific timeline. There is also no requirement for printing and distribution of any proposal. There are no public hearing requirements, per se, although some study committees do provide a public forum for discussion of its recommendations, and town meetings or city council meetings where such changes would be considered are public meetings. In recent years, however, some study committees have made use of the city/town website to publicize their recommendations.

After completing its work, the committee submits its recommendations to the local legislative body, which must decide whether to approve a "home rule petition." In cities, such approval must also have the concurrence of the mayor. If the petition is passed by the legislative body (and receives the mayor's approval, where necessary), it is then treated as a piece of proposed legislation - i.e., it is filed with the House or Senate clerk, assigned to a legislative committee, passed by the House and Senate, signed by the Governor, and returned to the city or town. In most instances where a significant change is proposed, the legislation will be subject to ratification by the municipality's voters prior to taking effect."

For more information, check out this link:

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

There are 3 main reasons our City Charter must be changed:

1. The Mayor must not sit on the School Committee. This is a violation of the separation of powers clause in our constitution and we all know how well that's worked out. NOT

2. To remove the requirement that any sitting Mayor may "not have an interest in any other business". This is not to say that the position of Mayor is not a full time job. It is. However; this requirement prevents qualified candidates, such as lawyers or business owners to completely divest themselves of ANY business that they may have an interest in. This provision was tailored specifically to ensure that Dolan remains in power.

3. To institute a "recall" provision in the charter to allow voters to remove an elected official if they are not doing the job they were elected to do.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

I am always amazed how politicians seem to think that their job positions are to be full-time and permanent jobs. Our state legislators should all be part time jobs where they should meet to develop and pass needed legislation for about 3-4 months and then go home and spend some time with their constituents. Term limits would certainly help in convincing them that they are all expendable. Also eliminating retirement benefits would also help convince potential candidates that they come and serve and them go back to private or other public life.

The same goes for our local politicians such as Mayors. Having term limits would bring new people into the office with another outlook and fresh ideas on how to tackle problems or move the city forward. Having the same person in a position of power for decades only builds up his/her power base to further corrupt the system - and encourages entitlement for the position.

I wonder how many other people think equally about this matter?

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

The job of being a Mayor is far more complex than 20 years ago. The right candidate is probably making in the upper six figures somewhere else and would never leave it - especially if a term limit. A retired executive with
applkicable management would be the best bet. He, or she, could always go home for lunch.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

What kind Melrose want?What can of community?

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

The Truthsayer
The job of being a Mayor is far more complex than 20 years ago. The right candidate is probably making in the upper six figures somewhere else and would never leave it - especially if a term limit. A retired executive with
applkicable management would be the best bet. He, or she, could always go home for lunch.

Melrose is not Boston - and our Mayor is amply compensated for the size of our city. For a city our size - 4.25 square miles - 97% residential and 3% commercial - complexity is not the issue. It is the willingness to tackle local problems, control the purse strings, and maintain a level of transparency to the people you serve. For some of our politicians - transparency seems to be the complexity.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

I'm sure the Founding Fathers never anticipated that local pols would
misuse their power in sneaky ways to limit the field of candidates for local elections (the revised City Charter) and shut down public participation, deliberation and transparency (the School Committee Norms for example). But then again, this is Melrose, where Democracy, transparency, accountability and civility are in their death beds.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

I can't help but wonder what the coalition is all about. Is this about really doing something? Or is this just all a lot of talk? Because in order to do this, it'll take a lot of work. You know Patty, you're a great person, I have nothing but respect for you. We have spoken many times, but do you really think that this will work? Just reading what you have put out here. This is a long tough road to go down. This is not just about how some of us feel, this is about the whole community. As you know this will be one hell of a fight. This is not about going into the law of court, because you're an attorney, and I have nothing but respect for that. If you think that I am calling you out, I am not, because you are a mom, and I am a student in college. I know as mothers you always want to do what is right for our children. So this bigger question here, Patty, can you dedicate yourself here for this. To make this a better community? I know that you are a lawyer, and I know that you are very smart, and you have done so much work for the people of Melrose, Pro bono. The bigger question may be, how does this whole community come together to make the Melrose board of aldermen, school committee, and of course Mayor Dolan a lot more accountable and from that last meeting that my father told me about, the board of alderman, then I had time to watch it. Where is the respect for the people who work for the city. A question is asked, the CFO and board of alderman person, have a disagreement, I can't help, what the whole solution is to this. I know very little about politics but there's one thing that I know about, as a young person in college, respect is everything. We can look at all the laws in the books to change things, but will that accomplish what needs to be changed here? My dad says, you have a daughter, that's all he's telling me, but he's been talking my ear off about this coalition thing. So I finally took time to look at the melrose message board. I am only a college student. I went through the melrose public school systems. I can tell you that there are definitely issues. I hope you can form this coalition to make changes to the city government and to the melrose public school systems. There is definitely room for change. Probably the best thing that I can say is, if we're going to talk about doing it, we should do it. I will keep in touch with my dad if anything is happening, once I go back to school. I went through the melrose school systems, and it seems to me, the melrose school committee, and the superintendent have not been held responsible for their actions. Maybe every four or five years we will end up with a new superintendent and start this process all over again. The only thing that I can say about mayor dolan is that I really don't know the man. All i can say about the board of alderman is that I dont know them either. All I can go by is what i read in the newspapers. But now that I know about this message board, I'm probably going to learn more about all of them. Sincerely yours, college student whom is home for winter break.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Holy Sh$t I am willing to bet "Home From College" is related to Accountability AKA the Rambling Retard. Here is the deal college kid the "coalition" is never gonna happen. The handful of Melrose Messages Whiners who live on this message board will continue to make excuses, the City Charter is no fair, Mayor Dolan's political machine is too strong (and it is because the vast majority of citizens who support him make it that way), the BOA gets health insurance, the city CFO is mean, blah blah blah same old complaints.

Prediction - 4 years from now Mayor Dolan will run unopposed, again. Ok now start banging away on those key boards and tell me how I work for City Hall.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

After reading "Duck Budda" it is easy to see why Melrose is the subject of several civil rights complaints and the object of virtually every news station via the "Kick a Ginger Day" fiasco, among many other recent disturbing things. "retard" is a favorite pejorative of this poster and explains in a nutshell what's wrong with this nasty subset of Melrose.

By the by, not a fan of "Accountability" or the supposed returning college student's rambling incoherent postings ("it is what it is...."), which really don't help the cause, as it were. That being said, "Duck" is the saddest and most perfect example of the administration's hideous bullying approach. Glad that the citizens at large made their voices known about the Big Picture. The administration can strut around all it likes pretending to have a mandate and the good will of the community, but all of us know that Dolan and his sycophants were sent a Big Message with that 2 to 1 defeat of the override, the 30% of voters who cast blanks for mayor, and the many thousands of blanks for the other elected officials, EXCEPT Monica Medeiros. Each ugly posting in the vein of "Duck Budda" only serves to further reinforce how far down this administration and its flunkies are willing to stoop, squandering what might remain of any good will and chipping away at those supporters who still need to believe that RD is a decent and deserving public servant.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Bad example "Sons"; it seems to me that Dolan was right in that situation. He wasn't trying to shut anything down; just following the law with respect to Open Meeting Law protocols...and the Judge agreed!

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

The judge most certainly did NOT agree. I was there in the courtroom that day and this article does not refer to the judge's opinion at all. As a matter of fact the judge was rolling his eyes when the charges were brought. He actually said from the bench...."what's this??? a Leonard and Bernstein case from Melrose?"
He knew what dirty pool Dolan and Van Campen were playing at. Judges in Malden are used to it.

And this kind of crap doesn't fly anymore since the decisional law now upholds the right of ANY citizen, whether a reporter or not, to record a public meeting on public property whether permission is granted or not.

So to get back to the point....this was Dolan's way of trying to shut down the site by getting rid of Mr. Ireton. Another miserable failure for Dolan in a long line of miserable failures. [8-)]

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Soooooo....was it Dolan or Ireton that agreed to a probation agreement?

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

You're really not making any point. In order to be vindicated Mr. Ireton would have had to pay all his own legal fees to defend against this baseless claim. Not many people have the financial resources to do that. He did what he financially needed to do which was take the probationary period or spend thousands to defend.

This happens all the time. There was no "finding" of guilt or innocence and after the year was out the case was dismissed.

It's really a $hitty move on Dolan's part because he knows how costly it is, but he's not concerned with personal integrity and abusing the process. Just like Taymore charging Ms. Kourkoumelis over 7 thousand dollars to produce the district's legal invoices from a public records request.

I'm sorry if you can't understand that it is not illegal to video tape a public official in a public building. Your agenda at trying to make it appear as if Mr. Ireton was engaged in some sort of wrong doing speaks volumes about who you report to. Now run along and tell Robbie.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Actually, I remember it and understand it completely. I also find your attempt at spin and revisionist's history to be laughable. Those of us that pay attention to what goes on in this city remember this very well. Dolan taught you both a lesson; one that fuels your animosity towards him to this day. Also; to stay on point; it had nothing to do with shutting down this site. Your spin will not work here. Comparing this to Ms. Kourkoumelis' request is shameful at best. Now run along and tell Richie.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

What I find offensive is your ignorant use of the semi colon. If you don't know how to use it perhaps you shouldn't. You win. Dolan taught me and Richie a lesson. So why are we still here? He failed.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

And Pattie: Thanks to Melrose Messages, the people of Melrose were properly informed about the ridiculous override and how it had very little to do with putting more teachers in classrooms or more police on the street. Losing 600+ votes to a write-in candidate and another 20% of voters who in their hearts couldn't fill in a little oval beside Dolan's name, I would say he is the one who may have learned a lesson. But will he stubbornly continue in a direction the majority of Melrosians do not care to move in?

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

patricia wright
Dolan taught me and Richie a lesson. So why are we still here?


Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

LOL! Like it! Guess I'll just continue to be a repeat offender! Happy Holidays Ben!

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

So; exactly; how; many; meetings; at; city; hall; have; you; tried; to; record; or; videotape; since; Dolan; taught; you; a; lesson?

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

"Yeehaw"..."Ben Sober"..."Clown Patrol"..."Vuvu"

A$$holes of Melrose

They should take their unpleasantness off to Jihana's world since she and her little bunch of Mean Girls revel and promote these nasty "defenders" of Melrose's dishonor. They can all pat themselves on their flaming egos and tell themselves how gushingly great the 02176 is, no matter how many contradictory facts or news reports of homegrown awfulness surface.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose


Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

So; exactly; how; many; meetings; at; city; hall; have; you; tried; to; record; or; videotape; since; Dolan; taught; you; a; lesson?

Taught who a lesson?? Every time Dolan and his Everett sidekick, City Solicitor RVC pulls one of these retaliatory stunts that ends up in the local paper, people wonder to themselves: Could this happen to me too if I exercise my First Amendment rights or if I file a complaint with the schools or city? (The answer of course is: Yes it will happen in Melrose).

Every time they pull a retaliatory stunt like that, one or two people get hurt but hundreds of other residents read about it in the local paper and here on Melrose Messages or see it for themselves on MMTV and see how petty and vindictive these guys are. I wouldn't say that is politically wise strategy.[:-?]

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

"The Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added.....
Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

Well now, let me see: Abuse of its powers....abridging freedom of speech and of the press...retaliating against those who petition the government for a redress of grievances....I think they both can check off ALL of these boxes (as can some of our "leaders" within the school administration and school committee).

It was precisely for this reason our forefathers crafted the First Amendment, anticipating that some unscrupulous politicians and government officials might abuse their powers.... Exactly what has been playing out right here in our own little community right under our very noses over the last several years.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

I think that this coalition is a great idea. It is going to take a lot of work, a lot of folks will come together, in the long run this could be a lot more successful then when we tried to get the override through it got voted down by the voters. Everybody is going to have an opinion, and their opinions won't be nice especially if they disagree. Some people might think that it's the people on the Melrose Message board that care, there are a lot more people out there that care. People are paying attention to what is going on here, in our community. So to all of you whiners, good luck in convincing yourself that it will not work. Enjoy the holidays.

Re: Coalition Forming for a Better Melrose

"It is going to take a lot of work, a lot of folks will come together, in the long run this could be a lot more successful then when we tried to get the override through it got voted down by the voters."

Oh sure, that same "Yes" crowd will just jump for joy at the prospect of changing the city charter that their king Robbie worked so hard to get fixed just for him!