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Thanks, Melrose!

I happened to watch a rerun of the Saturday SC meeting, mostly because I was bored out of my mind and had literally nothing else to do. The Mayor made a comment at one point about the changing demographic in Melrose, in that it now reflects major increases in the 35 to 45 age group, and in the under 18 age group, with the formerly large senior population now reduced to about 25%.

Point being, I'm one of those in that latter group who moved to another community, and since I owe no allegiance to the current demographic, I'm tickled to death that Melrose can't attract quality hires, especially teachers and administrators, because the result of that is that my town's pool of potential candidates continues to increase in quality. Keep it up, Melrose. You're doing a big favor for surrounding communities.


Re: Thanks, Melrose!

I happened to watch a rerun of the Saturday SC meeting, mostly because I was bored out of my mind and had literally nothing else to do. The Mayor made a comment at one point about the changing demographic in Melrose, in that it now reflects major increases in the 35 to 45 age group, and in the under 18 age group, with the formerly large senior population now reduced to about 25%.

Point being, I'm one of those in that latter group who moved to another community, and since I owe no allegiance to the current demographic, I'm tickled to death that Melrose can't attract quality hires, especially teachers and administrators, because the result of that is that my town's pool of potential candidates continues to increase in quality. Keep it up, Melrose. You're doing a big favor for surrounding communities.


Would you mind sending your note to our dear leader, Mayor Dolan at He is telling us all just the opposite - many of us are still trying to find the alternative universe he lives so that we can join him - but so far - no luck!

Re: Thanks, Melrose!

Thanks for leaving. We don't want, need or like old fools like you in this city. I hope whatever crappy town you moved to is glad to have you. It sure sounds like things are great in your new great that you can't help but keep tabs on Melrose. I am sorry to inform you but things are great in this fine city and those of us that live here absolutely love it! Naysayers on this site have been waiting for bad things to happen for years, but home values continue to skyrocket and MHS grads continue to flourish. Good riddance.

Re: Thanks, Melrose!

Wow. Melrose - one community open to all. The truth hurts, huh? Whatever crappy town? Paraphrased - it isn't Melrose, so it's crappy. Looks to me like you just proved the original poster's point.

Re: Thanks, Melrose!

Thanks for leaving
Thanks for leaving. We don't want, need or like old fools like you in this city. I hope whatever crappy town you moved to is glad to have you. It sure sounds like things are great in your new great that you can't help but keep tabs on Melrose. I am sorry to inform you but things are great in this fine city and those of us that live here absolutely love it! Naysayers on this site have been waiting for bad things to happen for years, but home values continue to skyrocket and MHS grads continue to flourish. Good riddance.

Come on - you don't need to be nasty about it. There are no other sites around that allow people to voice their concerns - at one point Melrose Patch did, but they eliminated the blogs on their site. Melrose Messages is one of the only sites left for us to vent our frustrations and to circulate information and opinions you can't find in newspapers, Facebook, or other social media pages.

The saying goes that - if you can't take the heat - stay out of the kitchen - and this site is a "hot kitchen"! Please don't get burned!

Re: Thanks, Melrose!

I happened to watch a rerun of the Saturday SC meeting, mostly because I was bored out of my mind and had literally nothing else to do. The Mayor made a comment at one point about the changing demographic in Melrose, in that it now reflects major increases in the 35 to 45 age group, and in the under 18 age group, with the formerly large senior population now reduced to about 25%.

Point being, I'm one of those in that latter group who moved to another community, and since I owe no allegiance to the current demographic, I'm tickled to death that Melrose can't attract quality hires, especially teachers and administrators, because the result of that is that my town's pool of potential candidates continues to increase in quality. Keep it up, Melrose. You're doing a big favor for surrounding communities.

. How can you watch a Melrose channel if you do not live here?

Re: Thanks, Melrose!


Re: Thanks, Melrose!

Re: Thanks, Melrose!

or even better:

School Comm Mar 5 PT 2

Vimeo is safer and runs better than the mmtv website.

Re: Thanks, Melrose!

True. Good point.

Correction: according to Dolan, Melrose has lost 70% of it's over 60 population in the last 5 years, going from over 40% of the total to 12% of the total.I doubt all those people died. A great many moved out, which, truth be told, is exactly what the current "demographic" wants. Hence, I feel no loyalty, and it's in my best interests for all the good talent that won't apply there to come here instead. Again, keep it up, and thanks!

Re: Thanks, Melrose!

Well; I am also one of those seniors that left and we (my wife and I) are glad that we did. From what I see here and what we hear from our friends that still live in Melrose, it is obvious that we made the right choice.