Have you heard yet - it is still a rumor but from a reliable source. Since Ms. Taymore has been successful in changing the school district logo - getting rid of the dreamcatcher - she has been discussing with a select group the possibility of changing our state name - Massachusetts. After all - it is an Indian name and she and her group think that it may offend "some" people. Stay tuned!
Seeing a lot of anonymous opposition here but there was much more vocal support on social media to not only get rid of the symbols, but change the name altogether. A liberal task force of parents was actually set up to advocate for this. Too bad the pro-dream catcher crowd wasn't more visible and willing to advocate for a Native American connection to the school's mascot. The reality is that the Red Raider name was on its way out the door.
A wise man once said a good deal is when everyone is unhappy. That seems to be the case here. The Red Raider fans keep their team name and the people claiming that the symbols are offensive to Native Americans get to have the symbols removed and everyone is unhappy. Sounds like it was a good deal. Time to move on.
Keeping the Red Raider name is a victory. Ward Hamilton did an excellent job researching the history through high school yearbooks. In the 100+ year history of the Red & White, Raider and Red Raider name any references to native Americans and an Indian mascot are few and far between. The first official school mascot of an Indian was a mid 1990's girls team jersey, and that may be the only one. Few Melrose Red Raider former players and fans are going to care about the loss of the dream catcher. Do a nation wide search of Red Raider. There is no Native American tribe ever called Red Raiders and the search pops up either a Viking, the Oakland Raiders logo in red instead of black, or the Texas Tech masked horseman. Anyone's best guess is going to be that the Indian became popular in the 1990's and was replaced with the dream catcher...which until recently was considered non-offensive. Now unfortunately the PC police feel that would be co-opting another culture's identity...which is pathetic...when Native American websites all of the internet are selling dream catchers to make money. The whole argument is absurd...but thats what you get in a Country where Bernie Sanders is actually a viable presidential candidate...
Have you ever looked at the Massachusetts state seal? Why do some people feel so offended by 2 feathers but have no issue or want changes to our state seal. What hypocrites! Since the state is named after an Indian tribe - then why not change it - some people always seem to seek a reason to be offended.