I'm starting a new thread but this is a topic I see in many of the school threads.
Bitter words between Melrose public school defenders and perceived private school parents. These private school parents are mainly counted as parochial school parents because these MPS apologists know there would be no traction against many of the New England Prep schools so they focus on the lower hanging fruit.
My first question is, Do Melrose parents who send their children to private schools care enough about the minutia of the Melrose public schools to continuously post on this message board? Or is it reasonable to think that they have moved on and are now concerned with the doings at their children's current school?
My second question is, Does insulting a family's choice to send their children to a Catholic, a Charter or an Independent school make you feel better about your choice to remain at the MPS? If you are secure in your choice then that should be enough. Putting someone down doesn't raise you up.
All good points!
Also, this message board is not to sing the praises of the Melrose school system -there are certainly numerous venues where this is done frequently, consistently, and without any constructive criticism. This message board is where you can, anonymously for most people, vent your frustrations, provide your personal opinions, suggestions, and criticism.
Some people out there seem to think that the board is too negative but they fail to understand that the way the school committee runs their meetings - negativity, criticism or differing of opinions are not recognized nor accepted - so this message board is an alternative for venting frustrations. That is how bad the situation has gotten in Melrose.
Also - I know that the Mayor and others in his administration do read this message board!
This piece of garbage website was created for one reason only. To criticize Melrose officials, administrators and Melrose Public schools. Posts that criticize Melrose outweigh posts that support Melrose by 10 to 1. The Bozo Brigade of clowns that constantly post consist of failed political wannabees, charter school parents, private school parents and in some cases all of the above. Even resident fat boy MFD can't hide his true purpose when trying to craft an impartial post. These losers even go so far as to pretend to be MHS students...that is how bad the situation has gotten on Melrose Messages. To answer your question, the fools that choose to spend $60,000 to send their kids to the child molestation factories known as parochial schools can't just move on, and come back to criticize MPS to justify the gigantic waste of money they threw away for their kid to go to State U. The one in ten people that post on this site sh*tting on these losers do it because its fun and entertaining. I'm hoping the Melrose Messages losers do a house tour to raise money for the private school tuitions next year. It will be the 70"s television theme, Sanford and son with Grady, Fred and Lamont, the Munsters, the Addams family, the island of misfit toys and the bar scene from Star Wars...with MFD playing Fat Albert. A collection of junk box houses, creepy crazy people and the freak show known as the charter school. I hope this answers your ridiculous question.
Clown Patrol, you must be drinking again ...
Your obsession with Catholic schools is only hurting you.
Clown, you are vicious, nasty, and disgusting, and the poster child for everything that's wrong with Melrose. In case you haven't figured it out yet, the reason this board exists at all is because of people like you. You must be a real pleasure to live with.
I feel sorry for Mrs. Clown Patrol. Who could ever put up with this looney?
Ahhhh....Waka, Waka, Waka.
The initial question was an obvious troll from a private school parent that pays big $$$ to send their kids to a crappy local private school. No doubt that Belmont Hill and Philips Andover are tremendous schools that deliver value for $60k/year. However, the other local privates do not measure up and this site is full of parents from these schools that have buyers' remorse. Clown Patrol appropriately smashed the troll.
There is nothing appropriate from CP, ever, only hateful garbage from an obsessed and sick henchman for RD.