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Meeting Re School Changes

Melrose School Committee Public Inquiry Session May 31, 2016 has been rescheduled to Saturday, June 11, 2016 @ 9 AM. location to be determined.

If you have a child in the Melrose public schools you should attend. I don't so you won't see me there but if I did, I would not miss it. It's too important.

Calling it "The Configuration of Instructional Programs" should be a red flag. A more descriptive and accurate title could have been used but this shows what you're up against.

You should make your voice heard.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Affected Parties
Melrose School Committee Public Inquiry Session May 31, 2016 has been rescheduled to Saturday, June 11, 2016 @ 9 AM. location to be determined.

If you have a child in the Melrose public schools you should attend. I don't so you won't see me there but if I did, I would not miss it. It's too important.

Calling it "The Configuration of Instructional Programs" should be a red flag. A more descriptive and accurate title could have been used but this shows what you're up against.

You should make your voice heard.

Great, Saturday following Graduation at 9:00am. I'm sure all of Melrose is available to attend. They couldn't have selected a date and time more impossible for residents to attend.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

"Great, Saturday following Graduation at 9:00am. I'm sure all of Melrose is available to attend. They couldn't have selected a date and time more impossible for residents to attend. "

The school committee does this on purpose. According to Dolan bloviating at the last SC mtg, Saturdays are when he has seen "incredible" turnout. Right. Check. Just like that last fake "budget" forum at 8 a.m. on a Saturday supposedly "for the public" at which exactly one person came forward to speak: his very own shrillest shill and city employee (!), Grover, giving homage and slinging BS as per usual, and not a shred of anything credible. What the mayor is thinking of is that foolish Ed Foundation thing when about 65 of his shrillest fans showed up at Mt Hood for that exclusive, not-open-to-the-public BS session that was supposedly the "info" session pre-override. Sure, those mommies are only too happy to park their brats with the nannies and hobnob with each other on a Saturday at the country club, making them all feel terribly important and influential and giving them extra reasons to get their mani-pedi's the day before so that they can drink with their hero and escape soccer practice.

This thing, though, is just another fake charade to fulfill the SC's insincere and pathetic attempt at "public engagement." And it happens to be about something direly important to many if not most parents, with the proposed scrambling (chaotic reorg) of the entire district's kids, moving 4th-grade students into the middle school and 8th-graders into the high school. (The SC is already done talking about the devastation it has already wreaked on the secondary academics with its catastrophic elimination of several department chair positions, a computer teacher at the middle school, and several others. There was no Saturday session for that. Just a quickie rubber-stamp vote and a few frowny pretend-regretful faces--especially by Chris who just lost her beloved arts chair position (the idiot CT hired) with nary a fight--absolutely no dialogue with the public at all.) But Melrose doesn't really need department chairs as academic leaders after all, does it? (It most certainly does!) Based on most of those that JC and CT hired, they haven't done a lot of good (have you ever looked at the science and math scores for the district?), so perhaps it's natural for CT and SC to think it's entirely feasible to eliminate those positions in their slash-and-burn taking-marching-orders-from-Robby approach.

Of course when this Saturday meeting was proposed, there was only one member of the public there to speak, Mr. Mroz, naturally. Noted that Mrs. K was in attendance as well, as she's been at most since she resigned. So much for Robbie's slander trying to discredit her by passing rumors everyone that "something must be wrong in her family for her to resign because the reason she gave couldn't possibly be the real reason" (unethical a$$hat creep that he is, and dead wrong besides).

It's all just a big charade now and will be until enough parents wake up and start storming the meetings, flooding the papers with letters, and sending copious emails to administration, along with demanding (in groups) public dialogue with administration--real dialogue, not the scripted kind. Didn't you hear Robbie ranting 2 meetings ago in terror at the thought of "parents asking questions we don't have answers to"?! Oh no, can't have that! He might have to flank himself with Patrick and Vanny (but they won't be happy about doing that on a Saturday morning!). What a $hitshow.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Call his bluff. Show up and be heard. The only way you take back the city is by speaking out. Otherwise, the changes will be made without your voice being heard. Really, set your alarm clock and get yourself there.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Call his bluff. Show up and be heard. The only way you take back the city is by speaking out. Otherwise, the changes will be made without your voice being heard. Really, set your alarm clock and get yourself there.


Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Call his bluff. Show up and be heard. The only way you take back the city is by speaking out. Otherwise, the changes will be made without your voice being heard. Really, set your alarm clock and get yourself there.
Do not allow them to push through changes that negatively affect your family. GO to the meeting. The decisions made will affect the students here for years. Take a deep breath & speak on tape.

Request that communication be made public. I see Duggan talking about "many ways to engage." You know that is so the SC can say, many people said this or that, coincidentally agreeing with whatever the SC wants. The claim will be that they were spoken to in private. Get communication publicized. Don't forget that they LIE.

Ask questions.

Their responses will be recorded. Notice how there's a push for e-mails in advance? Duggan keeps pressing for non-public conversation. It's duplicitous.

Face them at every turn. Please go to the meeting. Get your voice out there and on record.

You know Martha Grover will be there. LOL. You can be there too. Don't chicken out or get lazy.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

This is YOUR chance
Call his bluff. Show up and be heard. The only way you take back the city is by speaking out. Otherwise, the changes will be made without your voice being heard. Really, set your alarm clock and get yourself there.
Do not allow them to push through changes that negatively affect your family. GO to the meeting. The decisions made will affect the students here for years. Take a deep breath & speak on tape.

Request that communication be made public. I see Duggan talking about "many ways to engage." You know that is so the SC can say, many people said this or that, coincidentally agreeing with whatever the SC wants. The claim will be that they were spoken to in private. Get communication publicized. Don't forget that they LIE.

Ask questions.

Their responses will be recorded. Notice how there's a push for e-mails in advance? Duggan keeps pressing for non-public conversation. It's duplicitous.

Face them at every turn. Please go to the meeting. Get your voice out there and on record.

You know Martha Grover will be there. LOL. You can be there too. Don't chicken out or get lazy.

MG wouldn't miss an opportunity to gush in support of any initiative put forth by CT or the SC. Never once have I heard MG oppose or even suggest tweaking anything offered up by CT and the SC. It's disgusting blanket support in the falsest way.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

MPS parents deserve what they get unless they question and demand accountability. They need to remember that the OVERRIDE failed by a dramatic margin in part because of the leadership in this city. More taxes aren't an option and that message was sent loud and clear. Saving whatever good remains in the school system is the responsibility of the parents. They need to show up and speak out!

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Mark your calendars. Set your alarms. Participate publicly.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Affected Parties
Melrose School Committee Public Inquiry Session May 31, 2016 has been rescheduled to Saturday, June 11, 2016 @ 9 AM. location to be determined.

Great, Saturday following Graduation at 9:00am. I'm sure all of Melrose is available to attend. They couldn't have selected a date and time more impossible for residents to attend.

Not only that, SATs are also that morning and just about every parent in town is attending their kids' baseball/softball/soccer/lax games. Dolan knew exactly what he was doing rescheduling this meeting when the majority of parents would never be able to attend. What a schmuck.[:|]

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

I'm sure these guys will disclose the location of the meeting at the very last minute. Amazing that citizens put up with this mayor and school committee.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Location please?
I'm sure these guys will disclose the location of the meeting at the very last minute. Amazing that citizens put up with this mayor and school committee.
Of course they will wait until the last minute to announce the location -- but the location will be in Melrose. You can get there.

Do NOT allow their tactics to keep you from registering your opinion.

You need to be there. DO NOT let them win. This is for your children.

If I see anything, I will post.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

The meeting will take place on Saturday, June 11th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Lincoln School Cafeteria located at 80 West Wyoming Avenue.

- See more at:

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Go Go Go

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

If you don't go then you can't complain.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

MFD kindly & helpfully posted the meeting agenda for Saturday's meeting.
Reposting here to expand the exposure.

Please attend!!!

Don't let this be like the class rank/no valedictorian situation flying under the radar until someone notices but then it's too late. Regardless of your feelings on both situations, stand up & be counted.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

To Note:

From reading through the document the cons are highlighted against every idea EXCEPT the 5th & 8th grade moves. Those are sneakily touted as positive so you see where this is going ...

The module space truly doesn't have too many negatives because they had to search for some.

Interesting that they do not mention any examples for modules in Mass. but claim 33 HS in the state are 8-12th grade? 33? I would like them to name those cities. I just read on facebook that they lied about some cities not having valedictorians when the cities do have them so it would look like not having a valedictorian was common.

Research everything they say for "facts" before you buy in.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

If you don't go then you can't complain

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

If you don't go
If you don't go then you can't complain

Rubbish! They have an obligation to make a good decision based on proper analysis of actual facts, not random opinions. They don't get a pass because they scheduled the meeting at a time when some can't go.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

can't go
If you don't go
If you don't go then you can't complain

Rubbish! They have an obligation to make a good decision based on proper analysis of actual facts, not random opinions. They don't get a pass because they scheduled the meeting at a time when some can't go.

They have an obligation to make a good decision? Are you nuts? This school administration as well as the school committee have been making wrong decisions for years! Have you had your head in a hole for the past 4-5 years - and longer?

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Why was Winthrop the only elementary school highlighted for an addition? Horace Mann and Hoover both have extensive grounds and flat lots. Either could easily accommodate an addition while keeping their sports fields and ample parking.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Please DO NOT be persuaded to thinking this only affects parents of school children. The state of our Melrose Public School system affects everyone who lives and works here. MPS is to Melrose as the Auto Industry is to Detroit. The city is our largest employer in town with MPS the "largest factory". Sure, the streets and houses are beautiful, but a quality, healthy and thriving education system is our greatest advertisement for being the "Most Desirable City in the US". MPS shapes our city and culture, attracting people, which in turn drives real estate and improves our overall living experience. Every commercial and residential tax payer in Melrose, as well as anyone who works here MUST support a viable MPS. Each one of us has a livelihood that greatly depends on it! If MPS goes downhill, the rest of us, our property and our belongings will as well.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Our real estate values will decline unless they deal with the Rat Infestation all over Melrose.
Meeting tonight in the Mayor's Conference Room 2nd at 7pm.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Agree that Everyone is Affected. But this: "If MPS goes downhill, the rest of us, our property and our belongings will as well." Should read, "With the deplorable state of the Melrose Public Schools, including the unprecedented multiple federal civil rights cases against the district, the entire community and our property values are affected."

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

GO to the Meeting. Verify independently every piece of info presented as fact. They are seeking an outcome. If it's not the outcome that you're comfortable with, fight it.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Just Go to the Meeting
GO to the Meeting. Verify independently every piece of info presented as fact. They are seeking an outcome. If it's not the outcome that you're comfortable with, fight it.

I've got an idea to solve the space problem. Raise the Melrose cap for the Charter school, allowing more kids to flee the district for a great education for only $8000 per child (thousands less than MPS spends per child for a less-than-average education. Space problem solved and for hundreds of thousands of dollars less than creating space in the district.

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Thank you Mr. Mayor for rescheduling the space meeting at the most inopportune time and at a location (Lincoln School) that only has 38 parking spots with literally no off street parking available in the neighborhood. Meanwhile 700-800 households will be affected by a change. Come on, you really couldn't find a better time and larger venue with parking?[:-?]

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Mayor of sleeze
Thank you Mr. Mayor for rescheduling the space meeting at the most inopportune time and at a location (Lincoln School) that only has 38 parking spots with literally no off street parking available in the neighborhood. Meanwhile 700-800 households will be affected by a change. Come on, you really couldn't find a better time and larger venue with parking?[:-?]
I'm hoping that they get 38 cars of people to come! The rat patrol meeting saw a few folks from looking at the Free Press photo so maybe there will be interest in this. There is parking on the street headed toward Oak Grove although I see baseball games at the Lincoln field on Saturdays so get there early. You may have to park & walk but this meeting is worth it. If you pull up & have your choice of spaces, Melrose is really in trouble.

I thought this would take place at the middle school auditorium but this is what was given to work with. Don't let them dissuade you. Make your voice heard!

It looks like there will be a strong push for the 8th graders going to the HS and the 5th graders to the middle school. If this bothers you, speak out.

Mention that people are not going to want to buy homes in Melrose with the idea that their children will be starting HS in 8th grade. Well, not starting HS itself, just starting to socialize, mingle & get influenced by HSers. In a community that has a heroin crisis. [:-|]

Re: Meeting Re School Changes

Word is out that the MEF mommies and other Dolan lemmings have been told to show up very early to tie up the 38 parking slots at he Lincoln School. There is in fact little or no off street parking in this area so if you intend to go and find parking, go EARLY!