All of Boston and many states in the country banned school field trips, but our very own Ruth Clay and Melrose School Committee thought these trips were a fine idea, naturally. MHS parents apparently thought so, too. And then we wonder why the wrong things inevitably become the focus of this community! Feathers, "Tommyhawks", you name it, Melrose is a bastion if civilized and well-developed critical thinking!
Re: MA 5th highest in nation for Zika yet School Committee approved Costa Rica field trips
Melrose Resident
I don't understand. Are you afraid that your pregnant teen daughter will be bitten by a mosquito?[:|]
She might carry the virus if bitten and pass it on to someone who could infect someone else who could get pregnant!
Well in that case we need to build a wall across America so that no one from any Southern state can come to Melrose and transmit the Zina virus. Maybe we can get Florida to pay for it.
I don't recall that trip being mandatory so concerned parents are free to decline.
Re: MA 5th highest in nation for Zika yet School Committee approved Costa Rica field trips
Of course the field trips aren't mandatory, but the school committee had a mandatory responsibility to approve or disapprove, and they made the politically easy choice instead of the one that would have been prudent and demonstrated concern for the whole community. If parents and their teens want to frolic in Zika land on their own, go for it. But school officials are supposed to make decisions for the common good. Melrose officials are exempt, it appears.
Re: MA 5th highest in nation for Zika yet School Committee approved Costa Rica field trips
Trump says he will build a wall AND fifty foot high mosquito netting on top of the wall and have Mexico pay for it.. I'm going to vote for Trump because he says he's great![:-D]
Re: MA 5th highest in nation for Zika yet School Committee approved Costa Rica field trips
Think again. The Great Wall of China was a costly miserable failure as was the Maginot Line which was supposed to protect the French from German invaders in WWII.
Re: MA 5th highest in nation for Zika yet School Committee approved Costa Rica field trips
Learn from history
Think again. The Great Wall of China was a costly miserable failure as was the Maginot Line which was supposed to protect the French from German invaders in WWII.
Gee - we are not in a war with Mexico! Get with the program! Gave them examples of countries who could build walls when needed - and that Great Wall did serve China for centuries! Don't belittle the point made. Even Mexico defends it southern border with walls!
Re: MA 5th highest in nation for Zika yet School Committee approved Costa Rica field trips
According to Trump we are. Learn from history: Walls and fixed defensive installations don't work. Go back to history 101. (Okay, we will give you a pass for your lack of historical knowledge because you were a MHS grad..and watch FAUX "News").
Re: MA 5th highest in nation for Zika yet School Committee approved Costa Rica field trips
Learn from history
According to Trump we are. Learn from history: Walls and fixed defensive installations don't work. Go back to history 101. (Okay, we will give you a pass for your lack of historical knowledge because you were a MHS grad..and watch FAUX "News").
Listen - dumb, dumb...we are not in any war with Mexico - no matter what Trump may think - and establishing ones borders are what nations do - whether it is with walls, barricades, or by military presence. Don't rely on your deficient education to solve this complex problem for you.