Now he's gone nuclear all over a poor SPED student in a loud violent scene. The silence from CT is deafening. This isn't just the next OCR case. Charges should be filed. How this guy could still be employed by a SCHOOL district is beyond comprehension. But then CT was buddies and protected "plantation" gal, too. When you consider the plenitude of maniac parents here, total idiots who are only interested in status and couldn't care less about heinous misconduct that would not be tolerated in decent communities, then it adds up.
CT must of got a package deal with all the principals at once. Winthrop, HM, Roosevelt, Hoover, Lincoln, MVMMS and MHS. The Roosevelt MBM is a big liar and will never change. The principals need to take responsibility for there actions like the children are told. Along with the superintendent, SC and the Mayor. How can they look at themselves in the mirror everyday. CT can you find a package deal for subs leaving a few doors open with one teacher is unsafe.
Look a year later and still no help from the failed administration. This is how the city operate's see something say something and you are punished for sure.
For every Civil Rights complaint under investigation already, there are dozens more that would have been accepted for investigation by OCR had children or parents filed the complaint. But they feel they can't because their son or daughter will become a target for retaliation and intimidation by administrators, and they would be right. The majority of the complaints concern illegal intimidation and retaliation against parents who file complaints about their child being bullied by a teacher or an IEP not being implemented (children with learning/emotional/physical disabilities are a protected class under these Civil Rights laws). The administrators here don't think twice about sending a child or their parents to court on false harassment charges or even filing false police reports against them to protect a misbehaving teacher or administrator.
These illegal strategies are mostly orchestrated and even sometimes carried out by the city solicitor, another ethically challenged Dolan appointee and friend.
A major violation of the State Ethics Commission and the Massachusetts Bar Rules of Professional Conduct: Using the power of your public office to obstruct investigations by intimidating complainants and witnesses. Even worse when you are a licensed attorney. A complaint like this to the Bar could be career ending.
Definition of irony: City Solicitor Robert Van Campen was appointed as the City's liaison to the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission. And guess who made that nomination?? Take a guess.[:-?]
Unfortunately, yes. All of these claims have been silenced by CT. Funny that her secretary's daughters are I charge of the whole mess now. Neither are qualified or mature enough to coach marching band.
Yes he's a little narcissistic but this vendetta is ridiculously overblown and personal for 1 person and her mother. Focus on college now and move on. High school marching band should be in your rear view mirror and you should stop this nonsense. Many more children and parents have gone through many years of elementary, middle and high school Band with him and this is not their truth. It has been a positive experience for 99%, sorry you carry a grudge
Yes he's a little narcissistic but this vendetta is ridiculously overblown and personal for 1 person and her mother. Focus on college now and move on. High school marching band should be in your rear view mirror and you should stop this nonsense. Many more children and parents have gone through many years of elementary, middle and high school Band with him and this is not their truth. It has been a positive experience for 99%, sorry you carry a grudge
Don't know who you think is posting, but it's a bunch of us, and no, 99% have not had "a positive experience" with this creep. Furthermore, ask around in administration and you'll discover that he cost the city big-time in legal and consultant bills because he systematically harassed female staff and was brought up on serious charges. This is not some little "vendetta." This creep should have been fired the first week he was hired, FOR CAUSE. That should have been the end of the story. He flirts with CT and then threatens her when she takes action (though very tardy) after he's forced her hand with his manytimes-documented bad conduct. He is the consummate game player (hence DH and her daughters are easy prey and collaborators). He has certain staff who are also MHS parents wrapped around his fingers and plays them like a b-flat trumpet because these idiotic parents think that band is the way to their darlings' Ivy League futures (not!). Melrose is fertile ground for the manipulations and machinations of this narcissist and his idiotic parent population.
You are the same poster from the beginning of this thread saying the same things you keep saying over and over about him and CT, and disparaging other band parents because they don't have the same opinion. The only other person is a disgruntled former band member and her mother. Again, you do not speak for all of the other elementary, middle and high school families that have been and are in band. No band members have gone to ivies, and certainly not due to band, so your projections about parents motives are misguided. You have your reality but it is yours not everyone else's. I am sorry you feel so bad and are so frustrated and angry.
"Opinion" is just another district apologist, so predictable, so dumb, so damaging to the general state of affairs in keeping these bad apples firmly entrenched in the MPS. There's blondie who may as well carry pompoms with her so that she can rah-rah about everything MHS Band & MHS/MPS (she also got a para job with these antics). There's the idiotic dept. chair who thinks her kid will be elevated in status and eventual college acceptances via band/color guard. There are several SC members who think they are "experts" about the arts (NOT) and are great enthusiasts of this band Bad Boy, easily fooled by his fake charm that easily devolves into vile rants and unacceptable, unprofessional conduct at basically any provocation. Have no idea who the "disgruntled former band member and her mother" are, but the legitimate case against this lousy staff member (who routinely refers to MHS in front of the students as a $hithole) is quite pervasive and well documented.