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Re: Sure vote for Trump

What's Wrong With You?
I'm with Myron
I can understand someone not wanting to vote for Trump (some people can't get past his persona, and I accept that), and casting a half-hearted vote for Hillary.

That would be me. Pretty sad, isn't it?

Just remember as you cast that vote for Hillary - if you liked the last 8 years - you will absolutely love the next 8 years - (1) higher taxes for all, (2) open borders with a major influx of refugees from Syria and the Middle East with essentially no proper vetting, (3) increased terrorists attacks in the US, (4) continued increase in government regulations which will continue to stifle and delay our economic recovery, (5) Obamacare 2.0 with substantially increased premiums and higher deductibles, (6) Supreme Court justices who will continue to make decisions to take away more of our rights, (7) and the most undemocratic, the most political justice department and non-transparency administration ever to hold office even surpassing that of the Obama's. And these are only a small list of the effect of electing Hillary to the Presidency.

The Republicans made a mistake in voting for Trump as its candidate - even more important - the country will compound that mistake by electing a political demagogue, an acknowledged liar, a person who (and evidence to show) helped setup a charity foundation for their own personal gain with a "pay for play scheme, who is bought and owned by Wall Street and big bankers (just read the emails recently uncovered).

I hope that those who intend to vote for Hillary can live with themselves later when the above come to pass - I guess they can since they have been able to justify the last 8 years.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Myron and his wife are "good Catholics". Rose just about says Mass at St.Joseph's and runs the parish! I can't understand how Evangelical Christians and Catholics can be so hypocritical in their support for Trump. "The Donald" does not practice anything I ever was taught during 8 years at St. Mary's, 4 years at Malden Catholic or 3 years at Boston College Law School.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Trump Catholics
Myron and his wife are "good Catholics". Rose just about says Mass at St.Joseph's and runs the parish! I can't understand how Evangelical Christians and Catholics can be so hypocritical in their support for Trump. "The Donald" does not practice anything I ever was taught during 8 years at St. Mary's, 4 years at Malden Catholic or 3 years at Boston College Law School.

Gee...nothing like getting personal - my views are MY views - I don't speak for anyone else in my family - perhaps in your family it is less Democratic than in mine!

I think that we can both agree that we have two candidates that have some very serious moral issues. One candidate that has said some really outrageous, deplorable, and crude things about women which I can not even relate to.

On the other hand we have another candidate who continues to be supportive of a husband who has demonstrated no allegiance to the fidelity of their marriage by his numerous, continuous, and documented sexual relationships with other women during their entire marriage and supporting him and attempting to destroy the women who have charged him with rape and lewd sexual behavior. And I don't even think it necessary to bring up the fact that she has many times lied to the American people about Benghazi event, her email system as well as in countless other national issues she has been involved in over the past 20 years!

So you tell me Mr. Catholic, are you really sure you want to throw that rock in your hand while living in a glass house?

Re: Sure vote for Trump

The local Repug Base is exactly that, and the local ringleader of the fake dems is no better, having its own tiny pug version of "Locker Room" Guy. Anyone who's been around more than five minutes has heard RD espouse the kind of hateful spew he richly offers (about women, people of other backgrounds, political opponents) knows that this is true. And his pitbulls (MD, MG, RVC) have fully embraced abusing their authority in any way possible, including trying to have opponents arrested, harassed, threatened with lawsuits... Local Locker Room Guy is a wannabe small-town clown creep while The D is the full-blown Clown Nightmare, with plenty of mentally imbalanced and morally deranged local base.

MFD should be totally ashamed waving away the "indiscretions" like the most extreme of the RNC and deflecting it all on the Other Side (which has nothing of which to feel proud either). The entire political scene is a corrupt $hitshow, thanks to a generally debauched and uneducated populace and the moneyed influence allowed by Citizens United, which Bernie has now pressured Hil into promising to overturn. The RNC is imploding, as it should have months ago when they couldn't manage to unseat their #1 menacing clown (they had a whole fleet running for that spot, and the worst of the bunch "rose" to the nomination). So now, those with a vestige of conscience are claiming shock at the newest videos (most of us could have predicted such moral atrocities), now that there is no question that DT espouses sexual assault (though only if a powerful white man like he perceives himself is the aggressor). Finally the morally bankrupt RNC has found evidence--that Their Guy is a repulsive and dangerous criminal--that even it cannot refute! MFD, if this is your idea of taking the moral high ground, you have failed completely. That is sad given that you do try to be a moral and contributing citizen. How about rethinking what you are saying? Even if, like so many of us, you cannot stand HRC, do you really think that there is any moral defense of DT, who is an admitted sexual predator, among his many atrocities? Would you allow your children or grandchildren to be alone with him, especially any female ones?

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Better yet - would you actually allow a known RAPIST to be in the same vicinity of your daughters, granddaughters, and White House interns with Bill Clinton standing next to Hillary? Think not!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Once again, you choose to half-heartedly agree that your party "has nothing of which to feel proud", but then focus your entire post on the other side. I do not pretend to take the moral high ground, nor do I think MFD is acting as if he is doing so. You are correct that both sides are incredibly flawed. I happen to feel that DT is less flawed. You may disagree, but don't act as if HRC is the moral high ground. Absurd. MFD has nothing about which to be "ashamed". He doesn't name-call, and I would hardly say he is morally defending DT. He just is going to vote for his choice of the better candidate. You can do the same.
Also, may I just say that I find in incredibly creepy that anyone would talk about his wife's church habits. Yikes. Judge lest ye be judged, creepo.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

The DNC as it stands is not "my" party as the previous poster presumed incorrectly. Once upon a time it was a party worthy of support. It lost any credibility remaining when it behaved as it did this past election cycle. The DNC is now utterly corrupt (locally and nationally, sadly), just as is the RNC. Does that mean there is any viable alternative to DT other than HRC? Sorry to say, it does not. HRC is at least a competent, intelligent adult, though she has proven to be corrupt as well. She is not, however, a raving misogynist racist sexual abuser, as DT undeniably is.

FYI By rights this discussion should move to the "other" chain since it really isn't about the schools (except for the correlation to corrupt local dem politics).

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Reduced to it's simplest description, this election is going to be decided by how many votes the Dems have bought with all their "social welfare" programs for immmigrants, both legal and illegal, vs. how many right wing religious nutjobs and other assorted whackos show up on election day. No matter who wins, it is the end of America as we know it.

Isn't it about time we took our country back? And haven't you figured out yet that there is really only one way to do that?

Let's start a pool - which will be the first state to secede? I'm thinking Texas, then Oklahoma. If it was Massachusetts it would make me very proud, but you can forget that.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

What's Wrong With You?
Myron, what's wrong with you? Not only is he a misogynistic piece of gutter trash, he is also a liar, a fraud, and a crook. A billion dollar loss? That's your definition of a successful businessman? He doesn't pay his employees, he stiffs his contractors, and he is perhaps the worst possible example of a successful businessman you could conjure up.

You asked me my opinion and I gave it! He has not been bought off by Wall Street like Hillary. Wall Street is in fear of Trump because he knows all the dirty secrets they have been hiding for years - and he IS the change merchant - perhaps not the prefect one you or I would have chosen. Wall Street and the big bankers love Hillary - that should tell you everything you need to know about the election! Also, I am thinking well beyond the President - the next President will elect at least 2-3 Supreme Court justices - that is another aspect of this election that most people are not considering in their vote - but they better!

Concerning the billion dollar loss - Trump's organization is very large and I know that he lost a fortune in his casinos. Everything he did was legal - everything Hillary has done has been illegal - it just that our Justice Department and FBI has now been corrupted by our Democrat President. Judicial Watch, A non-partisan legal group, has countless law suits for federal records involving all the government scandals and once they are turned over - which may take years - the pubic will finally see the corruption which existed in the Obama administration.

By the way - this topic does not belong in this section!

Oh, it definitely belongs in this section because it shows the foolish opinions of the regular posters on this site.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

We sure needed that rain yesterday!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Oh, it definitely belongs in this section because it shows the foolish opinions of the regular posters on this site.

Which "foolish opinions" are you referring to? Myrons?

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Yes, and all the racist, anti-Muslim, misogynistic "too bad it is not 1958 when the world was perfect" Trump supporters.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

I hope that's the case, because I found What's Wrong With you?'s comments to be spot on.

And although pessimistic, I found this from another poster also interesting:

"Reduced to it's simplest description, this election is going to be decided by how many votes the Dems have bought with all their "social welfare" programs for immmigrants, both legal and illegal, vs. how many right wing religious nutjobs and other assorted whackos show up on election day. No matter who wins, it is the end of America as we know it."

And BTW - 1958 wasn't all it was cracked up to be either.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

O.k...folks - let's end this conversation on the fact that we all agree to disagree on this matter of Trump versus Hillary! The national election in less than 30 days will determine the winner and loser! Get out and vote!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Lesson to be learned: Change.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

MM crazies
Yes, and all the racist, anti-Muslim, misogynistic "too bad it is not 1958 when the world was perfect" Trump supporters.[/quote

Voting for TRUMP he is a change and they are scared they wont be able to make the DEALS like they are right now with HILLARY! Don't forget Obama and Michelle are working hard for the Chief Justice job.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

How many BJ,s do you think Bill Clinton got when he was president? Maybe 50 to 100...

Re:Administration Lies Again and is Caught Violating Federal Student Confidentiality Laws.

It is October 14th and unbelievably, the prohibited confidential information is STILL up on the school committee website and MPS website!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

How many BJ,s do you think Bill Clinton got when he was president? Maybe 50 to 100...

At least they were consensual.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

How many BJ,s do you think Bill Clinton got when he was president? Maybe 50 to 100...

At least they were consensual.

Including the ones who Bill raped and gave bloody lips too? I think that you gave a new meaning to the word rape - "consensual" - a real "liberal & Progressive" interpretation! Nice going - keep up the great support for the "perfect" couple - a rapist and a a rapist supporter. What a great couple to be waiting to enter the White House again! Shame on you - and shame on all those who vote her in!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Not sure what you are talking about. Read the question that was asked "in the white house". Monica has admitted it was consensual. Go away.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

MR, there are many of us who will indeed not "vote her in", but PLEASE tell me that you certainly don't expect us to vote for the buffoon instead!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

MR, there are many of us who will indeed not "vote her in", but PLEASE tell me that you certainly don't expect us to vote for the buffoon instead!

Oh no - vote for the the other candidates who have no chance to win - so that the election is won by a crook, a liar, an elitist who we now know for sure lied to the American people and who exposed our top secrets to our enemies, willingly and with the specific intention of avoiding FOIA and transparency! By all means - don't vote for the other candidate that has a chance of salvaging our democracy from the progressive Democrat party that wants to import more and more refugees from the Middle East who can not be vetted properly and to increase the risk of terrorism and which local cities and towns can not properly support with needed services.

Sure - go ahead and let this so-called non-buffoon win the election. It will be great for America to have the this couple back in the White House again - doing what they do best - the of rape American and allowing the criminality of their friends access to all our political systems! Sounds like a great deal for all of us - why wouldn't anyone vote the third party candidate? I fool can give you that answer - probably standing right next to you!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Trump de doo
Not sure what you are talking about. Read the question that was asked "in the white house". Monica has admitted it was consensual. Go away.

Not sure if you have been sleeping for the past 20 years and just woke up! This activity was going on while Bill was President - even while he as talking to heads of state! She as a young intern and he was the President of the United States! FDoes this mean any thing to you. And please don't forget the other women who have come out to say that he raped them when he was Governor of Arkansas. Surely you can't be living in la-la land that long!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Be Real!
Trump de doo

Don't bother us if you don't have facts please. Granted, he was a philanderer but you are crossing the line on the rape issue. Was he ever charged?

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Trump de doo
Not sure what you are talking about. Read the question that was asked "in the white house". Monica has admitted it was consensual. Go away.

Never go away that's down in history! Bill and Hillary should be locked up together for what they have done for themselves. Joe Biden this is bully month and you are a bully for saying you would take Trump behind the gym and take care of him. Joe I think you would be beaten badly.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Trump de doo
Not sure what you are talking about. Read the question that was asked "in the white house". Monica has admitted it was consensual. Go away.

Never go away that's down in history! Bill and Hillary should be locked up together for what they have done for themselves. Joe Biden this is bully month and you are a bully for saying you would take Trump behind the gym and take care of him. Joe I think you would be beaten badly.

If that was Trump saying what Biden said it would be ALL over the news channels. Trump said this and that. The news stations did the same thing when Obama ran but worse, he could do no wrong. Bill Clinton 8 years ago was on the campaign trail calling Obama the N word and that wasnt a big deal...

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Trump de doo
Not sure what you are talking about. Read the question that was asked "in the white house". Monica has admitted it was consensual. Go away.

Monica has no life because of the Clintons. The Clintons could still have a life after paying out millions of dollars to the women that Bill ruined! The only thing they could hid back then was from Chelsea but not now. Glad Trump brought it up in the second debate. Did'nt notice much of Bill in the last debate did you? You know what I am talking about don't act stupid.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Facts only please
Be Real!
Trump de doo

Don't bother us if you don't have facts please. Granted, he was a philanderer but you are crossing the line on the rape issue. Was he ever charged?

Hillary Clinton defended a rapist and the child was twelve years old. That's a fact that's what was the rape comment. Hillary Clinton also believes in abortion up to 9months how is that allowed...

Re: Sure vote for Trump

MM crazies
Yes, and all the racist, anti-Muslim, misogynistic "too bad it is not 1958 when the world was perfect" Trump supporters.[/quote

Voting for TRUMP he is a change and they are scared they wont be able to make the DEALS like they are right now with HILLARY! Don't forget Obama and Michelle are working hard for the Chief Justice job.

I think you are correct Hillary is no change. Hillary didn't even do good in

the last debate her big smile was because, she was lying through her teeth.

Just like Melrose no change the same old faces.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Don't waste your breath on the voters in this state! They have been consuming the "Democrat juice" all their lives! They don't mind voting for a sick, corrupt, vile, despicable, liar as long as there is a DEMOCRAT label next to her name.

Just think about the fact that the last 3 Speakers of the House in Mass have been convicted of felonies and two have been jailed - tells you all you need to know about the political corruption in this single party state! And current Speaker DeLeo will certainly be the next one as soon as he leaves office - guaranteed! One thing that this state loves to vote for are corrupt politicians and Hillary meets that state requirement - and more!

So all you good Democrats - hold your nose, cover your ears, and mask your face - while you pull that lever or fill in that circle in the voting booth - 'cause the shame is on you!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

The Clinton Foundation is the Clinton's private bank account..I met a renowned photojournalist who visited Haiti and chronicled life there for over 4 years.. in corrugated tin roof mud huts.. as the people waited for the $2 BILLION from the "Foundation". This photojournalist also creates unique metal sculptures and " blings" them.
Her source for the metal comes from the steel drums of Haiti and she not only buys them from the Haitians but pays them to cut it for her , thus allowing them to earn some money.
After the last devastating, earth leveling hurricane she has not been able to contact these poor people..probably because they never received their share of the $ 2 BILLION given to the Foundation directly earmarked for Haiti to build a secure infrastructure. They were simply " washed away."
On the heels of this conversation was the accounting of the Clinton's robbing and stealing china, crystal and whatever else wasn't nailed down from the White House. Speaking of nailing, Hilary sold her integrity, morals and everything else when she " forgave" her Bill for "nailing" his intern.
I have never posted anything political but this story simply made me sick.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Thank you for that observation Mr. Trump.....[:-?]

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Coke blower
Thank you for that observation Mr. Trump.....[:-?]

Spoken by a true idiot! Face the facts - you are voting for a pathetic human being who has screwed the public all her adult life - you Democrats seem to like to be screwed! Well - as with Obama - enjoy it again this time around!

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Who ever becomes president it will only be for four years. I would rather a new change and someone who cares about jobs, borders, and the well being of true American's and not for every Tom, Dick and Harry. People are so stupid and they are the first to complain. I see this at my job everyday in the schools. Stupid people that are the biggest phonies and fake. So twelve more years of Obama!!!

Re: It is what it is

It is what it is.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Coke blower
Thank you for that observation Mr. Trump.....[:-?]

Spoken by a true idiot! Face the facts - you are voting for a pathetic human being who has screwed the public all her adult life - you Democrats seem to like to be screwed! Well - as with Obama - enjoy it again this time around!

Again..thank you Mr. Trump...This juvenile playground behavior is handing the election to the Dems.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

How is KB and SC doing in the high school? Heard the teachers don't respect them for the out come and CT doing nothing but, rewarding them.

Re: More Staff Leaving the High School?????

Did the school committee pass the vote so CT and her gain can check and fire you if you use her computers and go on face book.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Coke blower
Thank you for that observation Mr. Trump.....[:-?]

Spoken by a true idiot! Face the facts - you are voting for a pathetic human being who has screwed the public all her adult life - you Democrats seem to like to be screwed! Well - as with Obama - enjoy it again this time around!

Again..thank you Mr. Trump...This juvenile playground behavior is handing the election to the Dems.

That is correct the Democrats love to be screwed. Bill says he did not have sexual relations with that women. How many more years 8 with Obama and 4more with Hillary that adds up to twelve.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Knifes found on a student in the middle school. What's next CT with all your changes no one knows what the HELL is going on.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Melrose Schools moral is at an all-time low. I have worked here for 20 plus years, been through the ups and downs various superintendents and principals. This administration encourages dissension among coworkers. People who we considered friends are now stabbing each other in the backs to get ahead. We are a revolving door and who suffers the most? Your children. We are supposed to be teaching students academics, social skills and conflict resolution. How can shunning commence with a vengeance and continue until you can't take it no more. How can that be accomplished when we are poor examples encouraged to do so by Cyndi Taymore and principals. Shame on this administration that employees are made to behave in such a reprehensible way just to survive here and save our jobs. If you don't follow this directive the ramifications of retaliation. Sad but true...

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Coke blower
Thank you for that observation Mr. Trump.....[:-?]

Spoken by a true idiot! Face the facts - you are voting for a pathetic human being who has screwed the public all her adult life - you Democrats seem to like to be screwed! Well - as with Obama - enjoy it again this time around!

Again..thank you Mr. Trump...This juvenile playground behavior is handing the election to the Dems.

No, Hillary is the sneak! If they had what they have on her we would be in jail.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Knifes found on a student in the middle school. What's next CT with all your changes no one knows what the HELL is going on.

Robbed at the Roosevelt School while helping student's. What else is going to happen to us guns next. This administration is the worst so anything can happen because of what they are doing behind closed doors.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

He should be fired the Winthrop School principal for doing that to a student. What is wrong with this administration...

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Winthrop School
He should be fired the Winthrop School principal for doing that to a student. What is wrong with this administration...

Let all principals go!!! CT likes this because she encourages dissension and don't care what the principals are doing.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Wonder if BC at the Roosevelt was doing favors to some of the staff and that's why she was let go? Favors to all her friends, like did not say if they were absent, or if leaving school early. BC where are your friends now?

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Melrose Schools moral is at an all-time low. I have worked here for 20 plus years, been through the ups and downs various superintendents and principals. This administration encourages dissension among coworkers. People who we considered friends are now stabbing each other in the backs to get ahead. We are a revolving door and who suffers the most? Your children. We are supposed to be teaching students academics, social skills and conflict resolution. How can shunning commence with a vengeance and continue until you can't take it no more. How can that be accomplished when we are poor examples encouraged to do so by Cyndi Taymore and principals. Shame on this administration that employees are made to behave in such a reprehensible way just to survive here and save our jobs. If you don't follow this directive the ramifications of retaliation. Sad but true...

Coach Melanie STOP talking about teachers that are gone from the school system. You should be ashamed of yourself. Is Margaret Adams encouraging you to do so?

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Coke blower
Thank you for that observation Mr. Trump.....[:-?]

Spoken by a true idiot! Face the facts - you are voting for a pathetic human being who has screwed the public all her adult life - you Democrats seem to like to be screwed! Well - as with Obama - enjoy it again this time around!

Again..thank you Mr. Trump...This juvenile playground behavior is handing the election to the Dems.

No, Hillary is the sneak! If they had what they have on her we would be in jail.

All the Dems. now they hate the FBI.

Re: Sure vote for Trump

Lesson to be learned: Change.

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