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Lincoln principal leaving

It's confirmed - Jenny Corduck accepted a position in Lexington for the next school year. The next Lincoln principal will be the fifth in six years.

Re: Lincoln principal leaving

CT's "stable" of principals are consistent in their lack of qualifications, proven track record of incompetent, costly actions (each of them has cost the district heavily in legal expenses for their arrogant and ignorant actions or lack thereof). Truly there isn't a good one in the bunch. They are just plain awful. But too many parents here have eagerly abandoned their critical thinking abilities (or even their simple powers of observation) and become part of the administration's little army of suck-up sycophant parents. This is most unfortunate for the children of these foolish parents, whose children are being cheated out of the high-priced education their unreasonably inflated taxes (local corruption) are paying for. These parents have suspended reason in favor of going along with the mistaken view that their children will have a more favorable chance of doing well the more they suck up to administration. They are wrong, but it will be too late before or if they discover it, and their kids will be paying the price the rest of their lives. Many have already experienced this and could tell them, if only they cared enough to listen (but they don't).

Re: Lincoln principal leaving

The reality is the tremendous majority of parents send their kids to school each day, well rested, with their homework done and deal directly with the teachers. Most of the parents couldn't pick the principal of the building out of a line up and never have had a conversation with them. In 3 kids complete Melrose educational careers I spoke with a building principal at the elementary level once, the assistant principal at the MVMMS once, and never spoke with the High School 39 years of collective education 2 contacts with administration. The anger from the alleged insider posts on this site comes as a complete surprise to the majority of parents happy with their kids education. You may refer to them as "foolish" and "sycophants" in your unmitigated hatred of the school system but based on my interaction with parents and kids over 20 years in the system I am lead to believe you couldn't carry their water, never mind engage them in a debate over whether they are sycophants and foolish. You would get eaten alive. If the foundation of my kids education revolved around the building principal I would have sought psychological counseling for being clearly delusional.

Re: Lincoln principal leaving

Inside Baseball
If the foundation of my kids education revolved around the building principal I would have sought psychological counseling for being clearly delusional.

Most of the kind of criticism you refer to, and I agree most of it looks like it was composed by someone barely a level above illiterate, appears to be connected in some fashion to the paras. This one hates that one, that one screwed this one over, yadayadayada. They sound like 10 year olds. I filter all that foolishness out, and try to concentrate on facts.

Fact - 5 principals in 6 years at Lincoln. That's just staggering. Despite the protestations to the contrary by the former Mayor, this is not normal, and is indicative of serious problems, if not only at Lincoln but systemically. The turnover at other schools is also way above normal, though not that severe. I know you must recognize that.

To some degree, the foundation of a given child's education actually does revolve around the principal of the building he/she attends, because it's the principal who sets the tone in that particular building. You and yours may very well have not had any issues - that's a good thing - but surely you must recognize that whatever is going on at Lincoln, and to some extent system wide, is concerning.

Re: Lincoln principal leaving

Winthrop Principal Maynard leaving for Framingham per Patch

Re: Lincoln principal leaving

Yeah, " Winthrop School Principal Gets New Job In Framingham
John Maynard is going to be the principal of the George P. King Elementary School in Framingham."

Curiously he's not going to the next rung, like curriculum director, asst. superintendent, the way most advance. No doubt he'll be paid more (he was overpaid in Melrose, as are all of the administrators relative to their competence and experience, and then poor performance). He was not a good principal, and frankly there still isn't a good one in the bunch, with Merrill the possible exception (as long as you can get past his illiteracy and complete lack of academic competence).

So now two of the elementary schools face new leadership yet again, and who knows how many more....

Please don't even try to say that this is normal or extol the virtues of working with this superintendent and her contemptuous "team," as it were. Not even the outward sycophants on the staff are happy working with that truly terrible administration, regardless of what they say publicly.

That this exodus has become normalized under Taymore and Casey and the dumb parents of this community continue to look the other way and even go beyond to advocate for giving the administration more money is a sad commentary about this community. When is the community going to step up and truly advocate for its children, and not by putting forward another fraudulent override proposal? When will the community rally behind the handful of actual advocates for the students--someone like Mr. Mroz, for example, who always has the facts and advocates tirelessly even in the face of continual insult by the administration and school community? When will the BOA wake up and start doing its oversight due diligence and stop letting the SC continually jump the shark (OCR egregious violations of federal law, etc.) and actually scrutinize/tear apart the annual crying wolf fraudulent budget presentations? This is sick!

Re: Lincoln principal leaving

Why isn't the Biploar Roosevelt principal being replaced? Or that miogynist principal at the middle school? Or the ever incompetent Hoover pricipal? Or that Chocodile at the ECC?
Is it because it looks bad for the school system? Real estate values? Our Stepford wives town? Got news for you. It already looks bad because it already is bad. Put on your thinking caps. What is this? Go along to get along? Continue to do so at the expense of your children but you're hurting mine as well.

No on MPS Override

The SC and BOA have reaped what they have sown.
My wife and I will vote NO on any Override for the MPS.
We pulled our kids out of MVMMS after Taymore's contract was renewed.
They love AP and are academically challenged and thriving now. I wish we had sent them to St. Mary's, too.

Re: No on MPS Override

And now the Winthrop School principal is leaving for better pastures - yikes.

Re: No on MPS Override

The school system has been a revolving door of supt and principals for years. They come to build a resume with no heavy lifting or accountability and leave soon after for higher pay or retirement. Taymore is the seventh supt since 1993. That's a tad over three years which coincidentally the retirement rule for a pension -- the highest three consecutive years average.

Re: Lincoln principal leaving

Inside Baseball
The reality is the tremendous majority of parents send their kids to school each day, well rested, with their homework done and deal directly with the teachers. Most of the parents couldn't pick the principal of the building out of a line up and never have had a conversation with them. In 3 kids complete Melrose educational careers I spoke with a building principal at the elementary level once, the assistant principal at the MVMMS once, and never spoke with the High School 39 years of collective education 2 contacts with administration. The anger from the alleged insider posts on this site comes as a complete surprise to the majority of parents happy with their kids education. You may refer to them as "foolish" and "sycophants" in your unmitigated hatred of the school system but based on my interaction with parents and kids over 20 years in the system I am lead to believe you couldn't carry their water, never mind engage them in a debate over whether they are sycophants and foolish. You would get eaten alive. If the foundation of my kids education revolved around the building principal I would have sought psychological counseling for being clearly delusional.
You just might be "delusional". The principal absolutely sets the tone for a school. It is possible for good teachers to do good work when they have a bad principal, but inexperienced and so-so teachers (and Melrose has many of them) have a much tougher time succeeding with a lousy leader (even with all the "instructional coaches"). You might be interacting directly with the teachers, but behind the scenes, teachers are consulting with principals (when the principals are skilled) on how to deal with you, your child, and a myriad of other issues. The turnover here is absolutely a sign of something wrong. I would also contend that if you can't pick your child's principal out of a lineup, that is also a sign of something wrong. I have worked in a stable, high-performing school district for thirty years, and I have had only three principals in that time. And even nowadays, that is not so unusual in places that are well-run.

Re: Lincoln principal leaving

Sixty eight grand in legal fees to outside council Nuttle, McAvoy...see 7.8a of the SC agenda packet of 6/12/18 for civil rights cases. OUCH!!!