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Pay increase

I hope our paraprofessionals will receive a raise and better contract too ! They work very hard and deserve recognition. Also I heard there will be no increase in sub pay. $60 is quite low

Re: Pay increase

My paraprofessional was supposed to help me; instead, she bullied me.

Paraprofessional Hiring Now / $22.29+/HR in Winchester MA.

The really hard part is that because I'm new and receiving no training (and little to no guidance from the SpEd director or certified SpEd teachers), I'm having to wing it. I have a minimal amount of time.

And yes, there are MANY red flags in this school system and MANY practices they have that aren't right.

Bullying by Co-Workers: When Teachers Bully Teachers. Happen all the time and over looked in the district.

A school secretary is often privy to confidential company information. Her employer needs to know she can be trusted to keep inside knowledge to herself...What is a High School Secretary's Job Description?

Re: Pay increase

Melrose Exempt Students who answered Racist MCAS Question. The School Committee to ask the state to waive MCAS graduation requirement for students who took the test removed question asking them to the viewpoint of an "openly racist" character. Melrose system is not working. Stop bring in traditionalist and teachers set an example in dress and grooming for their students to follow.

Nancy News for Melrose.

Re: Pay increase

I have been in an classroom for a few months as a para. The other para bosses me around and corrects me in front of the students. If I say anything she will just tell me that I am a burden and the students do not respect me. I cannot go to administration because she is popular with everyone at the school and I am just a nobody. Should I just follow her orders and suck up like she is my boss? Honestly, it's the end of the year. Stay out of her way. Try to do your best as a para and help your teacher as much as possible. Stay friendly and professional. You don't want the admin seeing you in a bad light this time of the year. I may request another room. I liked working with the kids and she is out of control.

Re: Pay increase

The paras will never make a lot of money. Why the superintendent will NOT let the principals email the paras directly or even a list of the paras in the district. We are not respected by the top no matter how badly someone treats us never drop down to her level. Remain calm, stay strong, and accept it.

I decided to go to the Saugus district and I love it so much more. We are respected and much more happier.

Re: Pay increase

The teacher is in charge when a para is in his or her classroom. You do not own the room and you are not the teacher.

Re: Pay increase

Mrs. F
The paras will never make a lot of money. Why the superintendent will NOT let the principals email the paras directly or even a list of the paras in the district. We are not respected by the top no matter how badly someone treats us never drop down to her level. Remain calm, stay strong, and accept it.

I decided to go to the Saugus district and I love it so much more. We are respected and much more happier.
If the sub pay is still 60 dollars then the system will never work. Who would come to Melrose to get paid 60 dollars for the day and that is without taxes taken out. Paymore pay up like Wincester and maybe you will get reliable subs mostly for the elementary schools.

Re: Pay increase

Why are the paras not listed on staff list ? They are staff !

Re: Pay increase

The seven year million dollar question. No acknowledgement from Cyndy Taymore. Other superintendents did not practice this segregation against paras and also not receiving emails until after the fact. The union should not be allowing this practice.

Re: Pay increase

I live in Melrose but I work in Wakefield and we are always looking for great paras. Join our team.

Re: Pay increase

I live in Stoneham and worked for Melrose for almost ten years. I refused to stay one more year and went to Wakefield. The system respects, appreciates and acknowledges it's paras. The goals are to be a team. When Melrose stopped giving kindergarten teachers NO paras in the classroom is when I left.

Re: Pay increase

I agree the business manager, Marianne Farrell needs to speak her mind. She needs to demand some free money found be donate to the paraprofessionals who have been neglected for countless years.

Re: Pay increase

MFarrell is worse than useless. She has worked her way up the Peter Principle ladder, now earning more than $134,000 for being a useless shill for CT, someone who is supposedly the school district business manager but has cost the taxpayers dearly in consultant fees paid to do her job. She was a lousy assistant principal at MHS, an even lousier principal, and a total no-show unqualified ridiculous hire in her current role. She's absolutely a joke. Even the terrible Piccone at least showed up for public meetings, unlike MF who can't be bothered (and CT doesn't want her there demonstrating her profound ignorance, which is saying something coming from CT!).

Re: Pay increase

I have to laugh at the paras that think they're the boss of everyone. LOL

Re: Pay increase

I have to laugh at the paras that think they\\\'re the boss of everyone. LOL
Melrose schools have more Chiefs and no Indians.

Re: Pay increase

Can anyone tell me the total of Paraprofessional in Melrose district? I was told hundred and twenty.

Re: Pay increase

I believe people take this job to see it they want to go into teaching. Second is they need the insurance for the family. It is NOT for the pay.