There's no "asking for transparency" in Melrose. For the facts, one has to go through what should be unnecessary process of filing formal public records requests, getting the middle finger from City Hall/Taymore, filing a formal complaint with the Secretary of State's Public Records Office or the Attorney General's Division of Open Government, waiting for the city to be found in non-compliance/contempt (a frequent occurrence for the last 15 years), having the city delay multiple times in providing the required materials and then providing them in incomplete form or even revealing that "they never existed" (another outrage), and either giving up or choosing to pay the court fees to file a formal lawsuit. Whatever it is that city officials think is passing for "transparency" here is just pure contempt--for the citizens' right to know what the government is doing with their tax dollars, for the law, for any pretense at a decent city government (which the Brazil Street fiasco has proven is only a sham).
Margaret Driscoll is not running for SC this time because she will get Farrell’s job?The shows you this is all about politics.Does it show you they Don't care about what we think.This is all about a great questio POLITICS.