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Why is it that some Kindergarten classes each have a full time para (not inclusion) and other schools either have to share one para per 3 classes or part time only. Lincoln and Hoover have to do this. What about other schools. Just curious. It should be the same across town unless special Ed correct ?

Re: Paraprofessionals

Probably class size

Re: Paraprofessionals

Would someone please give me a VERY brief description of what a paraprofessional is/does, and similarly brief explanation as to why we didn't have/need them in the 50's (class size?)?
Thank you.

Re: Paraprofessionals

Who is running for re-election for school Committee this year? Anyone leaving?

Re: Paraprofessionals

Whose what? Or did you mean "who's"?

Re: Paraprofessionals

Would someone please give me a VERY brief description of what a paraprofessional is/does, and similarly brief explanation as to why we didn't have/need them in the 50's (class size?)?
Thank you.
A paraprofessional is a teacher's aide. This person will help the teacher with small group lesson especially in reading and math. He or she will assist in daily classroom activities. Education has changed a lot over the past 50 years. Children come to our schools with many learning differences Paraprofessional are there to support the teacher with many things in the class. Paraprofessionals are becoming more and more important part of classroom life.

Re: Paraprofessionals

Kevin Myles
Would someone please give me a VERY brief description of what a paraprofessional is/does, and similarly brief explanation as to why we didn\'t have/need them in the 50\'s (class size?)?
Thank you.
A paraprofessional is a teacher's aide. This person will help the teacher with small group lesson especially in reading and math. He or she will assist in daily classroom activities. Education has changed a lot over the past 50 years. Children come to our schools with many learning differences Paraprofessional are there to support the teacher with many things in the class. Paraprofessionals are becoming more and more important part of classroom life.

No kid left behind!! ONE MELROSE A JOKE!! Spent 55k and hired a political team from Washington hahahahaha they had plenty of pizza. Trump is a billionaire and of course he “bought the election” but when the ONE NELROSE outspent ten to one. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm: oh yeah you left behind plenty of kids. Kids whose parents might have fixed incomes. Kids whose parents maybe were scrapping by to stay in the town and were happy with the schools. Oh you lied to business and blah blah blah. You had people launching death threats!!! Not one person.. many. But it’s okay? HYPOCRITE! Let’s line our kids up to sway a vote. Keep rocking the indoctrination of our kids. So pathetic. We are packing up and heading north this town is not what it use to be

Re: Paraprofessionals

Kevin Myles
Would someone please give me a VERY brief description of what a paraprofessional is/does, and similarly brief explanation as to why we didn\\\'t have/need them in the 50\\\'s (class size?)?
Thank you.
A paraprofessional is a teacher\'s aide. This person will help the teacher with small group lesson especially in reading and math. He or she will assist in daily classroom activities. Education has changed a lot over the past 50 years. Children come to our schools with many learning differences Paraprofessional are there to support the teacher with many things in the class. Paraprofessionals are becoming more and more important part of classroom life.

No kid left behind!! ONE MELROSE A JOKE!! Spent 55k and hired a political team from Washington hahahahaha they had plenty of pizza. Trump is a billionaire and of course he “bought the election” but when the ONE NELROSE outspent ten to one. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm: oh yeah you left behind plenty of kids. Kids whose parents might have fixed incomes. Kids whose parents maybe were scrapping by to stay in the town and were happy with the schools. Oh you lied to business and blah blah blah. You had people launching death threats!!! Not one person.. many. But it’s okay? HYPOCRITE! Let’s line our kids up to sway a vote. Keep rocking the indoctrination of our kids. So pathetic. We are packing up and heading north this town is not what it use to be
I don't understand your post. It has nothing to do with my comment at all.

Re: Paraprofessionals

Kevin Myles
Kevin Myles
Would someone please give me a VERY brief description of what a paraprofessional is/does, and similarly brief explanation as to why we didn\\\\\\\'t have/need them in the 50\\\\\\\'s (class size?)?
Thank you.
A paraprofessional is a teacher\\\'s aide. This person will help the teacher with small group lesson especially in reading and math. He or she will assist in daily classroom activities. Education has changed a lot over the past 50 years. Children come to our schools with many learning differences Paraprofessional are there to support the teacher with many things in the class. Paraprofessionals are becoming more and more important part of classroom life.

No kid left behind!! ONE MELROSE A JOKE!! Spent 55k and hired a political team from Washington hahahahaha they had plenty of pizza. Trump is a billionaire and of course he “bought the election” but when the ONE NELROSE outspent ten to one. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm: oh yeah you left behind plenty of kids. Kids whose parents might have fixed incomes. Kids whose parents maybe were scrapping by to stay in the town and were happy with the schools. Oh you lied to business and blah blah blah. You had people launching death threats!!! Not one person.. many. But it’s okay? HYPOCRITE! Let’s line our kids up to sway a vote. Keep rocking the indoctrination of our kids. So pathetic. We are packing up and heading north this town is not what it use to be
I don't understand your post. It has nothing to do with my comment at all.

The MELROSE PATCH deletes anything that doesn’t meet liberal criteria. I’ll go post a conservative view and delete.. and during the override the papers went 4-1 in articles for the override when it was to be alternated...FAKE NEWS.. Liberal rags anyways. Bunch liberals crying over the dog but vote in a guy who is okay with killing babies at 9 months. Your thought process is borderline insane and please toss me a trump joke. He won didn’t he. That means all races and such votes him you morons.. liberals are not even liberals. Your a bunch of socialists and what’s scary is you hate the very country that gives you the right to speak like communists. Take away Ten Commanments and being in Korans? Why is it okay to be Muslim but the moment you say Christian oh boy. Your this and your that. Sorry but shove it. All white men are evil now. Was it white men who fought in the civil war mostly? Who stopped hitler. You idiots should march and burn history books. You have no shame when you line up kids who don’t even know what an override is and have them chant vote yes. Like watching 1984. Disgusting. Taymore leaving best thing ever for melrose.. Brodeur worst.. of maya gets on by DEFAULT great we will be a safe haven city. Maybe she can toss in a methadone mile. The hell with the federal government? Screw the constitution it says God. This country needs to wake up.. yes Christians wrote the **** thing. Of course they used god and they have every right they fought for this land. The same people fight for the freedom of Muslims in the Middle East are mainly non muslim. We can’t swear on bibles but we ca dear on korans? Isn’t religious freedom a two way street. You don’t want to pledge allegiance to the country go find a better one. Half the crap that said in other countries you are thrown in jail or worse. People are allowed to be Christian just like a Muslim can be Muslim. Enough of bull. Not all white men are trump supporters you fools. You think no minorities voted for him? I’m white I didn’t vote for him. I voted for ben Carson a black man. Melrose was such a great city until the socialists came in the night... WAKE UP!

Re: Paraprofessionals

Off your meds again, huh?

Re: Paraprofessionals

'John' you are a lying, hate-filled fraud.

OneMelrose 'hired a political team from Washington' are you effing serious? No such thing happened. You lie...fact.

'Maya gets on by default'? Actually, that's the rule, she gets on because she had the stones to run for office, unlike you. You could not be bothered to run for office, because you are a coward that would rather pound away on your keyboard and post on an anonymous blog.

Hitler, Koran, Muslims, God, Taymore, Broduer? You forgot the Lindbergh Baby and some BS about the grassy-knoll. I am glad you are 'packing up and heading north because this town is not what it used to be'. First Melrose a city not a town, and I don't know what it 'used to be'? I've been here 40+ years and it has never been better. I suppose the only way it will get better is when you pack up your U-Haul and scram.

Please post a picture of the 'Entering New Hampshire" sign when you drive past it so we'll all know that you are gone. I swing by Beacon Hill grab a bottle of champagne, park my ass on the wall outside city hall with Taymore, Maya, Brodeur, and anyone else that works to make Melrose a better place, and toast your departure.