All everyone complained about was why can’t we open up the Beebe again for MPS use and now everyone complaining because they are 🤷🏻♀️
Yup, you're confused.
Because this is Melrose where no matter what you do, someone will complain that their special group is being disadvantaged somehow. If your kid is so fragile that he or she can't survive a move to a new school, maybe you need to take a good long look in the mirror.
During the time of the previous override and when the modular classrooms were being discussed, the city administration said that it was impossible to reopen the Beebe because of the lease. Somehow the lease is no longer a factor even though it's still in effect until 2021?
If the conversation on the MCG Facebook group is accurate, no one wants to be inconvenienced. Not even a little bit. Everyone wants to have a bunch of kids but have the city accommodate them at all times, in all ways. No consideration for the greater good. Me me me all the way.
There was someone on that group who wanted free preschool for her children! Where is the personal responsibility for taking care of your own children? The ones you chose to have? Sometimes life is inconnvenient, especially when you have kids. Did you not think that you would have to pay for them?
Life isn't all vacations to Aruba.
"There was someone on that group who wanted free preschool for her children!"
Oh, that's rich. I don't think there's a single municipality in the Commonwealth that offers that; there are low-income programs, but not free. Melrose is so never going to be a community whose voters will go first on that one.
I want world pease too.
* * *
To step back: there is no such thing as "free" child care. A general rule of thumb about life: you are very lucky if you get what you pay for (whether you pay by cash, in kind, or by opportunity cost). Child care, definitionally, is very costly for human beings, even if not outsourced. It's built in as a fruit of how we evolved. And there are extra costs to outsourcing parenting. (OK, I grant that some parents are not fit to parent, so for their children, there might be a long-term net benefit if those parents outsourced.) Don't kid yourself, because you can't kid your kids over the long run.
This is not a blessing on the racket that is outsourced child care these days. It's merely a reminder that imagining child care will somehow be "free" is so un-tethered from reality as to command mockery.
Go ahead and swoon over the charlatan/realtor view of Melrose Public Schools if that helps you sleep at night, but don't think you can sell that to those of us who have been paying close attention and looking deeper than the superficial crap of which you are obviously enamored.
My kids were directly harmed by the Beebe closing. How they did it then was shabby, and it's shabby now. I live very close to the school. I'm scared now of the looming traffic nightmare. Parents of preschool and kindergarten kids from all over the city will be dropping them off here - by car. They will clog up the whole area along with all the commuters cutting through to Wyoming. If they do this, it's only a matter of time until some kid gets hurt due to the gridlock and frustrated drivers.
I went to the high school talk last night. They didn't really want to hear the parents. It's obvious the superintendent already has made up her mind without thinking important considerations through. She latched onto anything she could twist to her position. She ignored almost all info which pointed in other directions. She thinks she sees it better than the parents. It's clear she's too isolated to see beyond her office door. It's probably good she's leaving.
What struck me most about the event is how little Melrose government has changed. Those in power only pretend to listen so they can claim they "considered" all viewpoints. They already know what they want to do. Nothing will change their mind short of them feeling nervous about their political future. A prime example is my neighbor, the school committee chair. He felt compelled to speak after every parent, to "summarize" for the camera. Instead, he was constantly spinning. He acted as if he's open-minded, but he couldn't let parents make any point and let it stand on its own. He was always careful to say their points were important ones. Even so, he made sure to tilt the floor in favor of the superintendent's limited viewpoint. You can tell it's all her show.
It was evident he's spent many years honing his craft at manipulating people. He was slick. It felt slimy. It's sad he might succeed with young, unwitting parents. They likely voted for him. They and their kids are his latest marks. He appears not to be able to refrain from manipulating. The more things change in Melrose, the more things stay the same.
As Proakis describes, Melrose government adheres to DAD - Decide, Announce and Defend. No real care for what the community may need or want.
And you people are surprised by this why? People have been trying for years, in vain unfortunately, to make it known how things are done here. People have been trying to tell you for years about Taymore. And this pathetic city actually elected a convicted felon to the SC, who was subsequently elected chair. And most don't have the common sense or decency to be offended by any of this.
So my question for you is this - where the hell were you when something actually could have been done to put a stop to this? You whine and complain now when you finally see it as directly affecting you, when it directly affected you all along.
For years people who dared point these things out to you were called haters, or even worse. Did you stand up for their right to have a different opinion, or were you one of those who just faded into the background because it wasn't you whose character was being assassinated?
So what can be done to stop the decision on the Beebe from being made right now? Serious question.
Whatever Taymore decides shouldn't automatically go through because don't forget, she won't be here to deal with any consequences or fallout so her decision might Not be the best for the city.
Not surprised to hear about the SC chair. A leopard doesn't change his spots. Ever. When people disagree and question, they should not get automatically labelled as haters but their thoughts on the matter should be considered. Why is it that people who know something about education are the ones questioning?
Did Beebe find another location?
Bring back the Beebe k-5 and bring back neighborhood schools.
Can anyone explain to me the reason Melrose went away from neighborhood schools? I don't have the slightest clue.
Is the SC voting tonight on what to do with Beebe?
Their communications plan isn't designed to communicate actual truths.It about money .Beebe school no money to spend.It might be about money they lose and that would be income for renting it out.Nobodys renting it.So what is that number for renting at this time?The city makes money by renting it out.If its empty not being rented.ITS LOSING MONEY BECAUSE THE COST IS GOING UP TO MAINTAIN AN EMPTY BUILDING.
No, it's going to be used for overflow 8th graders from Boise, Idaho.
MELROSE, MA — The Beebe School isn't expected to be available for Melrose Public Schools until the 2021-22 school year after its current occupant informed the School Committee it will not be able to break its lease.
The School Committee said Friday evening on Twitter it "will move forward in our deliberations with an expected occupancy date for the Beebe of School Year 2021-22." The School Committee had spent the last couple months planning to have the Beebe for the 2020-21 school year.
The city's plan to reclaim the Beebe was contingent on the SEEM Collaborative finding a new home for the final year of its lease. The SEEM received two proposals to move, but apparently was unable to find the right fit.
The SEEM pays $250,000 in rent. Last April's override included money earmarked to replace the lost rent in the event the SEEM moved out. It's not immediately clear what the plans are for that money.
The delay may be a favorable outcome for a School Committee that in December put off an expected vote on what to do with the Beebe after the community expressed displeasure with how the process was taking place.
The delay also assures the incoming superintendent will have a strong say in what happens to the Beebe. Superintendent Cyndy Taymore said she will retire at the end of this school year.