Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
Your comments (original poster/anti-superintendent ranters) are ridiculous. This superintendent is trying to do a good and decent thing, which is more than one can say about the "war against halloween" brats in this immature, white-privilege town that is an utter embarrassment. Not one of those spoiled brat parents railing against the "stealing of traditions" ever stood up for the Metco student whom the criminal prior superintendent told to "go back to the plantation." Now they have their collective panties in a knot over the most stupid of things. The values in this darned place are completely inside-out and upside-down. Shame on any of you who think you are standing up for anything of value! You are an embarrassment! Go grow up, put on a mask, get vaxxed, and try to think about caring for things that actually should matter to you!
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
And "Sensible Parent" goes off on the typical "I'm so progressive and you're so racist" rant one would expect from the self-loathing but constantly virtue signaling left. Glad to see you were able to include almost all the buzz words one would expect from the stereotypical suburban liberal.
What "good and decent thing" is it she is trying to do - subject the city to national derision? Check!
She may be a fine Superintendent, but tossing grenades into the tent during your first year on the job neither encourages unity nor puts a good face on inclusion. Perhaps the idea deserves some consideration, but even if you believe it was a "good" thing, I don't think anyone would consider it "done well."
If the "values in this darned place are completely inside-out and upside-down" then nobody's holding you here. Hard for you to believe, I understand, but perhaps it's your values which don't match up with the city's. While all are welcome, perhaps it's time for you to climb down off the cross and reassess your choice to live here.
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
Thank you, Mr. Kenney! You are correct!
SoxBoy continues to be the nasty troll that he is.
If anyone needs to take criticism for poor communication and lack of transparency, it's our school committee and city council, who've now limited Public Comment/Participation even more than it already was, to 3 minutes. They are the ones who allowed two totally depraved former superintendents operate with full impunity, in fact praising them at every turn and giving them lavish raises. They also hired this one, who has demonstrated some backbone and integrity, which they clearly don't like very much because it means she is willing to take an unpopular stand if it's in the best interests of her prime constituents--the students.
This superintendent is also willing to do the right thing, even if it causes the silly outrage witnessed at this ridiculous non-issue--the "war against Halloween." There are plenty of reasons parents should be outraged, but this is absolutely not one of them! Shame on all who are so shallow in their values. This isn't about "tradition" or "virtue signalling." And sadly, Melrose is showing its true racist, pinhead "values" with its "shock" and immature reactions right now.
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
Soxboy: If you knew and understood anything about how this district, and in fact how the city itself systematically treats those of color or any deemed "other," you would not need to ask your question.
The U.S. Office of Civil Rights sent a comprehensive finding of systemic racism after a 2-year extensive investigation. Since that time, not only have things not gotten better, they have gotten substantially worse, and not because of the new superintendent, who, from all indications, has been trying to rectify the massively problematic situation.
Your ignorance and lack of respect for such matters is apparent in everything you write. I'm surprised in fact that the managers of this board haven't yet banned you, but maybe that's a smart decision, since you reveal so much, not only about yourself, but also of the dirty and utterly bigoted underbelly of this community, when you post.
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
This should have been prefaced with:
Soxboy: If you knew and understood anything, OR CARED, about how this district, and in fact how the city itself systematically treats those of color or any deemed "other," you would not need to ask your question.
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
Dissenter: How pleasant! Particularly humorous after a rant like yours when you wonder why I'm not banned from the site. I seem to have hit a nerve. Once again, the buzzword bingo hits are fast and furious: "systematically", "Other", "systemic racism", "bigoted". I also enjoyed your characterization of people and things you apparently don't agree with as "ignorance", "dirty", and "utterly bigoted".
Nice job!
Again, I never mentioned race in criticizing the Superintendent's letter. I agree it's a tough job, but I believe even she would admit the Halloween thing was unhelpful to her overall agenda - which I hope betters the school system. You and another poster threw the racism card, I assume because calling any deviation from suburban pseudo-progressive dogma "racist" is your only tool and when your only tool is "racist" everything appears to be racism.
Tuesday's Virginia election loss, as well as the tight race in NJ, should be seen as the beginning of the end for the base-pandering politics practiced by the far left and the far right over the past decade or so. Good riddance, it's time for the center-right and center left to reassert dominance and get this country working again.
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
Soxboy epitomizes so much that is just offensive and harmful for all of us.
That "centrist" argument is pure bunk. What would qualify for center-anything right now would have been considered EXTREME RIGHT and FASCIST even by Ronald Reagan standards (and the facts are there to spell this out, but the effort in this case isn't even close to being worthwhile, since these kinds of people who spew this kind of nonsense aren't reasonable people).
And as is so often the case, this kind of individual is so limited in his thinking that he can't see his own forest for the trees. He wouldn't be able to understand the concepts around privilege, racism, systemic, or any of it, even if the crayons were the fat ones for toddlers.
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
Ugh - I was a (Bill) Clinton Democrat. For your information, and apologizing for not being able to present it in HTML, I present the 1996 Democratic Party platform
Its prime tenet "Opportunity. Responsibility. Community. These are the values that made America strong. These are the values of the Democratic Party. These are the values that must guide us into the future"
These concepts are anathema to today's statist, woke-racist progressive wing. However, that was the center in 1996 and remains the center today
Now for the 1996 Republican Party Platform, with the same apology for plain text.
It's prime tenet: "This is what we want for America: real prosperity that reaches beyond the stock market to every family, small business and worker. An economy expanding as fast as American enterprise and creativity will carry it, free from unnecessary taxes, regulation and litigation. This is what we want for America: the restoration of self-government by breaking Washington's monopoly on power. The American people want their country back. We will help them to regain it."
Now, honestly, which party has moved farther off their 1996 platforms - Republican or Democrat?
Please stop tossing terms like facist, privilege, racism, systemic, etc. around like confetti. You sound like you just got back from Camp Mao. While I'm sure these words play well in the denunciation sessions you and your insular bubble love so much, they're slogans not facts.
If the Democrats continue to let their religiously woke progressive wing dictate their political philosophy, the Trumpists will win again in '22 and '24. I assure you, I don't want that but if it should happen it will be posters like those above that allow it to happen.
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
People you need to wake up fast. After the blow out in Virginia's election it proves Racism is DEAD! This president needs to resign and he and his administration has to move on from attacking Trump and his family. This is all about tearing apart Trumps great work and the HATE from the left to hurt him for 2022. Biden lied the day he took his oath on Unity. The Biden camp only knows how to laugh and it's insane to hear.
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
Ugh - I was a (Bill) Clinton Democrat. For your information, and apologizing for not being able to present it in HTML, I present the 1996 Democratic Party platform
Its prime tenet \"Opportunity. Responsibility. Community. These are the values that made America strong. These are the values of the Democratic Party. These are the values that must guide us into the future\"
These concepts are anathema to today\'s statist, woke-racist progressive wing. However, that was the center in 1996 and remains the center today
Now for the 1996 Republican Party Platform, with the same apology for plain text.
It\'s prime tenet: \"This is what we want for America: real prosperity that reaches beyond the stock market to every family, small business and worker. An economy expanding as fast as American enterprise and creativity will carry it, free from unnecessary taxes, regulation and litigation. This is what we want for America: the restoration of self-government by breaking Washington\'s monopoly on power. The American people want their country back. We will help them to regain it.\"
Now, honestly, which party has moved farther off their 1996 platforms - Republican or Democrat?
Please stop tossing terms like facist, privilege, racism, systemic, etc. around like confetti. You sound like you just got back from Camp Mao. While I\'m sure these words play well in the denunciation sessions you and your insular bubble love so much, they\'re slogans not facts.
If the Democrats continue to let their religiously woke progressive wing dictate their political philosophy, the Trumpists will win again in \'22 and \'24. I assure you, I don\'t want that but if it should happen it will be posters like those above that allow it to happen.
Who cares if you worked on the Clintons platform. He and his wife are the ones that started the Russian spying. Thanks to the Durham report coming out and more to come!!!
Re: Halloween Celebrations Canceled in Melrose Schools
It is what it is .This is Melrose.Yes we can change things at what cost.Maybe we all should be honest with yourself is key to living life to the fullest.No apologiess, no regets. Being honest with yourself. Is good for all.Growing and being self.To live the truth,Start by Being Honest with Yourself.