I'm not sure what, but something reminded me of this while I was watching the "talking heads" endlessly babble on about who's to blame for the latest failure to negotiate. OK, enough lecturing... back to my question.
Do you remember the days when the voters in Melrose would get together and decorate their cars with the signs of their political selections?
That's right, Melrosians would decorate their cars and drive all around the main streets and side streets of Melrose in groups including as many as 20 cars, honking their horns, whistling, screaming and flashing the lights on their 1950's and early 60's vehicles in support of Eisenhower (I Like Ike), Jack Kennedy (not John), Governor Volpe, you name it... just pick a candidate, a year, and a name?
I had no idea why adults were doing this but it was really cool to watch.
Now that you mention it, I remember people having their cars painted white with the candidates name painted on it. I often wondered if any of the losers reneged on having the cars repainted.
I DO remember that OG. Fascinating how memories like that just sit 'hidden away' until something jogs them free. Please never hesitate to share them when it happens!
to Old Guy, Geezer and others in this section (Melrose Seniors)by. I have moved to another town and therefore feel that as I no longer live here, I don't have the right to comment (even though I am a senior). It has been fun reading your various comments and periodically making a comment myself. Even more enjoyable were the memories that came rushing back as I read some of your articles. I may still drop in occasionally, to read some of your articles and rekindle some of the memories that have been long dormant in the back of my mind.
I'm sorry to hear that RATT, but I understand. I know I'm going to miss your posts so please, please do stay in touch occasionally if you can. This "Seniors" string has slowed down considerably but every once in a while something.... maybe a sunspot..... or an unexpected shift in the axis of the moon..... causes one of us to have a memory fart and boy is it fun to analyze and feed upon the memories of others, even if for only a day or two.
I suspect I speak for all of us in saying that we want to continue to "hear from you" no matter where you live. Your additions to our discussions have always been interesting and informative, and I for one see no reason why moving to another City/Town should change that.
Whatever you decide, I thank you and wish you the best.
Must be a guy thing.... You guys didn't get all sentimental when I stopped posting.
You stopped posting?
Now, now, now, just kidding
But seriously Remembering, weren't you the one who broke the Marshmallow story? I think I can speak for "all us guys" by saying that that story about the Marshmallows was a pretty big deal..... for a girl.