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Oh my goodness (my mother used to say that instead of the shorter phrase).

The Red Sox finally win a World Series, at Fenway no less (first one since 1918) and not a single post of congratulations! Not even a "way ta go Papi"!

This is absolute proof that (except for me) this board is completely filled with Nerds! There's no other explanation. Shocking! But then.... I think we all knew it anyway.

Oh and hey Papi! Way ta go!

Re: Nerds

Sorry Old Guy, but in all my excitement last night, it must have slipped by my aging brain that Papi monitors this message board religiously and this would, therefore, be the most appropriate place to congratulate him.

Re: Nerds

Well now Thank You "Hooray". Papi doesn't hang out here as often as he used to, but I do run into him from time to time at Jessel's Grill in Malden so I'll pass your congratulations on to him next time I feel like going out for a nice cold 50 cent mug of beer.

Re: Nerds

Oh my gosh! Jessel's!

Re: Nerds

Which one is Papi? With those RIDICULOUS beards, they all look the same to me!

Re: Nerds

Which one is Papi? With those RIDICULOUS beards, they all look the same to me!

Are you referring to the Jessel's clientele or the team, Geezer? Because there are a lot of beards at biker bars too.

Re: Nerds

To answer your question OG........yes.

And on a completely unrelated item, are the places that advertise they are open "24/7" closed for one hour today?

Re: Nerds

Thanks for that, um, clarification on my question, there Geezer.

And regarding your question..... It's funny you should ask since I for one, have always dreaded the possibility of being on an airplane at 37,000 feet and looking at the cockpit door as the pilot and co-pilot come out, sit down and ask the stewardess for a nice cold beer, since their 8 hour maximum flight time has been reached.

And here's a real "pet peeve" of mine.

I really hate having to set the alarm clock for 2:00AM so that I can get up and reset all my clocks. Why did they set the change time at such an ungodly time and why aren't more people complaining about this?

And what the heck is a peeve anyway?

Re: Nerds

A peeve is a rare wingless bird found exclusively in Madagascar, although there is a subspecies that was, until the late 19th century, found in Australia. It is now extinct.

Re: Nerds

A peeve is a rare wingless bird found exclusively in Madagascar, although there is a subspecies that was, until the late 19th century, found in Australia. It is now extinct.


Ok, admit it now. Say " aye " if you went over and Googled "peeve", just in case there really was a peeve you could keep as a pet.

Here, let me start it off..... " aye ! "

Re: Nerds

I assume that EVERYTHING I read on Melrose Messages is true.
I also assume that the padding on all the walls in this new room I have is only temporary.

Re: Nerds

Ok, Geezer, here's what you do...

Slowly look over your shoulder and then look down towards your... um... lower back, ya... thats it... And then tell us if you see a pair of handcuffs.

Re: Nerds

You can tell any lie, however idiotic, if it has a basis in fact which makes it believable. Madagascar split from Africa millions of years ago, and since then has been off on an evolutionary path all it's own, as has been Australia and New Zealand, where they have the kiwi, and had the extinct giant moa, which grew to about 12 feet tall.

There is a contemporary example. Peeve/politician. Both are outright fabrications.

Re: Nerds

You sound like a smart fellow, Peeve. Maybe your knowledge of evolution can help me out on a question I've had for a while.

I've been watching all the excitement on "the other side" of this board today. Do you know if it's true that politicians who become the target of ridicule, will in fact eat their young?

Re: Nerds

That's a very good question. I hope not, and as far as I know, neither Obama or Bush has done so.......yet.

Re: Nerds

Just a thought. Although I suspect it has to be completely illegal, since there is a list of exactly who did vote (because they crossed our names off) and therefore who didn't, wouldn't it be interesting if "someone" made that list, and gave it to a candidate as the only 20% of the populace that had to be targeted in an election. That would certainly save time, money, and energy [:D].

Re: Nerds

For some reason, I get the feeling that someone is already doing it and we just don't know. That's probably the reason so many dead people vote in Chicago.

Re: Nerds

In disguise again. You can get a list of every registered voter from the elections office in City Hall. It's public information.

Re: Nerds

Yes, my dear, I understand that.
What I was musing about, however, is a list of those people who ACTUALLY VOTED.

Re: Nerds

Opps! Brain fart. Sorry my dear. Ya know...I'm going to call the elections office and find out. I think you can get that information too. Actually that list may just BE the folks who voted. I can't remember. Last time I ran for SC ( and lost dead last as my fans always love to point out LOL!) John got me the list.

I'm guessing that's what the likes of Katherine Clark uses. God help us all! I know I'm usually late to the party...but I'm always incredulous that being a politician and running for office has little or nothing to do with what you actually BELIEVE. It's all about pandering to what you think everyone else believes. (notable exception CKK and Jerry)